Made in heaven


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A S o h a i l M o h a m m e d i n i t i a t i v e

…a quest to attain heaven!


Made in Heaven

Introduction to the basic terms:For easy comprehension, it is essential to understand the terms to be used in the following presentation and also make you aware of few of the indubitable facts:

Allah:stands for ‘The GOD’ in English.It is preferred to call GOD as ALLAH because it cannot be manipulated like GODS (sounds plural), GODDESS (sounds feminine) and so on. So, Allah would actually mean ‘The Creator of You, Me, and All of which we can see (and the unseen too such as angels)’

Paradise/Heaven:Allah is UNSEEN and so is the Beauty and Gardens of Paradise to the human eye; yet the belief in its existence is important

Day of Judgement/Resurrection:All of the deeds done in this world will be accounted for each individual. None can evade this process and only if you and I please Allah with our good deeds, will we attain Paradise; forever…again the belief is very important that this life is not for amusement but a test for the hereafter to judge whose the best in deeds.

Now, let’s continue…

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Hell/Hell-fire:The above point holds good for Hell too. The belief in its existence is essential too.

This presentation intends to talk about our common parents; someone who are related to Me, You, our neighbors, Our teachers, Our clients, Our friends & foe and ALL the people you could name or think!

In short, they are related to each and every man and women ever existed in this world, the current population and to those who shall live until this world perishes!

They are …

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All of us might have heard about them in our academics or other social gatherings, but –• Do we REALLY know them?• Do we REALLY know the purpose of their creation, if they have any?• Do we REALLY know their first residence?• Do we REALLY know their final destination?• Do we REALLY know the Creator who created them?• Do we REALLY know the limitations of Allah – THE GOD?• Do we REALLY know how all of the above matters to us and how are we connected to the purpose?

All of the above questions, will have answers in this presentation, Insha Allah (God willing)!

slamically, there are enough evidences to prove their existence and the truth behind the creation of human beings.

Allah, our Creator, has revealed this fact, in HIS Guide to Mankind - The Glorious Qur’aan:

And indeed We created man (Aadam) out of an extract of clay

(water and earth).

( Al-Mumenoon, Chapter #23, Verse #12)

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O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, who created you from a single person (Adam),

and from him (Adam) He created his wife [Hawwa], and from them both He created

many men and women; and fear Allah through Whom you demand (your mutual

rights), and (do not cut the relations of) the wombs (kinship) . Surely, Allah is Ever

an All-Watcher over you.

( An-Nisa, Chapter #4, Verse #1)

And surely, We created you (your father Adam) and then gave you shape (the noble

shape of a human being);…

( Al-Araf, Chapter #7, Verse #11)

"So, when I have fashioned him completely and breathed into him (Aadam) the soul

which I created for him, then fall (you) down prostrating yourselves unto him."

( Al-Hijr, Chapter #15, Verse #29)

And among His Signs is this, that He created you (Aadam) from dust, and then

[Hawwa‘] from Aadam's rib, and then his offspring from the semen, and], - behold

you are human beings scattered!

( Ar-Room, Chapter #30, Verse #20)

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The Villain in our lives:Strange but true, we have a common villain too – No not George Bush or Dawood Ibraahim …• He’s the reason for the test in this world• He’s the reason of deception and worry in this world• He’s the culprit behind all evil deeds• He’s the source of all corrupt minds

It so happened that when Allah created HIS best creation ‘Human being’, HE wanted his other creations such as angels, to prostate before Aadam; in HIS honor and affirming the fact that Allah is great!

All of the angels prostrated to Aadam with respect but Iblis!

And (remember) when We said to the angels: "Prostrate yourselves before Adam.".

And they prostrated except Iblis (Satan), he refused and was proud and was one of

the disbelievers (disobedient to Allah).

( Al-Baqara, Chapter #2, Verse #34)

He is Iblis a.k.a ‘The Satan’

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What prevented Iblis to prostate before Aadam OR to go against the command of HIS Creator?

(Allah) said: "What prevented you (O Iblis) that you did not prostrate yourself, when

I commanded you?"

Iblis said: "I am better than him (Adam), You created me from fire, and him You

created from clay.”

( Al-Araf, Chapter #7, Verse #12)

If we notice, the first form of disrespect done towards Allah was ‘Being Arrogant’.(Arrogance is defined as having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities)

Thank GOD, we’re not Satans as we’ve not been arrogant or egoistic in our lives … or have we?

Allah said: "What prevented you (O Iblis) that you did not postrate

when I commanded you?"

Allah said: "O Iblis get down from this (Paradise), it is not for you

to be arrogant here. Get out for you are of those humiliated and disgraced."

Allah said: "You are of those allowed respite."

Allah said: "Get out from Paradise, disgraced and expelled.

Whoever of them (mankind) will follow you, then surely I will fill Hell with you all.“

"And O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in Paradise, and eat thereof as you both wish, but approach not this tree otherwise you both will be of the Zalimeen (unjust and


Made in HeavenIslamically

What happened to Iblis post this act? What was the state of Aadam and Hawwa (A.S)?

Iblis said: "I am better than him (Adam), You created me from fire and him You

created from clay."

Iblis said: "Allow me respite till the Day they are

raised up (Day of Resurrection)."

Iblis said:

"Because You have sent me astray, surely I will sit in wait against them

(human beings) on Your Straight Path.

Then I will come to them from before them and behind them,

from their right and from their left and You will not find most of them as thankful ones (they will not be

dutiful to You)."

( Al-Araf, Chapter #7

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What next ? … Did Satan succeed in his plan ?

( Al-Araf, Chapter #7)

When Aadam and Hawwa (A.S) were in Paradise, Satan whispered suggestions to them in order to uncover them of their private parts); he said: "Your Lord did not forbid you this tree save you should become angels or become of the immortals." And he (Satan) swore by Allah to them both (saying): "Verily, I am one of the sincere well-wishers for you both."…and he misled them with deception. Then when they tasted of the tree, that which was hidden from them of their shame (private parts) and they began to hide behind the leaves of Paradise to cover their shame.

And their Lord called out to them (saying): "Did I not forbid you that tree and tell you: Verily, Satan is an open enemy unto you?"

They said: "Our Lord! We have wronged ourselves. If You forgive us not, and bestow not upon us Your Mercy, we shall certainly be of the losers."

Allah said: "Get down, one of you an enemy to the other (i.e. Adam, Eve, and Satan, etc.). On earth will be a dwelling-place for you and an enjoyment, - for a time." He said: "Therein you shall live, and therein you shall die, and from it you shall be brought out (i.e., resurrected).

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The gist brothers & sisters is that we are all from the same family ‘Made in Heaven’ and Allah is our Creator.

It’s the life of this world which is a test for us to see who is good in deeds and Caution please – ‘Satan is always behind us to tempt us for evil actions’. It becomes crucial in this case to stick to our belief in Allah, to NOT get astray in believing in illogical and superstitious faith.

It is also upon us that we are aware of these facts to control our actions and have the fear of Allah that if we fail, we face the Hell-fire and if we succeed to escape from the trap of Satan and follow Allah, HE will grant us an eternal life in the gardens of Paradise.

With the right intentions, I pray for myself, my family and all those who’re reading this, and also to all those who aren’t reading this, that Allah grant us heaven and save us from the torment of Hell-fire and from Satan, Aameen.

(Allah) said: "The truth is, and the truth I say, - that I will fill Hell with you (Iblis) and those of them (mankind) that follow you, together."

Chapter 38: Saad

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