Trust jesus.aug mag



I hear many people saying that they trust JESUS; however do we really? If there is anyone; any person worth trusting; JESUS is the perfect person to place all our trust in. I hope that this months magazine will give at least one reader the ability to trust in JESUS.

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Some years ago; I came to realize that it was important to me that I know JESUS by all the names that HE was known and called by in the Word of GOD. This would help pull some loose strings and tie them together in my growing and learning so that I could begin to see the entire picture of where JESUS was in the Old and New Testament.

In this month’s issue; I wanted to cover trusting in JESUS. Beginning with Deuteronomy 1:21; here JESUS is known as ADONAI which means that HE is the LORD GOD. JESUS promised that HE was going to give the Israelites some land which they could call their very own and it would be their home. Here we see HIS promise has been kept. All HE asked them was to not be afraid; not be discouraged and not be fearful. Because as always; HE was going ahead of them.

However, I'm certain that when some of you read this you may have said or thought that you would have just done what GOD wanted you to do and trusted. Well, what circumstance or which issues matters in your life that you don’t trust JESUS with right now; today?

We can find countless scriptures that will help us with our lives and yet we are too afraid to obey and follow through. We don’t trust because we don’t believe; we don’t believe because we don’t know the application of HIS Word. And then we see and we are still afraid; we still don’t believe and we still will not trust.

In Isaiah 43; ADONAI/JESUS says HE is the one who redeemed us. So if we believe, if we trust that JESUS has redeemed us; which means that it was HE that purchased us back from the hands of the enemy with HIS most precious blood and body. The payment was rendered in full; nothing owed. We have been recovered which means that we have been restored back to our rightful standing. Our deliverance from the consequences of sin has been fulfilled perfectly.

JESUS has a regard for us so much so that HE values us; HE honors us all because HE loves us. Don’t be afraid; trust in JESUS. We don’t trust in JESUS because we don’t believe we have anything to witness about HIM. However, HE said that we are HIS witnesses. JESUS chose us; we did not choose JESUS. And why did HE choose us? So that we would just know, trust and understand in HIM.

JESUS said that HE is “I AM”, HE is the beginning (Alpha) and HE is the end (Omega) beside HIM there is no other deliverer. JESUS is the one who has

(1) saved;

(2) declares and

(3) proclaims us openly.

And yet, there are some who want to love HIM quietly; to worship HIM quietly; to acknowledge HIM quietly. Shame on those of you.

Trust in HIS beginning – John 1

JESUS is the Word of GOD and the Word of GOD became flesh. This made me question well what was HE before HE became flesh? HE was the Beginning (Alpha); HE is SPIRIT and the SPIRIT is GOD; HE is Creator. No one and nothing can deliver from what is in HIS hand not hands but just HIS hand. HE is the Holy One; the Most High; the KING.

Our past, present and future

I'm always catching much flack when I suggest that we stop dwelling on our past disappointments, frustrations, hurts, injuries, lusts, mistakes, performances, resentments, situations, traumas, weakness and even our ancestral history. Regarding our ancestral history; I don’t mean that we are not to research and learn so that we can appreciate what others have gone through so that our lives could be better. Even the bible is historical facts for us to grow and learn from. However, we are not doing this; we are dwelling in ancestral past hurts and wrongs. Isaiah 43:18 makes this so perfectly clear for us. JESUS is the one who removed our sin not for HIMSELF but for us and HE does not remember our offenses so why are we? We need to trust JESUS.

HIS name

In my lifetime I have heard some parents name their children some names that made my eyes squint because I could not pronounce the names. Now, I just wonder what the heck was on their minds. Was the pain of labor just that great that the time to name their child was too taxing for them? I just don’t get it and neither do they. So we come up with names of kids who don’t have vowels in their names or they are named after automobiles; foods; countries; states; names of streets and so forth. And then when asked what the name means; you either can’t deliver a meaning or you make one up. When an expecting parent will take a minimum of the nine months to think of the name in which the child will be called for the remainder of his or her life. There is the consideration of what we are calling into destiny throughout that person’s life. Names have meaning, every name in the bible has a meaning and we see that for the most part each person walked according to their name; their name fit their character. I'm sure if some of you will look up your name you may find that your character is related to your name.

