Social Media Introduction Workshop Slides


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Social Media


A hands-on workshop

What is Social Media?

Social Media: Websites & applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

Let’s break that down

Media is an instrument on communication, like a newspaper or radio.

Social Media would then be a website that doesn’t just give you information, but interacts with you while give you that information.

As simple as asking for comments, letting you vote, or as complex as Netflix, recommending movies based on ratings, etc.

So what are these new tools?

Facebook: Connect with Friends and the world around you on Facebook.

See photos and updates from friends in the newsfeed

Share what’s new in your life on your timeline

Find more of what you’re looking for with graph search

Twitter: See what’s happening right now

Find communicty, conversation, and inspiration about the things you love

Instagram: Capture and share the world’s moments

A free and simple way to share your life and keep up with other people

Pinterest: Join pinterest to find all the things that inspire you.

A visual bookmarking tool that helps you discover and save creative ideas


Facebook is the world’s largest social network, with more than 1 billion users worldwide.


Wall, newsfeed

Friends, likes, and comments

Pages, events, groups

Photo Albums, online chat

Social sharing – connect back to Facebook


Tweets: 140-character messages

Hashtags (#MuseumsRespondToFerguson)

Broad audience, rapid, communities (MCN), discovery and communication

Re-tweets, direct messages, personal connections, celebs


Video – vine / periscope


Photo and video – in app only


Hashtags, Location tagging

Insta-meetups / tagging

Community functions differently. People who like and engage yes, but not about sharing images to communicate directly to them.


Boards, Pins, Likes

DIY, How-to, planning, inspiration

What are the implications?

Users (our audiences) have a voice!

Users can generate alongside traditional producers and take down institutions.

A guy on Twitter broke the story of the miracle on the Hudson. Not news stations.

And Museums are Social?

We’re in the content business; lure people in with what’s exciting rather than push more info at them.

Communicate with your followers. Social media is a tool to engage rather than a mouthpiece.

Speaking the language of the platforms can challenge longstanding practices of the museum.

How can we grow

Communication: questions, call to actions, memories, tell stories.

Tag, connect, relate. Rise the tides for all boats.

Leverage each other’s audiences.

Stand out, be different. Don’t stand for boring.

Be social, don’t just publish. That’s not social.

A few tips

Regularity in posts.

Always use images

Pull people, try not to push. Find the balance

Engage with people. Genuinely converse with people.

Find your voice through what’s already yours. Your passion in your org not a fabricated presentation of self.

No cure-all. You have to invest with time and the language of each platform. What you want/can do + what the platform requires.