The creative process in blogging (and life)



Practical tips on writing, the creative process, and blogging. Presented by Jillian Leslie of Catch My Party at Bloggy Boot Camp, in Denver on September 17, 2011.

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The Creative Process in Blogging (and Life)

Jillian Tohber

Three seconds after I learned I was speaking at Bloggy


Happy & Excited


Five minutes later...

Happy & Excited Fear & Dread



What happened?

The “Voices”

• What if I’m lame?

• What if I don’t have anything to say?

• What if I come across as boring or stupid?

• What if they tweet bad stuff about my outfit?

What do I do?

Get my work done anyway...

But how?

Eight tools I use to help me get out of my

own way...

Tool 1

15 Minute Timed Writings

What is it?

• Write for 15 minutes every day without stopping

• Write anything you want, and fast

• The only way to fail is to stop writing before the time is up

Tool 2

Small Goals

What is it?

• Break tasks down into manageable chunks

• Set goals you can achieve and you will achieve

• It’s an exercise in under-promising

Tool 3

Write Now, Edit Later

What is it?

• Treat your creator and editor as two separate entities with two very different jobs

• Let the creator be free to make its mess, then let the editor do the clean up

Tool 4

The Golden Circle

What is it?

• Cultivate relationships with the people who support your creative work

• Set boundaries with the people who don’t

Tool 5

Co-Create With Your Online Community

What is it?

• Use your readers, fellow bloggers, and anyone in your online community for ideas, support, and feedback

• Realize you are not alone

Tool 6

Replenish the Well

What is it?

• Make time for yourself so you don’t overdraw on your creative bank account

• It doesn’t have to be anything big, but step away to recharge

Tool 7

Become an Expert

What is it?

• To find your voice, try being an “expert” beginner

• Go deeper, not broader

• Explore a topic from every angle imaginable

Tool 8

Notice How the Universe is Conspiring

to Help You

What is it?

• Pay attention to the synchronicities in your life

• Have faith that there are larger forces at work guiding you

Yay, I finished my presentation!

How I Feel Now...


Great! *

* As long as no one tweets anything bad about my shoes or hair or dress or makeup...
