Typical conventions


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Typical Conventions

Cover oneThis front cover follows a few typical conventions of the pop genre. For instance the cluttered format because most of the images and text overlap and are on a slant which helps make it connect with the younger audience.The colour scheme is another convention that helps connect with the target audience because the colours Pink and yellow are typically feminine.The images they have used are showing the artists as fun and innocent; this applies to the two men as well because unlike a magazine aimed at adults the men aren’t topless are showing off they are just casual.

Cover twoMost of the conventions that I have stated for the first magazine apply to this one like; the vibrant colour scheme of pink.The images especially for this one because Rihanna is seen as fun and innocent not like her on some other magazines, such as Billboard, that are aimed at adults where she might pose in a bikini.The cluttered format is also similar by the overlapping images.The masthead stands out because they have made it their own by using their own font and having symbols to represent words.

Cover threeThis magazine is still aimed at people who listen to the pop genre but the age is different because it is aimed at more mature audiences.Firstly the colour scheme is different because it is just grey and white which younger audiences will find boring but more mature audiences will find the magazine to be more sophisticated.Secondly the artists Lorde is more sexualised than on the other magazines because she is showing that she is in a short tight top on that only covers up her chest which could be deemed as sexual and over flirty.Thirdly the layout format is different because it is completely uncluttered because they have focused on the one artists and only advertises her article.

What I intend to follow

For my production I will be following the first two covers because my age range of my target audience is about 10-18 meaning they are stereotypically less sophisticated so they might not like a cover like billboard where they are less images. To follow the first two covers I will try to include lots of images, have a cluttered format, vibrant colour scheme and have a unique masthead.
