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The first and largest of celebrations of the New Testament church is Easter. On this day is the

resurrection of Jesus Christ - the Son of God who by His death redeemed the sins of mankind, and with

His resurrection gave hope for life after death.

The last week before Easter is called Maundy. It recalls the events of the last week of Jesus Christ’s

life from the moment he solemnly entered into Jerusalem, until the day he was crucified on the

cross and rose again on the third day.

During the Holy Week Orthodox

Church has several

services .This week is

the last of the Easter fast , which lasts

eight weeks. During this

period foodstuff of

animal origin, rag and other entertainment

are not allowed.

According to a legend, this was associated with incident occurred when Christ was on the cross. At this point, at the foot of the crucifix came a hen and laid an egg. The

blood flowing from Christ's body, colored the egg in red, and so arose the practice of dying


On Thursday before Easter we dye Easter eggs..

On "Good Friday“ no housework is done. Who works on this day will suffer


There is a tradition of knocking with eggs and the owner whose egg hasn’t

broken will be healthy throughout the year.

1 kg of flour40 g Yeast6 eggs300 ml milk250 g sugar150g butter at room temperaturezest of one lemon2 tsp lemon juice vanilla flavor50 Raisins50 Peeled almonds1 egg for coatinga pinch of salt

Easter table is very rich in honor of the resurrection

of Jesus Christ.The table consists

of painted eggs, Easter cakes and roast lamb.

It is a custom among Orthodox Christians to greet each other with “Christ is risen!”

"Truly, He is risen!"

By Georgi Nenkov
