Hosting the presence (part 7)


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Unveiling Heaven’s Agenda

Pray for increased awareness of the reality

that every member of ZTC walks and lives

under an Open Heaven.

Decree and declare the revelation of the Face of

God through the Outpouring of the Spirit of God on everyone this

Sunday at ZTC.

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the Open Heaven over your life. Record

the experience to share next week.

Introduction• The CONCEPT of a MODEL employs the MIND to

understand a TYPE or DESIGN of a product, project, or set of plans. Often a company may issue a PROTOTYPE; especially when a product is the FIRST of its KIND. The word “PROTOTYPE” means “an ORIGINAL or FIRST MODEL of something from which OTHER FORMS are copied or developed; someone or something that has the TYPICAL QUALITIES of a PARTICULAR GROUP, kind, etc.; a FIRST or early EXAMPLE that is used as a MODEL for what comes later; a FIRST FULL-SCALE and usually FUNCTIONAL FORM of a NEW TYPE or DESIGN of a product, project, construction” (Merriam Webster).

Introduction• The idea of a PROTOTYPE is to establish a

MODEL or PATTERN for OTHER FORMS to COPY or DUPLICATE. The man ADAM was a PROTOTYPE (Genesis 1:26-28; 2:7-8,15-25). All of MANKIND was to DUPLICATE his behavior in and on earth. Sadly, his SIN resulted in a MALFUNCTION (the prefix “mal” [Latin “malus”] means “bad, abnormal, inadequate”) of the designed system. This MALFUNCTION spread like a VIRUS and CORRUPTED the human race. This required an ANTI-VIRAL PRODUCT that could REMOVE the VIRUS of SIN and RESTORE the PROTOTYPE to its original FUNCTION.

Introduction• The TABERNACLE was also a PROTOYPE

(Exodus 25:8-9). It was the HOUSE of GOD, the DWELLING PLACE of the MOST HIGH on the earth. It housed the PRESENCE and GLORY of the LORD God. It was the MEETING PLACE for GOD and MAN (v. 22). Sadly, it was DEFILED by the SIN of MAN (Leviticus 10:1-20; 1 Samuel 2:12-17,22-37; 4:1-22; 7:1-2). This MALFUNCTION (bad, abnormal, inadequate) CORRUPTED the original FUNCTION of the existence. Like ADAM, the TABERNACLE needed an ANTI-VIRAL PRODUCT to CLEANSE and REMOVE its VIRUS.

Introduction• John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world, that

He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life”. The LORD JESUS Christ is the PERFECT PROTOTYPE of MAN and the TABERNACLE. He is the WORD made FLESH (John 1:1,14). A word is the expression of an IDEA, a THOUGHT, an IMAGE in the mind of a person. It reveals the THOUGHT of the mind. As THE WORD, JESUS Christ is the PERFECT EXPRESSION, the PATTERN, the IMAGE of God. Note WORDS are ABSTRACT CONCEPTS; they lack the PHYSICAL MODEL of REALITY. The LORD JESUS Christ is the WORD made FLESH. He is the PERFECT PROTOTYPE of MAN and the TABERNACLE.

Introduction• Hebrews 7:16 states JESUS possesses “the

power of an indestructible life”. “This makes JESUS the guarantor of a better covenant” (v. 22). Remember “the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23); however, the SINLESS LIFE of JESUS is defined by His INDESTRUCTIBLE LIFE. This makes Him the PERFECT PROTOTYPE of MAN. As the PERFECT PROTOTYPE of the TABERNACLE, JESUS housed the GLORY of GOD and was the MEANS of the WORD of GOD unto men (John 1:14). He is the MEETING PLACE for WORSHIP. He is the revelation of the PROPHET, PRIEST, and KING in the TABERNACLE of DAVID.

The Ultimate Prototyp


Read Psalm 15:1-5

Fellowship with God

Read Psalm 24:1-10

Preparing for an audience

with the KING of Glory

Read Psalm 132:1-10

Preparing a dwelling place

for God

Read 2 Samuel 5:6-10

Take up a position on Mount Zion

Read 2 Samuel 6:1-15

The anointing of the prophet,

priest, and king

Read 1 Chronicles


The need for the Presence of the LORD

Read 1 Chronicles 15:1-29

The protocol of His


Read 1 Chronicles 15:1,3


The Tabernacle of David

Read Amos 9:11-15

The prophecy of the rebuilding of the Tabernacle

of David

The rebuilding of the Tabernacle of David points to the revival of the kind of prayer

and worship that David used to do.

There are physical aspects of the building of the Tabernacle of


The Government of the LORD God

will rule the governments of


Restoration of the land

Restored inheritance

Prosperity in the land

Fertile economy

Rebuilding the cities

Read Acts 15:12-17

A great end-time revival will expand

the Kingdom of God- a great

harvest of souls, especially from the


The Tabernacle of David is related to

the physical planting of churches

throughout the world.

The Tabernacle of David is the

manifestation of the Kingdom of

God in and on earth.

The Ultimate Prototyp


Select a worship song lyrically centered on the Presence of the LORD. Listen to the song each

day. Evaluate the atmosphere.

Ensure that you understand Worship Affects Nations.

Worshippers are in a place to call nations into their purpose, into their God-

given destiny. Worship the LORD intensely each day. Evaluate the atmosphere.

The Ultimate Prototyp


Conclusion• The TABERNACLE of DAVID is an OLD

TESTAMENT PROTOTYPE for what the NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH should and function like. In this Tabernacle, there were PRIESTS, PRAISE, and the PRESENCE of the LORD. The OPERATION of the PROPHET was effective because of the PRESENCE; and the AUTHORITY and WISDOM of the KING was SOUND and DISTINCT because of the PRESENCE. The same should be true today. These should characterize the modern Body of Christ. Every BELIEVER has the ABILITY to ACCESS and RELEASE the PRESENCE of the LORD- individually, corporately, congregationally, regionally, and even globally.

Unveiling Heaven’s Agenda
