Advnaced portfolio evaluation final

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Brogan Wiggins

In what ways does your media product use,

develop or challenge forms and conventions of

real media products?


My product use techniques and conventions from real media texts. I did my research on types of adverts such as Presentation, Narrative and Demonstration. After doing the research I was able to apply what I had learnt to create an advert that followed the conventions of advertising in order to sell my product. However I looked more specifically at Car Adverts and how the conventions differ. As a general rule the editing of an in adverts' is fast with a range of 12 to 15 shot in 30 seconds this short period of time doesn’t allow a lot of time to connote meaning. The types of cuts in advertising are also important as they generally use a straight cut, with very few dissolves or fades.

I chose the shots for a reason, using long shots to denote the car arriving at a destination or the use of close ups to denote specific aspects of my product or the owners emotions. This is the same for the advert shown in the print screens where they have used extreme long shots to show the cars capabilities over different terrain. The use of shots also was similar in both adverts to keep the continuity throughout my adverts but I also had to decide on the shots for my TV Sponsorship where I included some of my footage from the adverts and extra footage not used to create my TV Sponsorships that would use similar shots to show some specific points about that car to help promote the product.

It is a common convention for Car Adverts to use a voice over. However I was able to develop existing texts to create a Voice Over that suited the purpose of the product. BMW “It’s only a car” I found this voice over diminished the importance instead of connoting the cars importance. Therefore I was able to develop the voice over to that it would fit in the conventions of a Voice Over as it needs to grab the audiences attention as well as being upbeat. A voice over is to connote a products desirability and purpose this has been done in the M&S advert however I needed to develop something that was up beat and interesting. I found my self developing the typical conventions of a Voice Over to create something that would also work as a narrative for the advert. These are the inspiration for my Voice Over and my own narrative styled Voice Over.

Narrative “It’s Not just a car”

“It’s the journey to work”

“It’s the weekly shop”

“It’s the time spent with your kids as you take them too school” “It’s Life”

Many adverts follow a very conventional narrative that tells a story throughout. However I wanted to take conventions of both the narrative and voice over and remix them to create a narrative that would work for my product. In affect I used bricolage to recycle old forms I did this to create a narrative in which allowed me develop typical conventions as I was combining a voice over into a narrative. I found that the narrative was effective in creating a list of events much like a story and paired with the voice over connoting the cars importance related to each event.

Conventional car adverts generally denote the car in some form of situation and being able to solve the problem better than any of its

rivals. This also included technology as it is a very important factor to connote in car advert. However I decided I would keep to the more

conventional car advert by introducing a range of situations that my car would be able to handle therefore connoting its versatility.

Conventional Screen Shots

Following Conventions

These are some screen shots how my main texts following the traditional conventions of a car advert. By using a close or medium shot of a situation, then capturing the drivers emotions and then overall outcome of the car being capable of fulfilling the situation.

On one hand I was following the conventions of a traditional car advert by creating a situation or purpose that the car was able to use in connoting its capabilities. However I chose to challenge this convention as I found in my research it was

massively used therefore becoming slightly ineffective. In addition to challenging conventions traditionally found in a car advert by having a multiple of situations that the car was able achieve, for example commuting to work, on a road trip,

weekly shop or a romantic date. As well as challenging the typical conventions of a car advert I found myself developing others to create my Ad.

I took a typical convention from food adverts that connote a range of offers

or foods throughout the advert.

I was able to create an advert that was unique in its construction by challenging typical car conventions and also developing food conventions. I paired this with my narrative as I was able to set up situations in which the car is able to exceed expectation. By adapting typical conventions of one type of advert and challenging others I was able to produce an Ad that connoted all of the cars capabilities, of versatility and family orientated. My target audience understood the intended purpose of the text by recognizing the fact the list method taken from the food adverts paired with the narrative, then challenging the conventions of creating situations in the advert. My target audience benefited from my combination of challenging and developing conventions as they were able to recognize the adverts purpose of its versatility.

