Duluth Bible Church Grace Training International



The Duluth Bible Church is home to Grace Training International. This slide features information from the website. This program seeks to equip ministers for international outreach.

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DULUTH BIBLE CHURCHGrace Training International



But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with

joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.

(Acts 20:24)

Mission Statement

Grace Training International is the international outreach ministry of the Duluth Bible church. Our

purpose is to be a useful instrument in God’s hand to provide grace-oriented teaching and materials to

pastors, teachers, missionaries, evangelists, and other interested believers around the world in order to

further equip and encourage them to faithfully fulfill the ministry God has given them by His grace.



As we observe the spiritual landscape of our world and the condition of the Church in our day, we

cannot help but see the great need to establish believers in Christ. Too often our churches are exposed

to unclear or false teaching, leaving believers under-nourished at best and misled at worst. We believe

that it is God’s blueprint for each local church to be effectively preaching the Gospel of grace and

teaching the life changing truths of the Word of God.

Every believer needs to have a sound biblical framework and foundation for solid biblical thinking. Each

born again child of God should learn to effectively lead someone else to faith in Jesus Christ as Savior.

Each genuine Christian should come to the point of being able to answer many common objections to

the faith. Each believer in Christ should have a solid grasp on his position in Christ, along with




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Grace Gospel Press

Grace Institute of Biblical Studies


Psalm 112:5


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Christian life truths and what it means to faith-rest in the Lord and His many promises. Sadly, this is too

often not the case today.

In order for believers to grow in these areas, our preaching must emphasize the supremacy and

sufficiency of Jesus Christ for salvation from sin’s penalty, then from sin’s power, and ultimately from

sin’s presence—all by God’s grace and to the glory of God. Unfortunately, too many pastors and teachers

have had either little or no formal training for the ministry God has called them to do, nor do they have

the time needed to stay aware of the false teachings of our day that may be infiltrating their churches.

(The US Center for World Missions estimates that there are over 2 million untrained pastors in the

world.) With this great need in mind, we would like to introduce you to Grace Training International (the

international ministry of the Duluth Bible Church).



Duluth Bible Church is a Bible-believing, Christ-centered local church in the city of Duluth, in the state

of Minnesota, in the United States of America. We have been in existence since the 1980s and have

steadily experienced both qualitative and quantitative spiritual growth by God’s grace. As we have

grown in our understanding of the Word of God, we have enjoyed taking God at His Word and have

sought to be faithful in fulfilling His ministry in His way. Furthermore, the Lord has graciously allowed

us to reach out and teach biblical truths to many others all over the world.

Over the years we have sought to faithfully preach the Word of God verse by verse and book by book.

This has resulted in the Lord producing a doctrinally strong and discerning body of believers in Christ.

As time has passed, we have been led by the Lord into starting various ministries and outreaches related

to the Word of God, such as an active youth and college ministry, a prison ministry, regular evangelism

outreaches, a publications ministry, an international website, a quarterly theological journal, a local

church-based Bible institute, a Bible conference ministry, and numerous mission endeavors. God is

faithful to His Word and to His Church! All of these ministries are conducted through the local church,

and thus are under the Headship of Jesus Christ and our local church leadership and care.


We have sensed that God is leading us to share what we have learned through the Word of God and

practical experience in other countries. In light of this, we are praying about conducting Bible teaching

conferences possibly in your area in the future. These conferences are open to anyone and will be

particularly helpful for Bible teachers or church leaders. In addition, these conferences will be free-of-

charge to you.

Our desire is to be merely an instrument in God’s hand to teach the Word of God accurately, clearly and

with scriptural authority. Not only do we emphasize important biblical truths and distinctions, but we

also stress relevant applications and evangelistic passion. Our conferences are an encouraging time of

intense biblical instruction (2 Timothy 4:1-4), spiritual edification (Ephesians 4:11-16), genuine

fellowship around the Lord (Acts 2:42), and a time for iron sharpening iron among believers (Proverbs


We have already conducted many conferences in various locations around the world such as El

Salvador, Nicaragua, Guyana, Trinidad-Tobago, Peru, India, Kenya, Liberia, Zambia, Southeast Asia,

Canada, etc. In each conference, the Lord has truly blessed the teaching of His Word. Our conference

topics include such studies as Romans chapters 1-5, Romans 6-8, Biblical Distinctions, Effective

Evangelism, Galatians, The Church: God’s Masterpiece,as well as many other topics. At these

conferences you will hear sound Bible teaching, receive free printed materials, obtain teaching outlines

to utilize in your ministry, learn of access to hundreds of hours of internet Bible teaching, and more.

Furthermore, your lunch is free every day of the conference.


