Secret For Love


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In The Name OF Allah, The Most Merciful &


Final Project Oral


Group Members

Ayesha Shoukat

Sadia Nasir

Secret For Love

Definition : Love

Definition : LoveLove is

basically a “Strong

feeling of Affection”

As everyone’s way of perceiving & viewing of life is different so in the same way everyone’s definition of “Love” is different too.

So, lets see what other definitions of Love are :

Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere they’re in each other all along. ~ Rumi

Love is the beauty of the soul. ~ Saint Augustine


Love is patient, Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boost, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always hopes, always perseveres. ~ The Bible

Prayer is…Love’s tender dialogue. Between the soul and God. ~ John Richard Moreland


The best way to know God is to love many things. ~ Vincent Van Gogh

Love is an untamed force. When we try to control it, it destroys us. When we try to imprison it, it enslaves us. When we try to understand it, it leaves us feeling lost and confused. ~ Paul Coelho

True love allows you to be at peace with yourself and with God. That is why Allah says : “that you may dwell in tranquility.” ~ Yasmin Mogahed


There are basically four types of Love in Islam :-

Love of Allah (SWT)

Love of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Human Love

Spousal Love

Types of Love

Love of Allah (SWT)This love leads you to avoid committing sins & also urges you to contemplate all the different aspects of nature that usually leads you to have a deeper faith in the Creator who created all this beauty around us.

Love of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)This love leads you to follow the example of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (PBUH) in all dealings & manners of life and this love is also an indication of the love of Allah (SWT).


Human LoveThis love means that Muslim has to help other fellow men regardless of ethnic, linguistic, or cultural background. This includes love of neighbors, colleagues, relatives & even strangers. It also persuades the Muslim to help anybody whenever he/she can.

Spousal LoveThis love leads the couple to have a peaceful & happy family life, which is the core of the Muslim society.


So, the main focus is on two major kinds of love:

Love of Creation

Love of Creator

Main Focus

Love of Creation

We’re spending our lives running after the creation, because we’re needy of friends & people all the time.

But at the heart of what really makes us run after the creation is love.

Need to give & receive love has been created as a “driver” by the Creator of this universe. And every need created by God, has been created for a purpose.


Driver pushes us back to God. As you see, We began with God, and God wants us to come back to Him in this life even before we come back to Him in the next.

Driver – Created by God. But it takes us towards the creation because we seek it in wrong way and that’s where we get lost.


Why do we run after other people ? Why do we run after the money ? Why do we run after the status or power ?

We run after these things because we want love & respect. And we believe that by attaining these things, we’ll succeed at getting both love & respect.


Human being is hasty, We prefer…. Immediate over delayed Seen over unseen Physical over spiritual We do this because human being is

needy & dependent, Human being is also impatient & weak. We go for what seems closest, easiest, quickest. So, we go towards the Creation.


See, we think that the more we run after this world (Duniya), the more we run after the love of people, wealth, beauty, and status – the more we’ll have it.

More we drown in this false equation, the more we fail at reaching our goal, and the more we miss the true but simple equation of life & love.

More intensely we want the creation itself, the less likely we are to attain it. If it is love you need, and you seek it from the creation, you’ll never “truly” get it or get enough. Anything of the creation sought for its own sake will evade you. And will never fill you.


Love of Allah (SWT)

I’ll explain by an example – Happiness. The more we run after it, the more it evades us. BUT

If we run to God instead, then… Happiness will run after you True success will run after you (Life +

Hereafter) Provision will run after you

“This is the secret formula for which tyrants have burned down cities, and kings have searched the world – but never found.”


In a profound hadith (Prophetic teaching), a man came to the Prophet (PBUH) and said :-“O Messenger of God, direct me to an act, which if I do, God will love me and people will love me.” He said: “Detach yourself from the world, and God will love you. Detach yourself from what is with the people, and the people will love you.” ~ Ibn Majah


Run towards the Creation, you lose both God & Creation. But if you run towards the God, you gain both God & Creation.

He’s (Al-Wadud-Sources of Love) Love comes from God…Not from people.

When you fill yourself with the Source of love (Al Wadud), you become a magnet for love.NOTE :-We all are running. But few of us are running in the right direction. We have the same goal. But to get there, we need to stop. And examine if we’re running towards the Source or just a reflection.


Thank You
