5 website design principles to increase conversion rate


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5 Website Design Principles to Increase Conversion Rate

Are you a businessperson or an entrepreneur who wants to promote his business through online? Then a good conversion rate is important to boost the volume of sales. Check how many visitors are staying and converting on your website on regular basis. If the number is decreasing, possibly the website design is not being able to attract the visitors.

So, let’s take a look at these website design principles to get a sustainable boost in the conversion rate of your website.

Make your website attractive

A great website focuses on displaying your brand, business, your products, informative blogs and articles. On the other hand, the website must convert the traffic into phone calls, email requests for additional information, and eventually sales.

Actually, whether or not your website is aesthetically pleasing plays a big role in conversions. Hardly 5-10 minutes will be devoted to go through your website and most of the people will only prefer to readsomething very beautifully designed. Therefore, make your site look sober and systematic with snappy and readable contents. Never try to chase the visitors with cute jargon. Approach directly to grab the attention of your readers.

Always remember, if your website seems unappealing, people will leave it. And you just can’t afford tolose a huge number of leads! So be careful.

Let them trust you

No matter how much attractive deal you come across, you won’t go for it until you trust the seller. So, know the tricks to make people trust your site.

It should be easier for people to verify the accuracy of the provided information

Name the real organization and the makers of your site

Show your expertise through your contents and services

Make sure that people can reach you easily

Your website design must look professional and significant of your purpose. People are prone to evaluate a site with the visual design. So, while designing your site, heed the layout, images, and more. Invest in a standard designer.

Keep your site updated with error-free contents

Pay attention to intelligent navigation

Poor navigation of a website is the sole reason why people drop out from engaging with a website. In most of the sites, the navigation layouts are too confusing to understand. The necessary links are placedat the least important places.

Plan an easy navigation so that the users can move around on your website and learn more. With drop down menus, categorize the links on your site while making it easier for the visitors to find the pages they are looking for.

Call To Action button

The call to action, known as ‘CTA’, is an appeal to users to invite their response. When people respond to CTA, it results in a successful conversion. Though different types of CTA are available, mostly, it refers to a click on a button.

When you are willing to receive some response from your users, use a call to action button. Put a primary and a secondary CTA on a page. But they should never indulge in competition with each other. Never baffle the user with too many options. The CTA button should help them direct their desired course of actions.

Guide them with the most common types of CTA such as “Add to cart”, “Subscription sign ups”, “Know More”, “Try it Now”, “Widgets” for sharing on social media, “Help” etc.

Post them on the most visible sections of your website to entice fruitful conversions.

Keep the conversion steps simple and transparent

Just imagine, if your grandma could able to purchase something from your site within a minute or two. So, keep the conversion steps simple and easier for every user. Complicated conversion steps will dismiss the numbers of visitors. Never ask too many irrelevant questions or personal information to the buyers. You may try using Google Analytics funnel visualization report that helps you track where you are losing the visitors.

Now set your goals first and aim at boosting up the conversion rate of your website.

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