Trent Youth Rally - Youth Advisor Workshop



These are the slides that I used during the Advisor Workshop at the Trent Youth Rally day, October 5, 2104 at Second Presbyterian Church in Roanoke, VA. During my time I talked about ways to work with different personalities young people: prophet/hands, pastor/heart, priest/mind, poet/spirit.

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● brief bio

● context for ministry

● main issues facing your youth

● smell or sound that reminds you of your childhood

GPS Leadership

Helping young people to faithfully navigate the world

GPS Pitfalls

● Rigid understanding of beginnings and endings

● Stagnation methods of travel, possible routes and sites worth stopping to see

● Unilateral map making

● Suppression of creativity

GPS Possibilities

● Nuances along the journey

● Communal guidance

● Flexibility of directions

● Participation in the ongoing guidance of that community.

Challenge to Youth Ministry

● Competing demands on time, energy, focus, etc.

● Societal and cultural issues confronting every day life.

● Overwhelming, choices, possibilities and expectations

Niche culture

Youth leaders must be able to navigate multiple worlds and worldviews.

Some guidance

4 Ways to Navigate the World


● not mutually exclusive

● manifested in all people, exhibited in different ways depending on context, issue, history, mood, etc.

● only one more way to navigate and explore communal life: MBTI, Enneagram, Strengthsfinder, etc.

Prophet, Activist, Doers

Speaks truth to power often taking it to the streets. Not worried about what other people think. Calls the community to a radical faith.

Can be perceived as angry, abrasive, uncivil, impatient, judgemental, etc.

Priest, Academic, Thinkers

Through research, study and worship, lifts up the histories, traditions and foundational underpinnings of the faith.

Can be perceived as too heady, disconnected, etc.

Pastor, Relator, Be’ers

Relationships, conversation and graciousness are key to community. Yearns for faith that embraces difference, diversity and unity.

Can be perceived as nice, too accommodating, etc.

Poet, Artist, Creatives

Through creative expressions, expands our understandings of the world and how to respond -- spoken word, film, song, design, etc.

Can be perceived as abstract and too indirect.

● which are you?

● what is your church?

● what is your youth group?

● think of one or two youth?


The Worldrace, sexuality, gender, class, culture, etc.

Expectationstime, activities, academic, church, etc.

Communityonline, global, school, family, church, etc.

church involvement

Create Instagram account for the church and have youth post.

time overload

More casual and random interactions and conversation.


Talk about race as it impacts school and the community.

technology overload

Model healthy interactions.

high expectations

Shift activities to find harmony and breadth

More casual and random interactions and conversation.

questions and response

● other issues impacting your ministry

● questions for the group

● other helpful resources

● other questions, thoughts, musings . . .
