Jose buddhism




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Jose Angel Ruiz Mr. PerezSpring 2011

Born: Around 563 B.C. Where: Northern India near the Himalayas Siddhartha was a Prince but wasn’t satisfied He saw how every one suffered and he tried to find

out the meaning of life. In 563 BCE Siddhartha was born. He died in 483

BCE Buddha sat under a tree to reach enlightenment He was in the warrior class

Life Of Siddhartha

1. Human life has a lot of suffering.

2. The cause of suffering is greed.

3. There is an end to suffering.

4. The way to end suffering is to follow the Middle Path.

Teaching’s Four Noble Truths

Right Thought Right Intent Right Speech Right Action Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Mindfulness Right Concentration

Eight Fold Path- The Middle Way

Believe in the nature of life and suffering and in all of the four noble truths.

Right Thought

Incline towards goodness and kindness.

Right Intent

Try talking with a purpose. Avoid lying and gossiping.

Right Speech

Don’t be a menace or a person who steals other people’s belonging’s.

Do not steal from other’s.

Don’t harm other people with your actions.

Right Action

Don’t let other’s or yourself perform actions that will hurt other’s.

Right Livelihood

Right Effort

Prevent Evil and Do Good Helpful Thought’s Encourage Good Doing The Right Thing For The Right Reason.

Right Mindfulness

Be Happy Don’t Bully Be kind to others Control Your anger

Right Concentration Meditate Be Calm Peace Consideration

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