9 Pass assesment task 1 golf Mitchell Battistel

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  1. 1. Golf By Mitchell B
  2. 2. Skeletal System The major bones in the Skeletal System are: Skull Ribs Humerus Spine Radius Ulna Pelvis Femur Fibula Tibia
  3. 3. Types of bones in the Skeletal System Long bones are longer than the width of the bone and are the bones of the limbs Short bones are round in shape or cubed . They are short and wide. Flat bones can vary in size, but their main feature is being very thin in one direction. Irregular bones have a shape which doesnt fit the pattern of the long, short or flat bones. Sesamoid bones are the bones that form after birth inside the tendons that run across joints.
  4. 4. Types of joints in the Skeletal System Fibrous joints in the Skeletal system include the Sutures in the skull , the Coronal Suture connects the Parietal and the Frontal Skull bones. Cartilagenous joints are partially movable joints consisting of Symphyses or Sychondroses joints Ball and socket joint is a round surface of bone which fits and moves with in a cup shape. Saddle joint is a Biaxial that allows movement on two planes which is Flexion, Extension, Abduction and Adduction .The thumb is the only structure in the human body with a Saddle joint .
  5. 5. Location of joints from the Skeletal System
  6. 6. How they are involved in the body movements of the Golf In golf the Skeletal system is used. The Skeletal muscles are connected to 2 different bones by cords of connective tissue which is called tendons. When the muscle contracts the bone stays stationary and then a fixed point is formed, while the other bone moves around the fixed point. Most Skeletal muscles act as a part of a lever system, with levers a heavy load can be moved with less effort than necessary , the golf swing consists of six separate movements which all acts with lever-like actions. The goal of a swing in golf is to get the club head to move fast , this requires 6 separate movements which operate simultaneously .
  7. 7. How they are involved in the body movements of the Golf The key to a powerful swing is to perform all movements correctly and on a synchronized basis, at this stage power is coming from contraction speed and flexibility. The wrist muscles are connected at one end of the bones in the hands and fingers, it is also connected to the two bones in the forearm , ulna and radius. When contracting these muscles it enables both hands to function as a lever around the wrist joint, it acts as the fulcrum and enables the hand to move a load. In golf you have to rotate your forearm at the elbow . The arm can bend or straighten at the elbow. The forearm is also rotate clockwise and anticlockwise at the elbow . Rotational movement is caused by muscles near the top of the forearm. They attach the bone to the Humerus and to the Ulna and Radius in the forearm. This means they operate across the arm which allows the rotation.
  8. 8. Muscular System https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ec5Hvjavi sU Down below is a video of he muscles being used in a golf swing. It also shows when the muscles are used and you can see for how long each muscle is used for.
  9. 9. Identify the major muscles and how they are used in golf The Skeletal muscle is the only voluntary muscle tissue in our human body. Every physical action requires the Skeletal muscle. If you didnt have any Skeletal muscles you wouldnt be able to walk , speak or write . One of the things that the Muscular system controls is motion (walking ,running ) . Motion requires the legs in your body. Another thing the Muscular system control is heat production which maintains your body temperature . The final function of the Muscular system is maintenance of posture which keeps your body upright and making you able to sit and stand. In golf your swing is like a lever system. There are different types of classes for levers depending on the position of the Fulcrum, effort and resistive force.
  10. 10. Identify the major muscles and how they are used in golf There are 3 main classes for the lever which is 1st class,2nd class and 3rd class. 1st class is when muscle force and resistive force are on different sides of the Fulcrum ( the head resting on the Vertebrae column as the head is raised the facial proportion of the skull is resistance .2nd class is when the muscle force and resistive force act on the same side as the Fulcrum, with the muscle force acting through the level longer than that through which the resistive force acts - e.g. raising the body up onto the toes. The body is the resistance, the ball of the foot is the Fulcrum, and the effort is the contraction of the calf muscle. The 3rd class is when the Muscle force and resistive force act on the same side of the Fulcrum, with the muscle force acting through the lever shorter than that through which the resistive force acts - e.g. Adduction of the thigh.
  11. 11. Identify the major muscles and how they are used in golf The weight of the thigh is the resistance, the hip joint is the fulcrum, and the contraction of the Adductor muscle is the effort.
