Things That Make a Church Run Well - Practice


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Things That Make a Church Run WellGalatians 5:7

The Practice That Makes a Church Run Well

Galatians 2:11-20

Introductory Thoughts

To run well, we must practice a certain standard of behavior.

As individuals, in our daily conduct.As a church, in our collective responsibilities.

To run well, we need to look closely certain marks of our practice indicated by our text.

Needs to Be Without Dissimulation – Verses 12-13

Peter and others played the hypocrite.

Jesus reserved his sharpest words for hypocrites – Matthew 23.

Our practice should be what you see is what you get.

Needs to Be According to the Truth – Verse 14

The gospel requires a certain walk or way of life.

The truth of the gospel rather than the works of the law – Verses 16-19.

Christians are not under the Law of Moses – Galatians 3:24-25.

Christians are under a law – 1 Corinthians 9:21 – Romans 3:27 – Romans 8:2 – Galatians 6:2 – James 1:25 – James 2:12.

Needs to Be a Demonstration of Christ – Verse 20

By crucifying ourselves, so that our lives are no longer ours but his.

Paul preached not himself, but Christ – 2 Corinthians 4:5.Disciples must deny themselves – Matthew 16:24 –

Luke 14:33.

Needs to Be a Demonstration of Christ – Verse 20

By letting Christ live in us.

By living by the faith of the Son of God.By abiding in the word of Christ – John 15:5-7.

Christ has no hands but our hands.

Closing Remarks

To run well, we must live genuinely, according to truth, and demonstrating Christ to the world.

Begin now practicing the truth of the gospel by obeying it to be saved.
