

EFFECT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON US. How the social media effect us ? Advantage & Disadvantage of Social media.

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What comes to your mind when you hear the

term “Social Media?


Media makes able

to meet and

communicate with

people around the world.

Social media is the channel that gives the chance to send

and receive many information.

social media is about the way we get many updates from people

who we follow

social media is a part of a new marketing




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Some prominent examples of social media:

Nowadays, social media seems like a big part of our life.

When you want to listen to music or see a music video from your favorite singer – go to YouTube.

When you just wake up and open your eyes, you don’t have to walk outside to get the newspaper, just take your phone and scroll your Times of India or twitter timeline then you’ll get the information.

When you miss your family and want to see them but you are far away , then you just open the skype and start video chat.

How Technology and time helps to develop social media?

In my timeSay hello to your grandpa!

Ok! Ok!Who’s the


I’m the one who takes you higher

Connecting people

Connecting… Searching for a


Connecting Media

Recent advancements in computers and mobile phones have led to ease of access of the internet via advanced wirelessdevices. Whereas this creates a tech-savvy generation. Social networking sites and social media has revolutionized theworld, bringing us closer than ever before and making life easier. In addition, Today’s youth have been enticed intospending longer hours with strangers rather than family. This leads to both, positive and negative effect of Social media.

Social media can help us in Studying Or it can distract us

Strangers FriendsWe Can Express Our Self Easily Cost == Time

Social media helps strengthen relationships among teens. Every People have friends who they have not seen

since school .They don't have to worry about losing touch, because social media has it covered.

As an teenager it's also very important to understand what's going on around us rather than just knowingwhat's going with friends. According to the article "What Facebook and Twitter Mean for News." 70% ofteens receive most of the news stories they read or watch via Facebook or Twitter.

We can study on Social sites And get merit certificates online. As Individual experience I learned aboutcomputer science programming and Its fundamental things by liking pages on Facebook, watching videos onYouTube and by following on twitter.

As every coin has two sides and addiction to anything is always bad. Being on social networking site means one

should be social, but we are social more on networking site and are keeping ourselves away from social life. These

networking sites are changing the mindsets of the youths.

Always connected: Today teens don’t know how to disconnect. Social media has allowed them to take theirlife online and instead of saying goodbye to friends at school and waiting to see them the next day, they justgo home and jump on their favorite social media network and interact with them for the rest of the day.

Cyber crimes :The immediacy provided by social media is available to predators as well as friends. Teens aremore comfortable doing stuff behind their screens than they are in person. This leads to case of cyber crimes.

Today’s computer science student copy lab programs via social media

Social media’s objective is to make profit at the expense of others addiction. Initially social media make money at low levelwith less addiction and as its profit increase people get more addicted to it.


No, doubt.

Social Networking Sites are of great help in the youth’s daily life. However, it has positive and negative effects which

depend on how a person will utilize it.

Social Networking Sites can benefit us in numerous ways and that it can make life easier for us. However, we should

keep in mind that everything in life should be taken in moderation - in this case, done in moderation.

We should always set our priorities straight and remember that despite being given all that we need, a little extra

work wouldn’t do us harm.

The future of social networking looks very promising but still it has to deal with the problems associated with it.

Educating Youth in Media Literacy

Media literacy should be promoted at a young age so that youth can learn to analyze and be critical of themedia and not take everything they are exposed to as truth

Parent-Child Interaction And Moderation of media consumption.

Parent-child interaction and discussion is important, for example if parents are aware of their children's’ mediaconsumption (how much time they are spending with it) and discuss things with their children regardingmovies, TV shows, video games, and internet use then children are acquiring a more well rounded perspectiveof media.