Conventionally car adverts use the last 5 seconds of the advert to display their logo and slogan therefore promoting the brands image. I looked at a range of previous adverts that followed the typical convention of denoting the brands logo.

I found that it was ineffective and could be developed so that it related back to the product or what the audience had viewed. I wanted to achieve an ending that would ensure the viewers leave with the message imprinted in their minds. I tried to do this by dividing the screen into 4 with the three main sections of advert being denoted as well as the brands logo. My aim was to create a brand page that summed up all aspects of the advert as well as relating it back to the brands logo and name.

My interpretation denoting the brands display page.

An aspect of my advert was to be up beat and up lifting, I achieved this by the use of quick paced narrative. However my advert was lacking substance and needed something extra, one option was to add a Non – Diegetic sound track. This is not a typical convention of Car Adverts, I felt it would be worth while adding an up beat and happy sound track to follow the theme of the advert which will enhance the ability to keep the audiences attention throughout the duration of the text. I found that this convention was worth while to challenge as it allowed for my Ad to have a rhythm that worked in relation to my narrative. The audience feedback proved that they also benefited from the use of challenging the conventions as they were able to determine the purpose and key aspects of my text and campaign. The up beat sound track worked in tandem with the quick pace narrative and the fast pace of editing, this helped my advert to flow, more refined in comparison.

In my TV Sponsorship research I found that many sponsored ads will incorporate aspects are related to the channel or programme the viewers are watching. I felt that many of the TV Sponsors were branding their product in relation to the programme this is a convention I wanted to challenge.

Fruit-Tella – "Odd One In" on ITV

TV sponsorship adapts their featured products for example Fruit Tella, and advertise it in such a way that it would create a direct relationship to the sponsored programme. Fruit Tella was able to do this by using the product to symbolize people in the programme.

This was a convention I wanted to challenge as I wanted to create a message that remain constant in all my text and found keeping to the basic conventions of TV Sponsorship I would be unable to do this.

To maintain the message of the texts I decided to create the TV Sponsorships in a way that they would denote the key aspects of the car. However I would make sure the construction of the TV Sponsorship would fit the channel I was sponsoring, I met this convention by creating a car Ad for motor based channel. Unconventional as Sponsorship Ads don’t generally take similar aspects of adverts, that will connote the products importance.

TV Sponsorship challenges conventions carrying on to advertise the product and its capabilities in a similar fashion to the main adverts. Instead of following the conventions of using your product as a tool in relation to advertising the program.

Large Logo denoting brand

Discrete placement of Sponsoring Dave

Product still the focus of TV Sponsorship

Convention of “Dave’s” TV Sponsorship Ads.

Product being centered and use of close up connoting importance. Discrete

placement of Sponsoring Dave

Kept to the convention of my TV Sponsorship Ad finishing with the product being the primary purpose, with product placement and sponsoring the channel in a minimal way EG Only text.

I have constructed a conventional Radio Ad as it explains and creates scenarios in which the product is able to excel. My research proved that many Radio Ads do this to generate a buzz about the product as the audience is unable to see the product, it follows the form of a demonstration Ad as it shows that the product perform its given functions as described in the text, and then how to obtain the product at the end of the Ad. I decided to follow this convention but by using the same layout of narrative as my main texts, this was effective as it allowed me to maintain continuity throughout all my texts, but also meant I was able to generate situations which my product was well suited too. I used non – deigetic sounds to create an atmosphere, so that it would grab the attention and was more likely to engage with the audience. I decided it could be beneficial to try and challenge the radio conventions by adding aspects of a demonstration ad which generally give details of the product such as deals or test drives. This kept my audience engaged with the text right to the end. I found this was effective as 75% of the audience was influenced enough by the radio ad to want to take the car for a test drive. I challenged the conventions and made them work in advertising my product.

How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary


For the combination of my main and ancillary texts to be effective I need to ensure that their was synergy throughout all media texts so

that they could be viewed as a campaign and would work a more effectively together rather than signally.