It’s the very same with JESUS; no one better fulfilled who HE is by what HIS name is. JESUS met each and every requirement of what HIS name is to the fullest. And when we truly know JESUS and I don’t mean just know HIS name or HIS reputation like some of us may know the reputation of a neighbor, co-worker or fellow student. But do we really know the individual? When we really know JESUS and HIS name we will trust in HIM; we will realize that we have not been abandoned; left alone by HIM and when we look for HIM; HE will make HIMSELF known to us. And we can trust in HIS grace.

Take some time for yourself and research all the names of GOD; then research all the names of JESUS. You will find that JESUS fulfills HIS name as GOD and SON of GOD to the fullest.

Right here is just a good place as any to place this magazine down and talk with JESUS and let HIM know that you trust in HIM; that you are acknowledging that HE is your GOD or that you want to have HIM to be your Savior and GOD.

Safety in HIS grace

Did you know that the grace of GOD surrounds anyone who will trust in JESUS? Hmm, who does not want the favor of GOD? To be continually blessed day in; day out; going in; going out. Expecting, not expecting; I mean to just be drowning in GOD’s abundant grace and know it; this is apart of GOD’s joy. The grace of GOD is worth trusting not just for now but forever.

JESUS is our place of safety; our hiding place. JESUS is our protector; JESUS covers us; we say we have another’s back but JESUS got us completely. JESUS is our GOD and we can trust in HIM. 2 Chronicles 20:20 assures us that when we trust in ADONAI/JESUS we will be safe. I don’t know about you but I trust JESUS better than myself and any security system I could give my money to.

Trust in HIS healing

I am very attracted to the healing scriptures found in the Word of GOD. I find myself reading and building my faith often. Today my flesh have symptoms; however, I know and I believe and most of all I trust the Word of GOD to be true. There are times when I’ve gone through circumstances in my flesh that doctors have said that nothing else could be done or that they could manage my care through narcotics. I refused the narcotics and I expect doctors to be limited; they are humans we all are limited. However, I am the daughter of the Most High GOD and HIS name is JESUS and HE said that I am healed. So if JESUS said that I am healed than I am healed.

HIS Word confirmed that HE took each and every sickness and disease onto HIMself on HIS very own flesh when HE was nailed on that cross at Golgotha back on Calvary two thousand and fourteen years ago. So because I believe this to be true; it does not matter how my flesh feels; I know that I am healed and I walk in my complete health. I continue to speak healing over this wicked and disobedient flesh of mine until it comes into line with the Word of GOD.

A couple of years ago I began a test; you see I love to watch television but I dislike commercials and commercials are nothing like they were when I was growing up. Today they are filled with subliminal messages of sickness and disease. Like I mentioned; because my flesh is being disobedient; I spend lots of time going back and forth to medical appointments and what I’ve noticed is that the medical staff is quick to ask the patient if they are suffering from anything that television commercials are advertising.

So here is the test I began to give myself; all my life I’ve heard that there is a cold and flu season. And without fail like so many others I got a cold and or the flu. Now, remember; there is no cure for the common cold and though we can take precautionary vaccines for the flu; there really are no cures for the flu either. So a couple of years ago when I began to see the first commercial for a cold or flu; I began to mute the television. I noticed that the entire cold and flu season went by and I never once had even a sniffle. I advanced to allergy season; now I may still have the occasional scratchy eyes and itchy skin. But I no longer have weeks and weeks of misery of watery, itchy, red, puffy, swollen eyes; red runny or stuffy nose and major difficulty breathing. I tried to share this with others but I guess most people enjoy being miserable.

We trust what we hear over and over again; it’s natural. And this is why it’s so very critical that we hear who JESUS is to us and who we are to HIM. We need to hear in order to trust JESUS without reservation. When JESUS healed many people it was because they trusted that HE could heal them. They heard; they believed; they came to be healed and they saw. We want to see to believe and that’s the wrong order.

