Going From an MVP to a Real, Scalable Product


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Going from an MVP to a real,

scalable product



■ On demand iPhone repair and protection

■ We believe your phone is the remote control to your life

■ We’re creating the ‘AAA’ for your smartphone

■ Repair is the Trojan horse for customer acquisition


How it started

How it started

■ I was my own customer and still am one of our best customers

■ Needed money, odd jobs

■ Started as a need


Where we are now

■ 125 employees in 6 offices around the world San Francisco, Redwood City, Austin, London, Berlin

■ Over 2,300 iTechs worldwide, adding 5,000Nearly 10,000 people / month applying


The beginning

■ Scaled by word of mouth

■ Anthony joined as co-founder

■ Became the coolest college job25 hours / week making $40-50k / year


Becoming bigger than a college biz

Becoming bigger than a college biz

■ We learned a ton about who iTechs are and what we needed

■ We needed a funnel of people to apply to be iTechs


Know your supply AND demand backwards and forwards


But we needed to scale

■ We focused on specific devices. People always asked us why we didn’t fix Blackberries and Android. iOS was where it was at. We didn’t touch iPads for a year after we started.


Become a master at your domain… then expand

So how did we scale?


When expanding, cast a really big net but throw back the fish you don’t want■ Slow growth isn’t bad


So how did we scale?

■ We shot bullets, then cannonballs

■ We tested absolutely everything, killed things fast and started again

■ A/B testing became our BFFL


So how did we scale?


So how did we scale?


■ Always think bigger. Convince yourself when you’re small that you will be huge.

■ Make decisions you would make when you’re bigger


So how did we scale?


The results




■ Let bigger companies spend capital to validate ideas

■ Hire for strength, not lack of weakness

■ Out innovate the things that kill you

■ You don’t necessarily need to know what you want to be


The future

The future


We’re building a highly technical on-demand service network that can solve any of your device needs including repair, trade-in, and protection



@spudzeee #hustlecon