1. Sound Bible teaching involving…

…verse by verse study. We believe every word of the Bible is inspired by God and should be studied with

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great care in light of its context, its content, and by comparing Scripture with Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16-


…maintaining biblical distinctions. The believer is to be“rightly dividing the Word of truth” (2 Timothy

2:15), thus noting the many biblical distinctions that will lead to further clarification regarding God’s

plan and program for the Church during this age of grace.

…preaching with conviction. We seek to teach biblical truths with conviction and authority as the Word

of God instructs us to do (Titus 2:15). We value preaching with biblical authority, establishing relevant

principles from the text, and making appropriate everyday applications. The Word of God is our

authority for all life and doctrine, and should be practical and meaningful to each believer!

… doctrinal understanding. It is very important to not only know exactly what you believe but why you

believe it. Biblical doctrine when grasped is very practical and can be taught with relevance and

meaning to all who hear.

…the ability to navigate through contemporary theological issues. On a regular basis, we are all faced

with modern trends and theological issues that require interaction and discernment. How should we

perceive the many current issues of our day? We seek to address a myriad of theological issues by

comparing them to the teaching of the Word of God.

2. A Clear Gospel

We uphold the centrality of the Gospel message of Jesus Christ

(1 Corinthians 15:1-4). It is not a message that you learn once and then depart from to bigger and better

things. Rather it is an essential foundation and crucial element throughout all the teaching of God’s

Word (Colossians 1:28). Even a proper understanding of the Christian life is predicated upon these vital

truths of the Gospel (Colossians 2:6-7; Galatians 2:20).

We also stress a tremendous need for clarity when it comes to the Gospel message and the correct

response to it. An inaccurate presentation of the Gospel is quite common these days, so we need to

firmly uphold the Gospel’s simplicity and accuracy. We teach from the Scriptures not only how a sinner

is saved by the grace of God through faith alone in Jesus Christ, but also how a sinner is not saved by

clarifying and exposing the many unscriptural conditions and misleading clichés of our day. The Gospel

is a powerful message, especially when delivered clearly!

3. Grace Teaching for Godly Christian Living

Bible teaching should never stop at merely knowing sound doctrine. Clear Bible teaching should include

a rich diet of practical Christian life truths. We have found three doctrinal principles that need special

emphasis when it comes to teaching the Christian life by grace.

Understanding the three tenses of salvation. We are diligent to correctly distinguish between the

justification of the sinner before God (Romans 3-5), the progressive sanctification of the saint in

time (Romans 6:1–8:16), and the final glorification of the believer in eternity (Romans 8:17-38).

Positional or identification truth. It is imperative for believers to know who they are in Christ (2

Corinthians 5:17) and what it means to have Christ living in them (Colossians 1:27). The faith-rest

life is anchored in these identification truths (2 Corinthians 5:7).

True spirituality vs. fleshly counterfeits. The Christian life is never designed to be a set of do’s and

don’ts. It is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, not a performance or a religion. It is to be

lived in the same way a sinner is justified before God, by God’s grace alone through faith alone in

Christ alone (Colossians 2:6-7). You cannot live the Christian life as God designed it by your own

wisdom or strength. It must be by faith in Jesus Christ who lives in us and through us by means of

the Holy Spirit and the Word of God. Living by grace in the Christian life is our focus (John 15:1-8).


Grace Training International has a strict policy of not providing financially to individuals or churches.

Instead, our focus centers around the expository, verse-by-verse teaching of the Word of God and

providing solid biblical materials from a grace-perspective. In doing so, we prayerfully consider the

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opportunities we are offered to minister to local churches or mission agencies by way of…

…teaching a Bible conference for pastors and teachers

…establishing a Bible institute to provide formal training for those desiring greater equipping for their


…teaching a module at an existing Bible institute or training center.


We hope you are encouraged by what you have read and that the Lord is stirring in you an interest to

have or attend one of our conferences. It is our desire to be used to equip believers in Christ, to be a

resource to other Bible teachers and church leaders, and to strengthen local churches. Furthermore, we

have developed scriptural curriculum and resources that are designed to be transferable and taught

easily by those who have heard the verse-by-verse exposition.The elders of the Duluth Bible Church

invite you to join us!