Baptism I know so many people like to think

that because of Mark 16:16-17 that being baptized is apart of being saved. Well in part this is true; however, we must understand which baptism this particular scripture is referring to. It has nothing to do with water baptism but everything to do with being baptized in the Holy Spirit. Examine for yourself just how many people and maybe including yourself have been water baptized and yet there is nothing about their life that shows a reflection of JESUS. JESUS described HIMself as being a vine and from that vine are branches. Now JESUS is not a dead vine which means that HIS branches do not grow stunted but healthy and strong to bear forth delicious; good looking; ripe fruit.

JESUS promised that once HE left to return back into heaven that HE would send a comforter and this comforter is HIS Spirit; HIS Holy Spirit and HIS Holy Spirit is the one who teaches; leads; guides; instructs; warns and speaks to us about JESUS; who we are; how we are to live and how we are to obey. He is the one that makes it possible for us to follow through. It was easy for the disciples to follow through when JESUS was with them but once JESUS was gone their hope was gone. Once they were baptized in the Holy Spirit their hope was returned and each and every promise to them was fulfilled in them. It was not fulfilled in their being water baptized. Being water baptized is great and I encourage us all to be so; however, it’s not critical. What is; is to be baptized in the Spirit of the Living GOD; to be immersed in HIM. Trust in this baptism of the Holy Spirit not in the water baptism.

A gift

Every person enjoy that moment when they are presented with a gift. And every person willingly receives a gift with a huge grin; great laughter and a happy heart. The only people who refuse gifts are those who are in disagreement with the one who is presenting the gift. This is the reason why people refuse the gift of salvation. It’s because they are in disagreement with the presenter who is JESUS. They don’t believe that HIS gift will cost them nothing. They don’t believe that JESUS is really alive. They don’t believe that JESUS really loves them. They don’t believe that JESUS truly forgives them. However, John 1:12 assures us that as many as receive JESUS; who put their trust in JESUS and HIS power; JESUS is the one who gives the power to become children of the Living GOD.

Focus on these key points:

Many vs limited

Receive vs reject

Trust vs distrust

HIS power vs our power

JESUS gives vs takes

Children of the Living GOD vs orphans

Before we come to JESUS we are condemned and continually being judged. After we come to JESUS we are no longer condemned and judged. However, if we are not telling others about what JESUS has done and is doing in our lives; how can we show others our trust in JESUS?

In the beginning there is always someone there to open the door for another. Each of us must open the door for others as well. If you live in a building or visit a hotel that has a doorman; the doorman will smile and greet you. He may strike up a small conversation with you depending on his familiarity with the resident.

However, the doorman’s responsibility is not to take you to your door; open your private door; assist you once you are in your dwelling home and make you comfortable. No, his responsibility is to open the door of the building; to entice you to have a wonderful day; to assist you into or out of the building and to call for your automobile.

Having a wonderful day is up to you; walking through the door is up to you; entering and exiting the automobile is up to you. And after you open the door when telling others of what JESUS has done or is doing in your life has been accomplished; it is up to the listener to find out more about JESUS just as the listeners did in John 4:41-42.

The work of The FATHER – Jn. 6:29

Trust in the One HE sent. Trusting in JESUS brings us eternal life; this is what The FATHER desires. Each and everyone of us are eternal; what separates us is life and death. We can have eternal life or eternal death. When JESUS returns for HIS church; HE will gather HIS living, vibrant bride to HIS bosom. Those that HE does not know will spend eternity in hell with satan in an eternal death knowing every sensation imaginable except love, care, kindness, gentleness, mercy, compassion; all the things that are positive which makes us care for others.

A River

Those of us who has JESUS living within us also live within JESUS and likewise The FATHER lives within us and we live within The FATHER. Because of this we have a river dwelling inside of us called living water. But those who do not have JESUS living on the inside of them are dried up in sin. Without the moisture of living water living within; you will die in your sins all because you do not trust in JESUS. To gain the everlasting moisture of living water; you must trust in JESUS.

