Garden March


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Progress in our garden

March 2008

Vera in action.

This was really terrible mess – wait for more pics how it turned out.

In progress. Little break on the swing.

Yellow spring composition and Rudolph in the back ground.

This flower bed was just one big jungle just 2 months ago. And Rudolph is a little leftover from our X-mas decoration. He is pretty funky and turns his head.

OK, this needs some more growing time...

Our tropical oasis.

And the gazebo...

Little romantic stone wall.

The wild part of the garden, with ginger vegetation.

House looks pretty much the same

My herb garden. One of the two.

The roses are about to bloom. My parents planted them in January.

By now, this one is blooming.

And this is my pink composition. Just two weeks ago the corner looked like what you see in the background.

My Dad and Oystein did a great job in cutting most of the bushes down – so we actually get some light there.

These are aso some tropical plants...

More roses and pantsies on the edge. Cute, right?

Now all is planted and we are adding mulch.

My little veggie garden – yellow squash.

Herb and veggie garden.

Street view

You wouldn’t believe what a good trimming does to an old rose...

You apparently need a lot of mulch...

This is where I spend my afternoons, reading about wine. Hehe!

And the final result.

OK, it is a bit more red then expected, but it will fade inthe sun and the plants will hopefully cover most it in two months.
