HOLD MYSELF AS ONE - Ariz Saleem Poetry


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HOLD MYSELF AS ONE!!To hold myself as one,!is like meshing guns with roses!I am a lost sea creature and it’s like integrating the ocean!It’s like attempting to stand still,!while being tempted by love potions!Like holding sober stance, when your drinking from Love’s ocean!N’ cursed is such a drink, that never satiates the thirst!Hold the drink away from me and my condition will only get worst!The push and pull from all that is, redirects my course!Not knowing what’s next or what to expect,!I long for days I’ll be sure…I long for days I’ll be sure!My soul is like a ship in a bottle, that finally makes it to shore!I’ve heard the truth is a treasure chest, that’s buried inside my core!buried inside my core…!buried inside my core…!buried inside your core…! !!CHIP OFF THE BLOCK!!I’m looking for something lost,!that’s why I spend most of my time in the lost and found,!Hoping one day someone will find my lost half!and return it to me!return to me what was never mine!Just a chip off the block of the Lord, Divine!Through this other half — I could witness His signs!Be in places sublime — Be on the tallest rock without having to climb!Recite the most heavenly prose without having to rhyme!It was like being with time, and having no time!My heart was in a calm, though I was standing on mines!Blowing up like a volcano, The Red Lava was Love!N’ it was overflowing — from the prince to the thugs!from the queens to the whores…to Love — it made no difference!IN Love there IS no difference — the whores ARE Queens!the thugs ARE Princes, the start is the finish,!The prayer is the Guiness –!N’ it’s all just One Lullaby that keeps up asleep –!One Lullaby that keeps us asleep…keeps me asleep!I was once awakened but now I’m asleep…I’m asleep…I’m asleep…!Wake me –!Yaaa RaBB…