Resurrection and Life

JESUS is the only person who resurrected without the assistance of another.

Boy resurrected by Elijah through JESUS; 1Ki17

Boy resurrected by Elisha through JESUS; 2Ki4

Dead man resurrected by dead Elisha bones through JESUS; 2Ki13

Dead man resurrected by JESUS; Lk.7

Girl resurrected by JESUS; Lk.8

Lazarus resurrected by JESUS; Jn.11

Disciple named Tabitha, resurrected by Peter through JESUS; Acts 9


People prefer to speak about GOD and that’s okay by me when I know for sure who you are speaking of. People have too many gods and I need to know for myself who you are referring too. This is why I choose to try and keep my references much like JESUS did. When HE spoke of HIS FATHER; HE said MY FATHER or The FATHER. I have been known to use my FATHER; my DADDY or GOD The FATHER. However, my point is my FATHER would not and could not be my FATHER if I do not or did not trust in HIM to give to me HIS SON JESUS.

JESUS is 100% and more responsible for me because my FATHER made HIM so and I trust my FATHER’s decision with my life. Once I came to this realization my stress levels came down. Now I'm not saying that stress does not get the better of me at times because it does. However, when it does; I know how to take my problems straight to JESUS and speak with HIM about them.

I may cry, cuss and fuss because I'm at my wits end. I have to empty myself on HIM and then I will sit and speak with my companion who will ask me; “and what has JESUS said to you or did you take it to JESUS?” So what I'm trying to get across is that because The FATHER trusts in JESUS why can’t we all? Trusting in JESUS will stop a lot of disturbances in our lives.

Being goodI'm always amazed at how people are often characterized by having a good heart. Yet, the scripture first explains that there is no one good except GOD. When being good applies to mankind I’ve noticed for this to be an accurate account you must be filled in the Holy Spirit and trust in JESUS. So if any person is lacking in either of these as nice as a person maybe there is nothing good about a person.

Law vs Grace

The children of GOD are overjoyed because we are relieved to know that all those laws that Moses gave; we no longer have to be shackled to them. I mean can you imagine having your eye plucked out just because you looked at someone the wrong way? How about being killed for having sex and not being married? And there are hundreds and hundreds of others.

However, GOD The FATHER cleared us of all those charges once we came to trust in JESUS. Yes, and not only that but things we had not even thought of doing we have been forgiven of just because they are in our heart and nature to do them. I tell you; trusting in JESUS is worth it, to know that you know that you are forgiven for your past, present and future. To know that you don’t have to repent but the once because repentance is an open shame and we don’t want to do that to JESUS do we? We turn from our sin and our wicked way once; we pledge our allegiance to JESUS once and from there we grow. We fall; we stumble; we get up and we walk on all the while growing in our trust of HIM.

Trust vs Shame

Does love and kindness equal shame? No. And the children of GOD have no reason to ever walk with their heads hung low or to be low in spirit. Our trust in JESUS gives us pep in our step even when things don’t seem to go just right. Now who should be ashamed are those who put all their trust in substance abuse of any kind; in other people; in place and things. There is only one person who deserve our total trust and HIS name is JESUS any other person can have portions of our trust. JESUS delivers to us HIS love and tender kindness and the key word is delivers because to deliver is an action and to love is an action and tender kindness is an action so in essence JESUS is continually showing us just how much HE loves us. And this is why our trust keeps growing in HIM.

HomeWhether you live in a cramped efficiency or an oversized mansion it does not matter; what matters is the occupants and if the occupants all have dark hearts life will be miserable. But if the occupants all have hearts filled with the light of JESUS it’s because salvation has come to that home. JESUS brings about peace without HIM there is only total turmoil and confusion.


