Thanksgiving Presentation


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Thanksgiving is a holiday for giving thanks.

Giving thanks means showing gratitude and appreciation for all the good things in our lives.

We are thankful for…






Thanksgiving is celebrated in many countries.

United States




The Norfolk Islands

The Netherlands

The first Thanksgiving in the United States

Plymoth Rock in Massachusetts in 1621.

The pilgrims celebrated after harvest and

surviving a long winter.

Thanksgiving is always the fourth Thursday in November.

Many people celebrate different Thanksgiving day Traditions.

Go to a Football Game

Family Football

MACYS Parade in New York

Every Thanksgiving my family goes on a bike ride.

We ride when it´s Sunny!

We ride when it´s snowing!

Or walk :)

But, we mostly ride in the rain!

This is our family tradition

Every year my church collects food and gives it to a homeless shelter.

In the afternoon we eat Thanksgiving dinner!

Every family celebrates a little different.

This is what a typical Thanksgiving dinner looks like

Almost everybody eats turkey


Bread rolls

…or cornbread.

Green bean casserole

Sweet potato casserole with marshmallows

Mashed potatoes with gravy

Cranberry Sauce

Sparkling Cider


For dessert most people eat pie.

The most common is pumpkin pie.

After dinner we take a nap, play games, drink coffee, and spend time with our families!

Breaking the wishbone

The next day is Friday.

This day is called BLACK FRIDAY!

Many stores have big sales and many many people go Christmas shopping!

Some stores open at 5 AM! People line up early to get the best discounts!

These people are crazy!

I don´t like to go shopping. I like to go snowboarding or hiking in the mountains.

My favorite part about the day after Thanksgiving is…

… Leftovers

The day after Thanksgiving is the day my family puts up christmas lights and the christmas tree.

This is aslo the first day many people start listening to christmas music!
