The Jesus Nut


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The Jesus NutPhilippians 1:19-21

Philippians 1:19-21 - For I

know that as you pray for me

and the Spirit of Jesus Christ

helps me, this will lead to my

deliverance. 20For I fully expect

and hope that I will never be

ashamed, but that I will

continue to be bold for Christ,

as I have been in the past.

And I trust that my life will bring

honor to Christ, whether I live or

die. 21For to me, living means

living for Christ, and dying is

even better. NLT

I. Paul’s Deliverance

Romans 8:28 - And we know

that God causes everything to

work together for the good of

those who love God and are

called according to his purpose

for them. NLT

Job 19:25-26 - “But as for me, I

know that my Redeemer lives,

and he will stand upon the earth

at last. 26And after my body has

decayed, yet in my body I will

see God! NLT

Romans 15:30 – Dear brothers

and sisters, I urge you in the

name of our Lord Jesus Christ

to join in my struggle by praying

to God for me. Do this because

of your love for me, given to you

by the

Holy Spirit. NLT

Ephesians 6:18-19 – Pray in

the Spirit at all times and on

every occasion. Stay alert and

be persistent in your prayers for

all believers everywhere.

19And pray for me, too. Ask

God to give me the right words

so I can boldly explain God’s

mysterious plan that the Good

News is for Jews and Gentiles

alike. NLT

1 Thessalonians 5:25 – Dear

brothers and sisters, pray for

us. NLT

John 14:16-17 - And I will ask

the Father, and he will give you

another Advocate, who will

never leave you. 17He is the

Holy Spirit, who leads into all

truth. ... NLT

Acts 1:8 - But you will receive

power when the Holy Spirit

comes upon you. And you will

be my witnesses, telling people

about me everywhere—in

Jerusalem, throughout Judea,

in Samaria, and to the ends of

the earth.” NLT

Ephesians 3:20 - Now all glory

to God, who is able, through his

mighty power at work within us,

to accomplish infinitely more

than we might ask or think. NLT

Luke 12:11-12 - “And when you

are brought to trial in the

synagogues and before rulers

and authorities, don’t worry

about how to defend yourself or

what to say, 12for the Holy Spirit

will teach you at that time what

needs to be said.” NLT

II. Never Be Ashamed

Romans 1:16 - For I am not

ashamed of this Good News

about Christ. It is the power of

God at work, saving everyone

who believes—the Jew first

and also the Gentile. NLT

New Oxford American Dictionary

1 Peter 4:16 - But it is no

shame to suffer for being a

Christian. Praise God for the

privilege of being called by his

name! NLT

1 John 2:28 - And now, dear

children, remain in fellowship

with Christ so that when he

returns, you will be full of

courage and not shrink back

from him in shame. NLT

Mark 8:38 - If anyone is

ashamed of me and my

message in these adulterous

and sinful days, the Son of Man

will be ashamed of that person

when he returns in the glory of

his Father with the

holy angels.” NLT

III. Paul’s Perspective

on Life

20... And I trust that my life will

bring honor to Christ, whether I

live or die.

Paul’s Desire >

21For to me, living means living

for Christ, and dying is even


Paul’s Strategy

Colossians 1:15 & 17 – Christ

is the visible image of the

invisible God. He existed before

anything was created and is

supreme over all creation,17He

existed before anything else,

and he holds all creation

together. NLT

Acts 20:24 – But my life is

worth nothing to me unless I

use it for finishing the work

assigned me by the Lord

Jesus—the work of telling

others the Good News about

the wonderful grace of God. NLT

Acts 21:13 – But he said, “Why

all this weeping? You are

breaking my heart! I am ready

not only to be jailed at

Jerusalem but even to die for

the sake of the Lord Jesus.” NLT

Romans 14:7-9 – For we don’t

live for ourselves or die for

ourselves. 8If we live, it’s to

honor the Lord. And if we die,

it’s to honor the Lord. So

whether we live or die, we

belong to the Lord.

9Christ died and rose again for

this very purpose—to be Lord

both of the living and of the

dead. NLT

2 Timothy 4:6-7 – As for me,

my life has already been poured

out as an offering to God. The

time of my death is near. 7I

have fought the good fight, I

have finished the race, and I

have remained faithful. NLT

Be Bold

Don’t Be Ashamed

of the Gospel

IV. Meditation &

