10 biggest 3 d printing inventions



Inventer 3D printing - Chuck Hull (75) is the co-founder, executive vice president and chief technology officer of 3D Systems.

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10 Biggest 3D Printing Inventions

Inventer 3D printing - Chuck Hull (75) is the co-founder, executive vice president and chief technology officer of 3D Systems

1. 3D printerFor methods of printing 2D parallax stereograms that seem 3D to the eye, see lenticular printing and holography.

2. Indian Inventor Creates Photography for 3D Printing

Indian technical engineer Balaji Tammabattula says he has created a system that can scan and take photographs of real-world objects simultaneously and then translate that image directly into a 3D printer-friendly format, no software required.

3. Inventor uses 3D printing to design and create Bit-BlocksToy blocks and other construction toys might not be as flashy as battery-powered robots or video games, but these toys may help children develop motor skills and hand-eye coordination, a capacity for creative, divergent thinking, spatial skills, social skills as well as language and math skills in their later life.

4. Greenville inventor holds patents for first 3D printers

Bill Masters is an inventor, a boot strap entrepreneur as he cayou could start shooting out something and let it crash into and put another one and another and another one."lled himself. "One day I thought well you know if you had a place to stop it that would be a seed point. Then

5. An enormous 3D printer creates a whole table

One of the recent projects by BigRep was to create two advanced BigRep 3D printers to 3D-print design for Exploration Architecture’s show – ‘Designing with Nature’. The whole process of adjusting, checking and printing all the exhibition piece lasted for two months.

6. Printed meat

The co-founders of Modern Meadow, Andras and Gobor Forgacs, also developed the company Organovo, which tested 3D printing in prescription medicine, and human tissue.

7. the footsteps of -Dan WatsonHandie is an affordable prosthetic hand with inbuilt sensors that can read brain signals. All its parts are easily modified and made using a 3D printer

8. Ryan Brooks’ 3D printed Iron Man helmet shines with servos and lights

Ryan Brooks’ plastic helmet contraption has integrated accelerometer and battery powered servos. This unique set-up helps in opening and closing the servo operated face plate by just nodding your head.

9. 3D Printing: 3D printed rostheticsAn inventor from Yorkshire could be on the verge of revolutionising the prosthetics industry – by using 3D printing techniques to create lifelike ears, eyes and noses.

10. 3Doodler 3D Printing Pen

You're too talented to just draw in two dimensions - kick it to the next level with the 3Doodler 3D Printing Pen.

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