Of all the decisions we all have to make in our lives; decisions that will affect our lives long or short term; career or education wise; our home or mode of transportation and to marry and have a family or not. There is no decision more critical than that of deciding the seriousness of our relationship with GOD who is The Creator that must become our FATHER. There is only one and only one way GOD will ever become our FATHER and that is through HIS SON JESUS.

We have to decide if sin and what it produces is far greater than what JESUS has promised will provide. We have to decide if we are really ready to trust a person that we don’t see; that we don’t smell; that we don’t touch; that we don’t taste with a kiss; however, we do hear HIM calling out to us. Are we listening; are we answering HIS call or are we ignoring HIM? Are we saying “Yes, LORD or no lord”. Because we can’t, don’t or wan t to believe that JESUS is who HE is.

Why trust

My testimony for trusting in JESUS is based on my trust of first being saved from the pit of hell away from satan and death. Over the years my trust in JESUS has developed through HIS promises; my deliverances out of circumstances, situations that humans did not seem to know how to assist me in. Situations that seemed impossible. The Word of GOD just does not disappoint; I’ve never yet seen it fail and I don’t look for it to do so. I don’t dot every-I nor do I cross every T. What I'm doing is growing in my trust of JESUS; in HIS Word and as I mature in HIS Word; I get better and better. However, right out of the gate I became righteous in the sight of GOD my DADDY all because of JESUS. That’s right; my spirit was totally changed but my conscience was not; my ways had not developed into the character of JESUS. I was not proficient in the language of Christianiese or churchies or bible. However, just like the moment a new born baby breaks through the womb of his/her mother he/she becomes the heir of all the family has and is seen as the total embodiment of a member of the parents and family. Well so it is for us with our DADDY; our DADDY from the beginning causes us to become righteous in HIS sight because of our trust in JESUS. We are righteous and live accordingly because of our trust in JESUS. Nowhere, have I written that we are righteous because of anything we have done. Well, with the exception of trusting in JESUS that is.

Example setter

Abraham was a good example setter; he was not perfect. He made some bad decisions just as we do. It’s people like him that we need to read about in GOD’s Word to show us that if people like they can get it right with JESUS so can I. Many people want to lean on the Ten Commandments or sling out the most common of the laws that inflict corporal punishment towards another or self righteousness. However, Abraham existed long before Moses did and though Abraham made bad choices; he trusted in JESUS. He left his homeland for an unknown local; he was a self survivor, meaning that he was looking after his own life when he told his wife to lie so that he would not be killed.

Instead of waiting patiently for his heir to come through himself and his wife; he listened to his bickering wife and gladly went into another woman’s tent and got his swirl on.

And yet, at the end of the day; he still trusted JESUS. His story teaches us how his trust grew and how he matured in his trust walk. We are blessed because of Abraham’s gift to trust in JESUS. Because he trusted we are Abraham’s seed; we are heirs according to the promise given to Abraham. We are the children of Abraham. We are the children of trust in JESUS.

Dead, yet I live

Daily, I have to make up my mind that I am going to die to myself. What does this mean? Though I am a nice person; I have some nasty and sinful ways about me; fleshy ways that will want to be satisfied day in and day out. Sometimes they win and sometimes they lose. All depends if I'm about my FATHER’s business and on guard being aware of the enemies devises against me or not.

This I am assured of that because I have died in JESUS that I am also raised with HIM and when HE returns I will be gathered to HIM for eternity. JESUS is always near me; HE is always in my breath and HE lives in my heart. I have no problem placing JESUS in my mouth and proclaiming HIM to those who want to hear and to those who will not listen.

You may not listen but you will hear. I refuse to keep it a secret that JESUS is The LORD and I refuse to keep it a secret that JESUS is my LORD. The homosexuals are not keeping secrets; this is not a slur this is just fact; this is not dislike or hate; this is just fact. And if anyone takes offense to what I’ve written; oh well. The drug dealers and takers are not keeping secrets nor are the alcohols stores and buyers. The prostitutes are not keeping secrets.

