We are the future now



Focused Moment for October 30, 2011 for West Hill United, www.westhill.net featuring photos from the Occupy websites as well as my own work.

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It seems so far away and indistinct -

a horizon we can’t imagine ever reaching.

And yet, here it is.

The future that once was

is now being lived out amongst us.

We are the moments we shied away from.

We are the nightmares we let come true.

We’re possibilities never envisioned.

We are promises left unmet.

We are the freedom we took for granted.

We are the power we didn’t grasp.

We are the courage we failed to muster.

We are the chances we never took.

We are the way we got here.



We’re also … moments we’ll yet walk into.

We’re every dream that’s yet to be.

We’re possibilities that still can happen.

We’re promises that we will keep.

We are the courage we’ll need tomorrow.

We are the power yet to be claimed.

We a

re the freedom

that we can offer.

We are the

chances we’ve

yet to


We are the way

we’ll get there.

We are the future now.
