Social Media Trends for 2014



From the Millennium Marketing Spring Expo, this presentation focuses on new social media trends for 2014 including content marketing for social, Google+, social branding, hashtags, mobile, and micro-video.

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Social Media Trends for



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Content Marketing Google+ Social Branding Hashtags Social on Mobile Micro-video


Social Media Trends for 2014


The Need for Social Media

Selling through social channels will become

the norm.In 2014, investment in social media will become a necessity, not a luxury.

By the numbers: 329 million people read blogs each

month 27 million pieces of content are shared

each day 9 in 10 organizations market content


Content Marketing

Strong focus will continue in 2014 Crucial to other digital marketing

techniques Generate shareable content to populate

social networks Stay on top of topics relevant to your

industry Encourage employee advocacy


Content Marketing



By the numbers: More than 300 million people visit

Google+ each month 70% of business brands have a presence

on Google+ The +1 button is clicked more

than 5 billion times a day



Will become a major factor in 2014 Influences Google’s search algorithm Google+ content can also rank in search

results Recently launched +Post ads Google Authorship Gmail Integration





Humanize your brand Size all graphics appropriately Follow guidelines Remain consistent with brand standards


Social Branding




Hashtags will be everywhere Currently used on a variety of networks:

Facebook, Google+, Instagram, Twitter Capitalize on trending topics Create your own hashtag Newsjacking Trendjacking








By the numbers: Facebook has 945 million active mobile

users 40% of YouTube’s traffic is from mobile Mobile traffic is projected to exceed

desktop in the next 4 years


Social on Mobile

Social and mobile are now synonymous Mobile devices are main device for

accessing content Make sure all content displays well on

desktop and mobile Force full site on link if content not

available on mobile Consider all platforms


Social on Mobile





By the numbers: More than 200 million active monthly

users on Instagram 70% of Instagram users use the app daily More than 40 million users on Vine More than 30 million Shapchat users



Rising in popularity 6-15 seconds long Delivers information quickly Must capture the attention of the viewer Must provide value Content can be shared on other sites Requires creativity and experimentation



Contact Us:Julie Braverman, Digital Marketing ManagerChristina Grieves, Social Media Specialist


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