One way that I was able to create synergy throughout the texts was with the use of shots. I tried to use a range of similar shot distances and angles. This was important, as it allows the audience to recognize and connect the texts.


These shots are similar in their construction as they are shot from the same position creating similarities throughout the texts. In addition to creating the same mid shot in different situation I also included them in several of my texts, this was to create the much needed continuity throughout the texts.

I used my knowledge of shot angles and distances to create meaning an purpose in the texts, as I needed to convey a similar meaning

throughout all my texts.

The first TV Sponsorship in its self denotes versatility as you are able to see a range of different people using the vehicle. I further connoted the versatility through a range of close ups, medium shots and two shots. I used the range of shots I did in both my main texts and ancillary to connote he happy emotions when driving, but also to denote the

cars capabilities of having a large boot or the nice features of the car such as the wheels which will add to the USP. Used the same range of shots to connote the same

meaning and purpose through all the texts, however the TV Sponsorship also connotes the cars key features such as the versatility with a range of drivers as I have a

combination of specific shots one after another that all connote the same message.

Denoting the car has a large boot space throughout all the texts.

Connoting the cars luxurious features, in both the main texts

and ancillary texts.

To connote the drivers happy emotions, with the use of a close up. In both the main text and ancillary text.

Pace of editing steady through all texts, this is a convention that I need to maintain throughout so that the audience would be able to

associate the individual texts to my brands camping. I had challenged the pace of editing in my main texts by having around 12

shots within the 20 seconds this dramatically faster than the conventional 12 shot throughout a 30 second Ad. As the pace of editing was noticeably quicker I tried to maintain this convention

throughout all of my texts I was able to do this and keep the continuity. I was challenging the conventions of a both TV

sponsorship and Radio Ad as they generally use a slower pace of editing this meant my editing needed to be precise and accurate for

the audience to understand the intended purpose of each text. Audience Feedback

I asked a question in my audience feedback to see whether or not the audience would agree I have created a combination of effective

texts. I was glad to find that 100% of my feedback agreed that I have produced the texts in a way that the audience was able to

notice the continuity and synergy.

Mise – En – Scene was a massively important factor to maintain synergy through all 5 texts. I wanted to ensure that the car was centered in the every shot as it was the primary purpose of the texts. Although in the

second advert the vehicle owner is in some ways more important to the car as it denotes the diversity of drivers.

Screen shots displaying Mise – En – Scene throughout all texts

I have used the screen shots as they denote how precise my use of Mise – En – Scene was in ensuring that the car was always centered or in the

foreground. As well as this I needed to take lighting into account to make sure that the brightness was consistent in all texts as it was very

visible on the car, even when filming in the rain to connote the cars “can do attitude” I edited and changed to brightness of the footage so

that they remained consistent with the previous shots.

Lighting very consistent

Text & Logo

I had entered the logo at the end of the main texts I wanted to maintain the consistency between the main texts and ancillaries texts. A key convention of car adverts is to add the the brands logo at the of the text I wanted to use this convention to my advantage as it would allow me to help continuity and have synergy in all texts. In addition I placed the logo so that it was in a similar place through out all texts this was another stage of effectively combining my main and ancillary texts.

I used the same text style and size in all texts, this is something my audience may not pick up on. However it is the small details as using the same style fonts that ensure that my texts have exactly the same convention as well as maintaining continuity.

Narrative I followed the exact same style of

narrative in both main texts and the Radio Ad. I did this by creating a voice over than could also be used to tell a story. Additionally I needed something that I could adapt depending of the advert, this was a perfect outcome as it meant it as able to change the situation but keep the structure. I was able to use the narrative in both main texts but simply changing what happened. In the case for the Radio Ad I was able to use the exact same narrative, this became symbolic of the brand with a can do attitude. The viewer would be able to associate the narrative with the majority of the texts maintaining the viewers ability to recognize all individual texts as a campaign.

