Abegs booklet reformated


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Abigail Halili Pionso




A child receives messages as early as when he

is inside his mother's womb. Love, concern,

happiness, rejection and even music appreciation can be transmitted into his being.


We have often been told that a child's interest in

music starts when he is allowed to listen to

songs, watch concerts, operas and musical

plays. These are essential to a child's musical

development, but I believe that training is still

the best gift parents can give to their children.

Early training in Music helps the child deepen

his expression and brighten his disposition.

I started singing at the age of four. My Mama

was my first teacher. Although She had no

formal Music training, she taught my two sisters

and me her favorite songs. "Ako'y Basang


Sisiw" was one of the first songs I learned from

her. It speaks of a child who was separated

from her mother, and was left in the streets

feeling cold, with nobody taking care of her. It

was through the story behind the song and

from my Mama’s explanation that my

awareness of life began. I became aware of

other children who lives in the streets without

parents to keep them warm and secure.

Music is a powerful tool in educating people. It

can convey countless different messages. The

melody alone whether fast, moderate or slow

can suggest what emotions we should feel.

Music becomes more powerful when we put

words in it. It can speak about God's love for

us, for His creation and for our country, or

about love that a man and woman feel for each

other. It can also be used to pollute people's

minds and spirit. Parents should therefore be


careful in choosing songs for their children.

Exposing children to songs that have Christian

and moral values will have great impact in the

child's life.

Growing up in a Christian home and singing

songs for the Lord helped me decide to take

Music as a ministry and a career. But as I grew

older, I realized that Music is more of a ministry

than a career.

Working and ministering to children is not easy.

It means training them to sing the right way,

checking their phrasings and breathings,

explaining to them the message of the song as

well as its characteristics and background, and

making sure that they understand all these well.

Most of the time, I lead my students to

imagining and play roles to let them feel the

song and be effective in their singing. It is also


important to listen to the student’s questions

and allow him to tell his own stories. Sometimes

we adults take these for granted, but they are

very important to children.

Each day with a student is a new experience for

me. One example is my learning experience

with Joy, my 8-year old student. We always had

a rich interaction. While studying a song from a

musical play "Les Miserable," I was explaining

to her the character of a little girl name Cosette.

Cosette was separated from her mother and

was left to work in a Tavern for a couple who

didn’t treat her well. She found peace and

safety every time she thought about her "Castle

on a Cloud" where there was room full of toys,

no floors for her to sweep, nobody shouting,

and where loud crying was not allowed. But

what made her really feel good was lady in

white, who held her and sing her a lullaby and


would say, "Cosette, I love you very much."

After I told this story to Joy, she looked at me

and said with tears, "Teacher, kawawa naman

si Cosette." And when she sang "Castle on a

Cloud" in our recital, she was in Cosette's

character and was very effective. I looked at

Joy's teary eyes again in that recital the same

eyes I saw when we learned the Song. After

more than a year, Joy still remembers the song

and she just loves telling it story over and over

again to her parents and friends.

Rubs, as I fondly call her is 12 years old. She is

one of the two very talented daughters of the

late Juliet Ramo Valente, a well-renown pianist

and Pasay City Alliance Church Music Minister.

Rubilee plays the piano well and is also a gifted

singer. Whenever she sings I ask her to tell me

about the songs we have learned together, and

she always does. For our voice recital, I chose


"Great is Thy Faithfulness" (an adaptation by

Gary Granada) for her to sing.

During that recital she learned that her mother

was dying of cancer after so many months of

prayer. She sang the hymn so beautifully that

night. She sang it again in her Mom’s wake.

Three months from that day, she again sang it in

the Necrological Service for her father who died

of heart attack I never heard her sing "Great is

Thy Faithfulness" song with all her heart, --

pouring all that was within her. I cried when

she sang the second verse,

"Pardon for sin and a peace that

endureth Thine own dear presence, to

cheer and to guides-Strength for today,

and bright hope for tomorrow Blessings

all mine with countless beside."

Through this song, Rubs, a young innocent child


felt God's affirmation of His love and His

promises that she together with her sister and

younger brother can hold on to.

The rewarding experience I get in teaching and

working with children is something that I won't

exchange for anything. Seeing the joy, love,

trust, contentment, composure in the midst of

pains and difficulties through the children's eyes

is a blessing from the Lord. These are little

things that we adults miss in. our interactions.

RB is eight years old and a Pastor's kid. One day

while we are having our lesson, his mother

excused herself from being with us during the

session to pick up her other son from school.

As RB and I were doing the vocal exercise, he

stopped and said "Teacher umuulan." I looked

out and said "00 nga,” and went back to playing

the piano. RB became restless, and said


"Teacher, and Mommy ko, kawawa naman siya.

Baka mabasa siya, wala siyang payong." I

didn’t know how to respond to him then. He

was uneasy, and could not concentrate. I

prayed, "Lord, what must I do in times like this?

How do I explain that the rain comes and goes

and should not bother us in the things we do?"