So why should any person who claims to love JESUS and claim to be a CHRISTian be quiet or ashamed to make a public announcement that JESUS is The LORD and that HE is the Only Savior for mankind? My heart is filled with JESUS in my trust in HIM and HIS being raised from the dead and that I am also. I am delivered from the hands of satan and hell and death because JESUS said that I am.

How you choose to live

I'm not trying to dictate to anyone how they should live. I live according to my standard and what brings me happiness. I have always been and I don’t see me becoming any different in being old fashioned. I have always been criticized for it. Now, I'm comfortable in my own skin and I relish some of the fashion and styles of the past; the mannerism between men and women; boys and girls. I know it’s possible to trust JESUS and keep your personality; I know it’s possible to trust JESUS and continue to laugh; tell jokes; play games and not take life too seriously. That’s some of the problem also; people are also repelled from JESUS because those who claim to know JESUS look like that have spent months or years living in a vat of pickle juice or vinegar. Their character is so harsh or sour. We want to change people and we need to leave folk alone and let JESUS change people. I'm not a person who goes fishing; however, I have gone fishing and I have seen people fish. And not once have I ever seen the fish jump into the ice chest or fish basket. When it comes to mankind; we want to place them in our own perception of how they should worship; praise; pray and live in JESUS changing their personalities. This is why it’s so difficult to catch people and share JESUS with them because of how we chose to do our fishing. Our bait is awful; it’s not appetizing; fish come to the bait on fisher’s hooks because it smells good; it’s attractive or it’s appetizing. We must show that trust in JESUS is just aromatic; attractive and appetizing. JESUS is the only person who can and will through HIS word that will redirect how another person will attire their body and walk accordingly to HIS commandments. HE does not need our help in this matter. What we can do is train one another in our characters very, very early in our childhood during the toddler stages and throughout the youth and adolescent years. This will be evident in the adult years of what type of citizens through character we are.


Do you have what you consider an important position in life? Great for you. Do you have many valuable clothes; a large or overly expensive home and automobile? Great. None of those things matter to JESUS. You can be as dumb as a box of rocks and as poor as a roach and still be wealthy in CHRIST JESUS. JESUS could care less about our position in our society and what we own because our being able to have our position and wealth are all because of HIM believe it or not. JESUS cares about the appearance of our heart; what does the heart look like? Is it black, cold and hard to penetrate or is it red; warm and pliable. Does it have the look of hatred and evil deeds or does it have the look of love? Our inner appearance comes outward for all to see; so what is it that you are showing off? Are you showing off you or are you showing off JESUS? Who are you wearing today?

A call to action

I want to remind you today that our trust in JESUS produces within us the action to love which at times can be trying. However, none the less we can produce love in action because of our hope and perseverance is in JESUS.


If you get nothing else from the reading of this month’s magazine; get the message to trust in JESUS.

Reference Scriptures: Complete Jewish Bible

Psalms 9:11; 13:6; 31:15; 32:10; 52:10 & 91:2 CJBADONAI = LORD GODGOD is SPIRIT; Jn. 4:24 JESUS/ I AM, Jn. 8:58Jn. 10:28-30Mt. 8:10; 9:2, 22, 29; 15:28; 21:21-22Mrk. 9:23-24; 11:22Lk. 5:20; 7:9, 50; 17:6, 9; 18:42Jn. 3:18; 4:39; 6:40; 7:38; 8:24; 9:35-38; 11:25; 12:44; 14:1,11; 20:29, 31Acts 3:16; 10:43; 11:24; 13:39; 15:11; 16:31; 19:4; 20:21Rom. 1:17; 4:3, 13-14, 16; 10:8-92Cor. 1:24Gal. 2:6Eph. 1:131 Thess. 1:3

AMFBeM is an evangelistic ministry that travels throughout all of America teaching the Good News and introducing JESUS to many. Elder Shawn Briscoe is available for speaking engagements by contacting the office at 888-623-7277; Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

AMFBeM Logo and Magazine are registered trademarks of About My FATHER’s Business Evangelistic Ministry. The entire contents Copyright © 2014 by AMFBeM. All rights reserved.

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