“ It’s not just a car

It’s the journey to work

It’s the weekly shop

It’s the time spent with your kids as you take them too school

It’s life”

“ It’s not just a car

It’s a romantic date

Its getting to the concert on time

It’s a road trip with your friends

It’s life”

What have you learned from your

audience feedback?

Reaching The Audience

I created the questionnaire on Google Docs as it allowed me to link the form to a large audience that consists of friends and family on Facebook and

Twitter. I needed to look back on a previous questionnaire for my research on what my target market would like from the advert as well as the product to be advertised. However as this had been created at school I found it was incredibly biased and narrow minded towards a young audiences wants. I knew I wanted to create an advert about cars therefore needed to reach a wider audience, an older generation that will use a car and be my primary

target market.

I found that I had fallen into a similar trap when creating a questionnaire on my final texts as I was broadcasting the questionnaire to a young audience on social feeds. To resolve this I went about ensuring that I asked an older generation, preferably ones with families and adventurists. Additionally

another aspect of my feedback that may hinder the accuracy of my results was the amount of responses I received. Although I had put the link on social

networking sites and sent emails multiple of time I only received 4 responses. This is not an accurate representation on how a mass audience

would interoperate the text and respond to my questionnaire.

I decided to base the questions around the aims of the text which were to create an advert that would invite and denote how the BW Aida is able fit any situation of the families daily life. However the second advert is to connote the cars capabilities in fitting any drivers life style. As this was the aim of the adverts I was targeting an audience that was 17 and above, mainly family oriented but also will be targeting a range of adults that need a versatile vehicle. I wanted to see whether or not I had achieved my aims of the advert and used the questionnaire to see how successful the campaign was.

Would you watch the whole duration of the adverts while watching TV?

I thought it was important to find out whether not my intended audience would even watch the entire advert, as if they wouldn’t it would defeat the objective of creating an advert that made the viewers want the product.

I was glad to find that the majority of my target audience would watch the whole duration of adverts this meant I had successfully created my texts so that the intended audience would find them interesting.

If you answered No to 1.a please expand on why ?I added a second section to the question to the question to find out why the viewers would either watch my advert or the reason why they wouldn’t.

As I had used social networking sites to get my responses I had some of feedback maybe negative or inaccurate due the wrong audience viewing the texts. The

feedback was very useful however as I found that many viewers whom are of a younger generation do not watch adverts at all, more so would not find a family car advert interesting to them. Therefore my product is trying to reach a more

specific market than I had originally thought.

What was the campaign trying to connote about the car?

After assuring myself that the majority of viewers would watch my texts and actually give their full attention. It is an argument that mass media audiences are passive and are easily manipulated by what they see in the media, this is a key feature but also an issue in advertising. As the advert it to sell and promote a product therefore it is to influence the audiences opinion about the product, by connoting what it is capable of. I therefore did this question as a test to see whether or not my audience would influenced by the connoted meaning of my campaign. I was happy to find that all participants had realized my product was connoting its versatility and multiple uses, as I had based the idea of one of my adverts around the cars multiple uses. However the audience was unable to pick up on the campaigns family orientation. This was a problem as it was part of the campaign as meant that the first advert was lacking meaning as the audience was not recognizing the intended message.

The TV Sponsorship is a way to advertise the car for a motoring audience. Have my TV sponsorships done a good job of advertising the key aspects of the car in the small time they are shown?

This was a test of my editing skills as my Sponsorship Ad is relatively fast paced. Therefore I needed to make sure that my text was denoting all the key features to the audience. I found that all participants agreed it did a good job, however It was not enough to just say yes I wanted to know why it had worked. Therefore I added the question –

Please justify why?The results confirmed what I expected from my TV Sponsorship. I was able to receive very positive feedback in relation to how the TV Sponsorship denoted key aspects. This was a conventional feature generally found in Sponsorship Ads as they are not used in aid of denoting the product use. “Because they show a few quick scenarios of what the car is capable of without giving too much detailed info which can become tedious” This response sums up my Sponsorship as I wanted to give the audience a preview of the product using a quick pace of editing to briefly denote key aspects that have been shown in the advert. I was glad to find that all participants were able to understand what was intended by creating the TV Sponsorship in the way that I had.

