Exercises to adapt Design Culture in your organisation


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Nine design exercises to adaptDesign Culture

in your office & lighten up work lifeGokul Rangarajan

Product design, design thinkergokulrangarajan@gmail.com

Whats Design Culture ?

Another Buzz Word? NotAgain

just like UXDesign thinking, CX

Design Culture is unearthing

the human side of business



Design as a philosophy is applied tothe whole organisation itself

IS a Design a philosohy, i thought it’s into arts

But Why ?

Culture can drive the creativity & Innovationfor the whole organisation

Funny Designer

Nerd accountant

Geek Programmer

Hyper social Hr

psychedelic Tester

Project Managers

Design isn’t just for designers


everyone in the organization should feel empoweredto participate in the design process

Seriously you wantme to learn photoshop

In That why all has anopportunity to collaborate and solve a single problem

Problem can be of any sizeDay to day printer problems to solving product interactions



Understand & respect the value for Design

High tolerance for Failures

best of the Solution are got when design gets more and more proactive

Hear are some of the exercise you can

play it along with your team

exercise #1Solve workplace problems

Name all the meetings rooms in office in creative way such that even a stranger/guest can identify themeeting room on hear it first. Do this naming along with your team, know their interests and likes alongwith it

exercise #2User Journey Mapping Illustrate the research data and pain points about your customer in the form of journey map, ask your entire product to help you beautifying the journey with sticky notes, doodles and decorations

exercise #3Usability Investigation Take a real life objects in your office like coffee machine, printers, switch boards, workstations etcassign them tasks of finding usability issues in each of the device. Ask them to write the critical issue in red sticky notes and most frequent issues in yellow sticky notes

exercise #4Get into Product design

Ask each members in office to sketch prototype a purse or watch for a person by blind picking inthese of cards where all employee in the organisation has been listed. So each person has to receive a purse or shoe and each one has to design one. Give them a week’s time and before the end of the week ask the each one of the fill in their wishes or requirement for a purse. Ideally what would happen is the mismatch between the requirements and the end design, so organise a meeting to see how much of the designs meet the person’s need while designing without research, By this the importance of speaking to customers can be felt by each one of the participants

exercise #5Mind mapping for your next team trip They are a visual thinking tool that helps to structure information and identify connections between items.As you are planning for the next team trip you can mind map ideas along with you team as in the sametime you plan for the trip is visually ready.

exercise #6Force Rank the feature

For product ideas, groupthink along with team to force rank a feature with your research data aside.By this your sprint planning is also ready and team has worked along with you.

exercise #7Road show or enact a play

Write a script for play with common theme as Importance of Design or empathy, enact the play along with your team in your office, it will be fun activity.

exercise #8Role play a Customer Support For an hour, each team member has to take role of a customer support guy or talk to the user. This isone step for them in understanding the user's mental model.

exercise #9Solve a Complex puzzle or a Multiplayer Console Game

Games has the ability to increase productivity, group thinking and team bonding is increased with game, ability to strategies and thinking laterally are also some advantages

By end of all these exercise, i am sure entire team

would enjoy the time spent

Thank you!!!Gokul Rangarajan

Product design, design thinkergokulrangarajan@gmail.com

Ganesh Balaji Purusothaman Sekar


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