Tai Anderson



Tai Anderson Birthday Celebration 2009

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The things that I have learned by taking part in the

Tai Anderson Birthday Celebration

Happy Birthday 2009

Jean DeChant

A place Tai would like to visit someday

The show he last

watched before

answering questions

which have left so

many of us Lost!!

First full song that you played when learning the Bass was Rock Lobster by the B-52’s. Of course the

group not the plane!!

When it comes

time to

fill up

the family car

he likes to


the local


He is very blessed indeed to have five children whose total ages equal …29

Tai’s favorite Sandwich is also one

of mine! A Gyro is some good food.

His favorite shoe of

choice as he goes for

comfort and style is

Converse Chuck Taylors

Tai does not remember his 6th

grade teacher but I hope that

person has good memories of


His favorite country music singer of all time is

Mr. Willie Hugh Nelson

I Found out that Tai and his wife Shannon got married in September I’m sure he still feels even more blessed to

have such a wonderful women in his life!