After watching the Advert Campaign did you feel there was continuity throughout?

I was creating a campaign I needed to make sure that the campaign was consistent and maintained continuity throughout.

My results proved that I was able to use a range of conventional adverts and unconventional ones in a campaign and still keep the continuity. The reason for this was down to the same aspects being used in all adverts, which followed conventions of the main adverts but challenged and developed the ones in the TV Sponsorship. I used the same footage throughout the campaign I feel it was this aspect that allowed the audience to see the connection in my texts as they were able to recognize similar shots and angles in all texts. I was happy that the campaign was able to keep continuity throughout as it is an important aspects of producing a successful campaign. TV SponsorshipAd 2Ad 1

Listening to the Radio Advert did it make you want to find out more about the car or take it for a test drive?

The idea of the radio advert was to entice the audience and give them a taster of the car making them want to find out more and possibly take one for a test drive. I was happy to find that the audience wanted to find out more about the product and would be willing to take the car for a test drive. This meant my radio advert was meeting the demands of my audience as they were interested enough and wanted to find out more.

Do you feel my product would be suitable to sponsor a motoring channel?

As I had created a motor related campaign it was vital for me to be able to advertise my brand on specific channels that were motor related. As this was

going to give me the best chance of generating interest in my product through an audience whom is interested in cars. Therefore it was appropriate

to find out whether or not the audience thought the TV Sponsorship Ads would be suitable to sponsor a motoring channel. I received 100% positive feedback, which was encouraging as meant my adverts were more likely to

be watched and interacted with if the audience were interested in the products and watching a related channel.

Were the Ads engaging to watch?

I had created the narrative so that it would be up beat and engaging to keep the audiences attention focused on the advert. Additionally I had added an lifting Non – Diegetic sound track to connote the up lifting mood, additionally my adverts use a rather unconventional fast pace to keep the audience engaged. It was beneficial to find that my results had confirmed my attempts of challenging and developing conventions to create this up lifting and engaging text. This meant the audience was more likely to watch the whole duration of the advert if they had found it engaging enough due to its construction.

To finish the questionnaire can you suggest any possible improvement's or possible errors not asked in the questionnaire?

This was not something I had even though of but it could have been an amazing shot to finish the TV Ads with. However I could have used the idea of breaking the 180 degree rule for the TV Sponsorship as it would have been a great way of showing all the cars aspects. Also the use of a 360 degree shot would have allowed me to connote the cars importance as breaking the 180 degree rule is not a convention normally broken.

“I think some of the text in the adverts could be better positioned and transitioned, they are a good way to advertise but it could have been done better, overall though a very good advert, perfect continuity and well produced.”Editing is one of my main issues and is a skill that really needs improving, so I am not surprised there is an improvement about the editing on the TV Sponsorship as I was trying something very ambitious. I was personally happy with the out come of the text, but have realized it could be improved with my feedback picking up on not being as smoothing as it should be.

In the audience feedback I was glad to find that the majority of results were positive in creating effective texts that use, challenge and develop conventions of real media products. In certain cases I am happy with the results as my two main Ads received very good feedback as they have connote the correct message, but also how I was able to develop the conventions of the TV Sponsorship while still being able to denote all of the cars capabilities, whilst fitting the channel it is sponsoring in my case reaching a more specific audience as they would be interested in most types of motoring. As well as taking into consideration the improvements to my texts, this is both in things that could have been changed or improved but also to my personal skill and improving certain aspects to ensure a high quality of work is produced.

