101 Design Ingredients: A Recipe For Lean Startup In Large Organisations



I take a recipe from my latest book and show how real life work examples (ingredients that make up the recipe) work together to create a wonderful recipe to help large organisations apply Lean Startup and UX practices successfully. My Book "101 Design Ingredients to Solve Big Tech Problems": Tough technology and business challenges face you at every stage of a project. The one-page ingredients in 101 Design Ingredients show you how to solve problems using practical examples you can apply right away. Case studies explain how leading companies combined these ingredients into their own unique recipes to catapult their businesses, and how you can, too. One page, one ingredient. 101 reasons to become more successful at solving those big technology problems. 101 Design Ingredients will help your technology team identify problems, share responsibilities, and work better together. In parts 1 through 4, you'll find 101 problem-solving ingredients grouped into project stages, to help you apply the right ingredient at the right time. Start at any point and page through the humorously illustrated ingredients until you find one that matches your needs best. The ingredients cover the spectrum your business needs to be successful, with tips on team-building, creating a business model, product launch, productivity, and much more. Each ingredient includes three practical suggestions to get you started right away. In part 5, you'll see examples of how companies can blend some of the ingredients used in this book to solve specific business requirements for investment, innovation, leadership, and more. Each recipe shows how a company fine-tuned six of the ingredients to build their own unique solution. You'll learn how to mix and match ingredients to create your own recipes for success, tailored to your company's needs. The ingredients and recipes in this book can be applied by beginners starting out on their first technology project, as well as seasoned professionals who have been tackling the same big problems for years and need a fresh new approach to problem solving.

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eewei@emoti.vu / @emotivu / Emoti.vu

Recipe 4: Lean Startup in Large Organisations

Eewei Chenme@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com


“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”John F. Kennedy

me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com

Good Design is life

20 years

me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com

no longer exist

no one can live without

Startup Mentality = Survival

me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com

Why 101?

• 101 problems

• 10 Recipes (case studies)

• Light-weight

• Easy to read and apply

• A catalyst

me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com

Lean Startup In Large Organisations

1. Test Your Biggest Hypothesis First2. Slice It Thinly3. Timebox It4. Fail Fast, Fail Often5. Check The Data6. Build Up Enough Momentum

me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com


Teams don’t test often or early enough, making it difficult to fix problems later.

me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com

1. Test Your Biggest Hypothesis First

Fragmented travel services and platforms

Poor mobile engagement


Do it quickly: Identify a big assumption

Keep it simple: Create your MVP

Improve quickly: Learn to improve of pivot

Big Assumption:Connecting useful ancillary services with travellers via mobile can make money

me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com


Companies waste time creating really complex features no one wants.

me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com

2. Slice It ThinlyMobile First Deep Dive Happy Path

Start small: 1 platform, 1 section or 1 holistic experience

Do what’s necessary: Features that would break “it” if not there

Test quickly: Lo-fi remote usability testing

me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com


Teams spend too much time discussing ideas without making any decisions.

me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com

3. Timebox It

Set meaningful objectives: Decide what absolutely has to be discussed and why...

Have shorter meetings: Start short and get another meeting if you need to rather than filling in time

Validate quickly: Ask someone who matters = proof it works! (or doesn’t)





me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com


Many companies are still too risk-averse: over-analysing & making incremental changes that don’t make a difference.

me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com

4. Fail Fast, Fail Often

Learn from failure: Why didn’t it work before?

Provide frequent updates: Learn and test it again...and again

Recognise failure: Don’t beat that dead horse





me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com


Companies don’t monitor customer usage closely enough to see what’s really going on.

me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com

5. Check The Data

Assumptions• Super nav drop down• Quick tasks• Simplified IA

Testing• 3 Remote usability tests

Sky.com Super Nav

Have assumptions to test: What’s the problem and what can fix it?

Monitor change over time: Analyse and compare cohort behaviours

Don’t make things up: The facts are the facts

Problem• Usefulness of info• Clarity of info• Ease of finding info

me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com


Organisations launch substandard products because they have hard deadlines to meet.

me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com

6. Build Up Enough Momentum











Keep the fire burning: MVP done? Now improve it!

React to market and trend changes: Technology, Culture, new opportunities...

Go small: ... but often and test and learn!

focus on mobile

me@eewei.com @ultraman 101DesignIngredients.com

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