A guy walks into a bar


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*a guy walks into a bar

*a guy walks into a bar

*and meets his dream girl

a guy walks into a bar*a brand walks on to the Internet

and meets his dream girl*looking to meet its dream consumers

how does the guy “get the girl”?*how does the brand “get the consumer”?

turn the first glance into a happily ever after*turn the “Like” or the “click” into a loyal life long consumer

so let’s start again*remember our guy?

a guy walks into a bar*and orders a

a brand walks onto the Internet*and launches a Facebook Community

*and so the flirting begins…

first things first… *know what (and who) you want

*find the “right” target audience on Facebook find the “right” girl at the bar

*and bring them to your Facebook page and get her attention

get her number *get the “Like” *make them into an active and engaged Fan.

* Your Ultimate Objective

the rules of approach*how to stand out from the crowd and make an impression

the rules of engagement*how to hold an interesting conversation / spark and hold interest

*awareness and activation through strong creative and targeted ads

*engagement through content

*be bold and brave *be unexpected. stand out from the crowd *look your best *have a great conversation starter *avoid cliches *know your audience

* The Rules of Approach

*daring impactful creative *unique message *modern & high quality visuals *smart copy *out of the box concept *targeted, user centric message

* The Rules of Approach

*now that you’ve got her attention, how will you keep her engaged & focused on you?

*for a looong period of time *amongst other men vowing for her attention *through all the noise at the bar

* The Rules of Engagement

*content with a clear brand identity *identify and clearly communicate your USPs

sell yourself (well, the best version of you)

* The Rules of Engagement

*interactive content and tone of voice *open a dialogue that will provoke a reaction, a comment, tell you something about them

don’t talk too much about yourself

* The Rules of Engagement

*rich, animated content *strong images, videos, gifs & other formats

don’t be a bore / be animated and vibrant

* The Rules of Engagement

*brand and product stories *that the user can connect and see themselves in

tell her a good story

* The Rules of Engagement

*social media monitoring, reporting, measurement *listen to what users are saying and use that information to optimise your content

be a good listener

* The Rules of Engagement

so, it’s the end of the night

*and you followed all the rules

* you got her number*you made them a Fan

* time for the dating to begin

* dating is about falling in love

*but come on, let’s tell it like it is…

* first comes love, then comes marriage

getting her to (eventually) say yes*getting them to say yes to your product

* Your Ultimate Objective

* The Rules of Dating

*dating is all about shared experiences

* The Rules of Dating

* The Rules of Dating

* your website

* social media

* digital media

*campaigns & activations

*be present on a wide mix of digital media environments and websites *mix of social media, lifestyle, culture, news, blogs, entertainment etc

visit a variety of places together

* The Rules of Dating

*don’t just go to the environments that are the most “popular” / mass. *find your niche with new innovative media & environments that your consumers visit often.

be adventurous. discover new places together

* The Rules of Dating

*activations & campaigns that will provide a unique brand experience only shared by you, and your consumer. *microsites, minisites, landing pages, applications

create new places and experiences together

* The Rules of Dating

*user generated content *incentivise users to give you their stories, their content, their experiences

capture the moments and the memories

* The Rules of Dating

* The Rules of Dating

* your website

your love nest

*always take care of your home *make sure she feels at ease there *make sure its hospitable & welcoming *make sure you have good Feng Shui *make sure it can change in the future

* The Rules of Dating

*always take care of your home / maintenance, design *make sure she feels at ease there / user friendly (UI/UX) *make sure its hospitable & welcoming / SEO / content *make sure you have good Feng Shui / easy to navigate *make sure it can change in the future / dynamic content

* The Rules of Dating

*you’re in love. this is serious stuff now

* it’s time to pop the question

*the right place *the right time *the right mood *the right message

* The Rules of Proposing

*truth is if you’ve followed all the rules the perfect moment could be anywhere

at home / your website out to dinner / banner at a bar / Facebook post on a trip / activation * The Rules of Proposing

*all it takes is one moment / one view, one click

* The Rules of Proposing

*they bought your product *they took part *they clicked *they signed up

*she said yes

* and they (and you and your consumer) lived happily ever after

*umm, no

*isn't magically achieved with a wedding or a conversion

*the happily ever after

after the wedding

*after the sale, after the conversion*loyalty, ambassadorship, lifelong commitment

it’s about the marriage

*making the marriage last to a happily ever after*turning a one time consumer into a life long loyal consumer and ambassador

* Your Ultimate Objective

*loyalty *honesty *commitment

* The Rules of Marriage

* The Rules of Marriage

not forgetting anniversaries, valentines day and her cousin’s sister’s dog’s birthday

*well, that and

* The Rules of Marriage

*that show them you are thinking about them all the time, that make the difference

it’s the little things

* The Rules of Marriage

*rewards, contests, incentives, loyalty schemes *eCRM (newsletters, tailored offers…)

surprising her and making her feel loved

* The Rules of Marriage

*unexpected, out of the box activations, content & campaigns

keeping the flame alive

* The Rules of Marriage

*keep your content & your design fresh *on your website, social media, everywhere!

not letting yourself go

* The Rules of Marriage

*always on digital presence across all channels *tell them about your new products, events, campaigns *always keep dialogue open and LISTEN!

communication. communication. communication

*and they lived happily ever after


even if you don’t remember or follow any of these rules

*remember your wedding vows

I, ______ *insert your brands name here

* Your Vows

take you *online user and beer lover

* Your Vows

to be my *beloved, loyal and lawfully wedded consumer

* Your Vows

to have *on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, my website and all digital media

* Your Vows

and to hold *through engaging, impactful content & shared unique brand experiences

* Your Vows

from this day forward *the day you first liked one of my branded posts or tried my delicious refreshing beer

* Your Vows

for better *on summer vacation with friends, at home with your loved ones

* Your Vows

for worse *when you’ve had a rough day or you’re feeling down

* Your Vows

in sickness and in health

* Your Vows

until death *or the fall of the Internet* do us part

* Your Vows

* Cheers