What the Feedback Means

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation


Planning & Research

To film the adverts I used an HD camera this allowed me to get the

highest quality footage possible as I am really fortunate that my school

offers such good equipment. In addition to this I was using a trip so that I was able to get perfectly still shots that are also level no matter

the level of surface. As shown in the image the surface is not level but I was able to set the tri pod in such a

way so that the shot would still remain level. If I was using a camera

with a tripod I would have been unable to get such a level and precise

shot. All this good equipment has allowed me to get some good quality

and level shots that I would have been un able to achieve this level by


Tri Pod set up to be level even on an unlevel surface

Adobe Premiere ProI used Adobe Premier Pro in my AS project but this year I used Adobe Premier Pro CS5.5 which is the newest software option available. There where many new options on the up to date software although I did not use the extra options I found this time using the software I was more confident and understood the settings and variables that were part of the program so that it would be appropriate for my adverts. I had to ensure my editing was precise so that I would capture the correct footage as well as ensuring that I maintain the flow and rhythm of the advert. For this I decided to to practice filming and editing to ensure I was prepared and ready when I began to edit my final texts.

Practice Filming / Editing.

Ensuring it was fast pace editing being parallel with the Non – Diegetic sound track.

In preparation of using new software to create the adverts I used Web 2.0 to get some background information on the software that I will be using. Additionally I looked at a few tutorials on how to use the software, I used this to brief myself on what I have to do when creating adverts. I then went back to these tutorials in the making process of the adverts so that I was refreshed and was able to use the software correctly. These tutorials were mainly focused on learning to use PhotoShop and GarageBand as I had not previously used either of these software options.

Personal Development

The New Software

I used Garage Band to keep continuity the teacher recorded my Voice over for all adverts. This was

the best way to record it also meant that I was able to edit the track so that I was happy with the

outcome before importing it to Premier. I was able to cut the

recorded track so that it would fit the my advert perfectly but also

add a fade to the voice over at the end of each section. Adding this

fade made it sounds more appropriate in my advert, allowing

me to take my campaign to the next level. These new technology

options helped get me there.

Photoshop was program that I used to create the logo for my product, Photoshop allowed

me to create the best result possible but also offers the most options when creating the

logo. I used the tutorials to help teach me the skills need to use Photoshop, but my teacher knows a lot about the software and many of

my class mates study PVA so I was surrounded with able bodies who I could refer to when stuck. Using this software allowed me

to create my logo on a transparent background, but also have a massive range of texts that aren’t on many similar software’s. Additionally I wanted to create a circular logo with the text centered and a outline around

the edge of the circle this was made possible using Photoshop having layers allowed me to

have different aspects of the logo on the page.

I found the planning of the storyboard very hard as I was unable to draw some of my possible shots and feel happy with the details which would ensure that they were self explanatory, I then took a few still pictures of the locations of certain shots and then drew on top of the photos, I also used Photoshop to add construct lines to allow me to get my distancing right.

To My Advantage In the research stages of my project I used the Web to allow me to analyze the many existing adverts and to gain information about the common codes and conventions of adverts. This was something I may later decide to use, or challenge or develop depending on my advert style and purpose. I used Youtube the majority of the time to analyze the existing media texts, I was able to embed the videos on my Blog ( I then used the blog to analyze existing texts which helped me develop my own work. Youtube allowed me to research all the media texts in the advert project, this ranged from 2 x 30 second advert, 2 halves of a TV Sponsorship and radio advert. I used this in my research as I searched types of adverts, narrative, presenting, viral advertising etc I was able to use this sites to aid me summarizing my research which was referred back to in my creation of the adverts.


I used technology through out the project even when creating the evaluation as I wanted to reach the broadest audience and receive the most feedback on my media texts. I then posted links to both my questionnaire and adverts on social networking sites like Facebook & Twitter where I was able to receive feedback from friends and family.

Google Docs allowed me to create a questionnaire that I was able to link to friends and family through social networking and email. Online I was able to generate a lot of audience feedback within a short period of time.

Google Docs was an excellent addition to creating the evaluation as I was able to create a questionnaire which was online therefore I was able to edit it. This was a more efficient way of getting feedback as I didn’t have to print the questionnaires

out and try to get people to watch the adverts whilst filling the questionnaires out at school. The audience was able to view it in there own time and to fill out the

feedback from, Google docs automatically creates a Pie Chart diagram showing the results.