For more information, please check out our website at www.duluthbible.org

If you are interested in inquiring about a conference in your area, please contact us at:

Duluth Bible Church

201 W. St. Andrews Street

Duluth, MN 55803 USA


(218) 724-5914


You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have heard

from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. (2

Timothy 2:1-2)

El Salvador Students

“Since the beginning of their ministry, the Ministry of Duluth Bible Church has had and will continue to

have a value/worth of eternal significance for all of us who have participated in the many general

conferences they have presented on Romans, Galatians, Colossians, Revelation and many other books

and subjects. This is especially true for those of us who as students are a part of the Grace Bible


For more than 20 years I was very religious, a member of my local church and a graduate of a Bible

Institute. I had taught the Bible for more than 14 years, but I had not really understood the glorious

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gospel of the grace of God until the year 2000 in a Romans conference that Duluth Bible Church

presented in El Salvador. Since then I have been carefully instructed under verse-by-verse teaching,

which is an effective method for learning sound doctrine. I give thanks to God that by His patience He

saved me by His grace, placing me in the ministry of the teaching of the gospel of His grace, for which I

am not worthy. To God be all the glory!

It is marvelous to be able to see how the students are growing in the knowledge of sound doctrine and it

is wonderful to hear the stories of every one that has participated in the conferences—the stories that

they tell among each other and of how the Lord is using them in the different ministries which God has

entrusted to them in their local churches.”

Teo Tobar / an elder in El Salvador

Southeast Asia Students

“In the beginning of hearing the teaching of the Gospel of grace, I did not immediately perceive the value

of what was being taught. Yet over time the Holy Spirit began to open my eyes to the truths of God’s

grace and the tremendous value of learning the Bible verse by verse, book by book. This has not only had

a great impact on my life and the lives of those who have attended these conferences, but also it has

equipped us to effectively preach the message of grace in our homes and churches to both the saved and

unsaved. This has resulted in much fruit for God’s glory by sharing the Gospel and teaching the Word of


We had never heard before that our life as Christians is Christ, nor about our new position in Christ,

our spiritual blessings in Him, living by grace-faith principles, etc.. And we did not understand that the

book of Romans is such a great book to understand eternal salvation and Christian living. Now we are

learning the meaning and practice of “the just shall live by faith” (Romans 1:16-17; Galatians 3:11-13).

Our friends are now growing in grace and the knowledge of Christ who died for our sins and rose again,

who is now living in us, and who one day will take us to Heaven. I thank God so much for Grace Training

International and everyone who has taught us the Word of God.”

A pastor in Southeast Asia

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East Africa Students

“Greetings to you in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savior. Thank you so much for giving your time to

come to East Africa and be able to teach us the Word of God. I see that God has been gracious to me to

have this Training and I hope that I will not be the same after four years. Surely I have been a pastor for

many years and coordinating Baptist work but I have never met a Grace gospel. I have worked hard day

and night thinking that I can do things on my own and this made me feel like I will not make it. I have

been in a big church as a pastor and now I have started another church which is independent. Now I will

teach Grace in my church. I will never give a false gospel to my people.

The first day I started learning from you I did not understand and when I went back to sleep I did not

sleep because I had so many things going on in my heard about the gospel of Grace. I asked many

question and I did not have the answers. On Wednesday of the conference I started understanding but

not in full. So it was like moving from an old house to a new house. When I heard this gospel I was about

to cry because what I had been teaching was salvation by works. By Friday I understood everything and

all the illustrations you used were very helpful to me. I will never preach another gospel. When you

mentioned Moses, Abraham, Lot and others this opened my eyes to see the grace of God. Thank you, and

I hope that one day you will be able to come and teach our pastors in [another location].

I am praying for you and I hope that God will use you mightily to teach us sound doctrine. Please tell the

church in Duluth, Minnesota that I appreciate them for all that they are doing to make sure that we are

getting the true Word of God. Please tell them I am very thankful and may God bless them and their

endeavors. I love you and pray for you.”

Renatus, a student in East Africa

A Pastor’s Perspective

I have been involved in missions for more than 25 years either directly or indirectly and yet I have not

seen a program that rivals the effectiveness and ingenuity of the Grace Training International. The

concept of training pastors and leaders from the context of the local church is novel to the 21st century

but not to the Scriptures. GTI follows a biblical approach. Over the last several years I have traveled,

translated and taught with the GTI in El Salvador and have seen remarkable results! The excitement of

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viewing pastors and leaders get a garbled gospel cleared up for the first time in their lives is stirring.

Through the clear teaching given by the professors of the GTI, hearts have been transformed, souls

equipped and ministries revolutionized by God’s amazing grace. Yet these results are not mystical. GTI

applies a simple, conventional, systematic approach through clear exposition of the Word of God. They

couple this with practical training in the whats and what nots of the ecclesia of God. This program is

transferable cross-culturally, adaptable and mobile. We here in our local congregation (Harlingen Bible

Church) have the Grace Training International program functioning and are training students from

within our local congregation. So, let me with a full heart recommend to you today the Grace Training

International, a ministry of Duluth Bible Church.

Pastor Bret W. Nazworth

Harlingen Bible Church, Harlingen, Texas, USA

