Youth up rising spring retreat[1]


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Youth UpRising Spring Retreat


Youth UpRising Spring Retreat


Sharing- Who Are You??

Personal TransformationTo connect HumanityFor Solidarity across Race, Class, Gender, Age,

Sexual Orientation, Appearance, Etc.

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

HUMANITY Fundamental Western Ideas: Ontology- The basic categories of being and their relation

4. Competition against forces of Nature5. Technology as Civilization6. Life is Material7. Seperation between Mind Body8. The Law & Property over Community9. Good & Evil10. Victim & Perpetrator11. Economics of Currency representing Worth

Static units of measurement with fluctuating value

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

HUMANITY Cardboard pieces:How does the picture reflect oppression in society?

What is the opportunity for Transformation?

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

HUMANITY Epistemology: How do we know what we know?

Western view of the world?4. Objective scientific observation vs. Religion5. Constructs of the State6. History, documentation, heirarchy

Indigenous Worldview?9. Subjective scientific observation with Culture10. Ritual, Myth, Narrative11. Interconnectedness of all things and their relation to life and


Youth UpRising Spring Retreat


Understanding Transformation

Paradigm Shift• Subconscious belief: poor Black kids rise up means White

middle class kids get oppressed, lose power• Poor Blacks kids rise up means Humanity is awakened in society

and ALL kids are transformed by the lessons learned

Reality Transformed9. Transformation of societal & cultural values, ontological

assumptions and epistimological beliefs 10. Humanity faces a new (old) challenge…

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat


Reawakening Humanity through societal redesign.

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat


“Get up on some GAME!”

-Olis Simmons

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

Frameworks for TransformationTHE YU FORMULA FOR CHANGE

Youth UpRising

Personal Transformation + Systems Change = Community Transformation

Community Transformation Powered by Youth Leadership & Development

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

Frameworks for TransformationPEDAGOGY OF THE OPPRESSED

Paulo Freire

Main Points• Oppressor & Oppressed are inextricably linked• Freedom is indispensible- obtained through praxis which is

informed action, balance between theory and practice• Banking education dehumanizes teacher & student- Learning for

what? For liberation.

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

Frameworks for TransformationCRITICAL RACE THEORY

Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings

Main Points6. American was founded by a White Supremacist regime (slave

owners) • American Society based upon Whiteness as property &

prerequisite for Rights reinforces through Law• All issues in education: Achievement gap, discipline gap,

also know as the opportunity gap stems from a flawed institution, NOT a defective culture of the “other”. (Why “Educational Lynching” title)

• White supremacy is a virus- Racism is the disease. (Tim Wise grandmother)

• Interest convergence- Brown vs. Board

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

Frameworks for TransformationINSTITUTIONAL NURTURING

Macheo Payne

Main Points6. Founding of new institutions and transformation of existing ones

with the Ontological premise of:

Humanity as the fundamental “property” That all possess unconditionally. It cannot be granted or revoked.(rather than individual or group attributes (whiteness, wealth, power, etc.),

land, material possessions, legal rights, ownership concepts, etc.)

2. Instititutions are therefore organized to function as a supportive, caring, respectful agencies that value and facilitate Humans supporting and caring for each other authentically.

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

Frameworks for TransformationRADICAL HEALING

Dr. Shawn Ginwright

1. Urban ConditionsExodous of jobsEmerging crack cocaine economyDecline of Black radicalismHistorical & contemporary racism

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

Frameworks for TransformationRADICAL HEALING

Dr. Shawn Ginwright

1. Urban Social ToxinsInterpersonal

Violence, fear, shame, uncertainty, nihilism, loss of controlStructural

Poverty, family dislocation, lack of access to health care, racism, poor-quality schools, (police brutality, housing discrimination, environmental racism, legal racism, etc.)

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

Frameworks for TransformationRADICAL HEALING

Dr. Shawn Ginwright

1. Radical HealingCareCommunityConsciousnessCulture

Agency, hope & optimism, resistance, personal transformation, struggle against racism, sexism, homophobia, classism, political & social awareness, solidarity

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

Frameworks for TransformationRADICAL HEALING

Dr. Shawn Ginwright

Through Community & Civic Action - Power & Control


Social movements, collective action, liberation, freedom from oppression, freedom to create, social justice, peace

CommunityCommunity solidarity, collective consciousness, community power, civic action, relationships, trust, social capital, community thriving

IndividualPolitical & social consciousness, hope & optimism, voice, freedom to create, resistance

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

Frameworks for TransformationLEADERSHIP JAZZ

Max DePree

Leadership Jazz emphasizes symbolic forms like story, metaphor, and music. The symbolic frame, drawing on social and cultural anthropology, treats organizations as tribes, theaters, or carnivals.

It abandons the assumptions of rationality more prominent in the other frames. It sees organizations as cultures, propelled more by rituals, ceremonies, stories, (s)heroes, and myths than by rules, policies, and managerial authority. Organization is also theater: actors play their roles in the organizational drama while audiences form impressions from what they see onstage.

Problems arise when actors play their parts badly, when symbols lose their meaning, when ceremonies and rituals lose their potency. We rebuild the expressive or spiritual side of organizations through the use of symbol, myth, and magic.

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

Frameworks for TransformationLEADERSHIP JAZZ

Max DePree

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat




Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

Youth UpRising Bombingham, AL

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

Youth UpRising Oakland, CA

Moms at 23rd St Community Center, Dr. Small, ODAC & Mark Comfort, Lowdnes County

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

Youth UpRising ZULU Nation

African Independence movement inspired by Black struggle in U.S. Malcolm, Patrice, Kwame, Nelson (Ghana 1957 inspired by Garvey & DuBois- who moved to Ghana

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

Youth UpRising Nubia/Kemet

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat

Youth UpRising Oakland, CA

Youth UpRising Spring Retreat