  12. 12. Identify the dominant muscle system. EG: fast- twitch or slow-twitch fibres and explain the reasons for your choice. The dominant muscle system in golf is the Muscular system . The Muscular system is the dominant system for golf. The Muscular system is used because of the lever systems which is the part of the golf swing . The different types of classes are depending on where the muscle and resistive force are located, For example the 1st class lever is when the muscle force and resistive force are on different sides of the Fulcrum. In Golf slow twitch is used because 18 holes on a golf course doesnt require you to sprint to the ball every time it requires you to calmly walk so this is why it is a slow twitch.
  13. 13. Energy Systems in Golf
  14. 14. Compare the contribution of each energy system to movement in Golf , Explain reasons why In golf the contribution of each energy systems is different to other sports. The use of energy is used in a golf swing. The results are down below and compared to various different sports .This is because Golf is not classed as a full on sport compared to Rugby league or Soccer . Golf is a leisure sport fit for all ages. This is because Golf only requires you to swing and hit the ball compared to Soccer where you have to chase the ball and kick the ball.
  15. 15. Outline the response of the Circulatory and Respiratory systems to exercise in Golf . I.e. describe what happens in these systems when the body exercises Circulatory system is a good indicator of overall capacity which allows you to do more work and to burn calories. Even though most Golf courses require you to have a cart which might make you feel fatigue on the last few holes . If you are walking you will most likely suffer greater loss unless you have a moderately high Cardiorespiratory fitness . To improve your Cardiorespiratory it is recommended that you do aerobic conditioning which will take 20-30 minutes, 3 times a week, it can vary from walking, jogging and cycling . To improve your Cardiorespiratory quicker you should do exercises like fast walk,75% jogging or even sprinting
  16. 16. Outline the response of the Circulatory and Respiratory systems to exercise in your nominated sport. I.e. describe what happens in these systems when the body exercises Respiratory system is a very important thing to have while playing sport because without it you cant breathe. The respiratory system is your Mouth, Throat, Nose, Larynx ,Trachea , Bronchi and Lungs. All athletes are required to have a good Cardiorespiratory system because they will most likely get injured or face fatigue which can lower motivation and mental awareness .In Golf you are required to walk from hole to hole which if you arent breathing properly it can result in fatigue . Any Athlete who prepares well will most likely not face any of this and will end up performing well
  17. 17. Hydration plan While playing Golf it is recommended that you: Drink 500mL of cold water 1-2 hours before starting Drink another 500mL of cold water 15 minutes before you start Every 10 minutes of playing drink 150mL of cold water Per hour drink 1L of cold water Drink 500mL of cold water after you finish your game
  18. 18. Hydration considerations and advice to keep safe from the heat To wear lose-fitting clothes To avoid direct exposure from the sun Dont take salt tablets (makes dehydration worse) Better to drink cool water than ice cold water Dont drink soft drink/juices while playing golf Drink sports drinks ( helps regain energy)
  19. 19. Bibliography 18/2/15 http://www.innerbody.com/image/skelfov.html 18/2/15 http://www.cancerindex.org/medterm/medtm6.htm 18/2/15 http://www.livestrong.com/article/87489-types-joints-skeletal-system/ 22/2/15 http://1www.generallyeclectic.ca/guidegolfswing.pdf (used chapter 2) 22/2/15 http://www.hawaiianshirtray.com/anatomy-physiology/skeletal-system-bones- joints-connective-tissue 25/2/15 http://www.innerbody.com/image/musfov.html 25/2/15 http://www.brianmac.co.uk/physiolm.htm
  20. 20. Bibliography 4/3/15 http://www.eightlimbs.com.au/coachs-cnr-dan-on-fast-slow-twitch-muscle-fibres/n 9/3/15 http://www.exrx.net/ExInfo/EnergyGraphs.html 9/3/15 http://www.realmagick.com/energy-pathways 11/3/15 http://www.golfdigest.com/blogs/the-loop/2011/08/fitness-friday-stay-hydrated-i.html 11/3/15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ec5HvjavisU 11/3/15 https://books.google.com.au/books?id=T9xelA2VuK0C&pg=PR14&lpg=PR14&dq=the+response+of +the+cardiovascular+system+in+golf&source=bl&ots=KAkmqR_Wl9&sig=PErpyOB1Pfnq2pGnB7- Xpkd6bG0&hl=en&sa=X&ei=5uT_VN2VIon18QXU8YCwCg&ved=0CCQQ6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=the %20response%20of%20the%20cardiovascular%20system%20in%20golf&f=false (book) 16/3/15 http://www.brianmac.co.uk/physiolr.htm