I stopped for a while, then RB said "Teacher,

pag-pray natin and Mommy ko, na sana huwag

siyang magkasakit dahil mababasa siya, at sana

makasakay siya kaagad." I was amazed at the

depth of this 8-year old boys love and concern

for his Mother. It so characteristic of a child's

unpretentious concern, the kind Jesus wants us

to show in our dealings with one another^ As.

we prayed together, I thanked the Lord for the

daily privilege of learning from little children

about Jesus' love and about life itself.



Sequel to this article+

There are other lessons I have learned from my

learners as a voice instructor and voice coach

through the years. I am now married to a

musician himself, and a mother to an amazing

child. Her name is Renee Dominique. This is

her story


Outline:A musician from my wombShe can make music before she can speakA drummerA conductor


A composerA concert performer (Can’t be stopped from crushing the stage)Wants to be a Ballet (shoes)

Latest suggestion; Write the book with Ding and Renee who is also a gifted writer with graphics décor by Renee and Euan.


Reflections from Grandpa Rey Halili


The wonder of it all is I rediscovered its magic in a 3 year old child, my Apo, Renee Dominique Halili Pionso. Her favorite expression, "WOW!"

Renee is a facinating child. She gobbles new learning as fast as she can talk fluent English when she was 3 years old. One time we ate in the canteen of ABS-CBN while


waiting for her parents did some recordings. When the food was served in the table, she raised her hands in amazement at the many kinds of food served, she shouted, "Wow, thank you!" Like perhaps any normal child she is very inquisitive. She would listen with the look of amazement and almost always greet your explanation with "wow!" I surmise that she discovered more about things that interest her by wondering.

Wonderment is magical. Wonder is "a rapt attention or astonishment at something awesomely mysterious or new to one's experience." Its a gift any child of 3 or 60 should not lose. A person who has the gift of wonder anticipates good surprises. That is why he believes that no failure is fatal and that some successes that comes is


never final.

Our lives as adults could lose our sense of wonder. It could extinquish the fire and "wildness" inside us. Our minds could become to quick to reduce events into a simplified formula of "wala lang." Excitement could dry up in the heat of the noonday - and easily the rut of boredom could engulf us. Passivity would rule our days.

How do we recapture wonderment, (Let me listen to you, please share your thoughts. Then I will come back with the sequel) In the meantime, observed your children and or people around you if you can spot those who have this gift.


WONDER IS ONE GIFT WORTH RECOVERING. The wonder of it all is I rediscovered its magic in a 3 year old child, my Apo, Renee Dominique Halili Pionso. Her favorite expression, "WOW!"

Renee is a facinating child. She gobbles new learning as fast as she can talk fluent English when she was 3 years old. One time we ate in the canteen of ABS-CBN while waiting for her parents did some recordings. When the food was served in the table, she raised her hands in amazement at the many kinds of food served, she shouted, "Wow, thank you!" Like perhaps any normal child she is very inquisitive. She would listen with the look of amazement and almost always greet your explanation with "wow!" I surmise that she discovered more about things that interest


her by wondering.

Wonderment is magical. Wonder is "a rapt attention or astonishment at something awesomely mysterious or new to one's experience." Its a gift any child of 3 or 60 should not lose. A person who has the gift of wonder anticipates good surprises. That is why he believes that no failure is fatal and that some successes that comes is never final.

Our lives as adults could lose our sense of wonder. It could extinquish the fire and "wildness" inside us. Our minds could become to quick to reduce events into a simplified formula of "wala lang." Excitement could dry up in the heat of the noonday - and easily the rut of boredom could engulf us. Passivity would rule our



Learning About Death's Sayang, and Magic From a Child

Several days ago, my daughter Kaye received a text message from Abeg & Ding


at almost midnight. Renee Dominique, their 4 years old daughter, was mumbling words in sleep like “sayang”, “evaporation,” “magic”. What could that be? Kaye replied that the words must be “evaporation”, a term Renee learned in the dental clinic w/ Kaye. The next morning the curious parents ask her “what is evaporation?” Renee said, its “sayang”, it disappears, it’s magic! Evaporation was explained to her by getting her hands and putting a bit of alcohol, which after a while disappeared. So she the saying, but she did not missed to say magic.

Sayang is a word that came to me when I heard that Mario passed away. Mario as you knows for two years is in deep stupor, one degree less than comatose. Alice is hoping that she can bring Mario to


the US for treatment. We are hoping that the money that we await will soon come. Sayang, it seems, the hope is dash. I look forward to again play Chess w/ Mario or have lively discussions on the many issues, Bible and business and other contemporary topic. We have the same mother. The first time I saw Mario was when he is five years old when I visited my mother and her family. Immediately, we liked each other. I was 6 years older, we run around the house, I put him in the rocking chair and raced. It was a difficult parting at the end of the day, I together w/ my sister, left the house w/ a broken heart leaving Mario, Sally and Hermie and a broken rocking chair. Several years later, when my father died, my stepmother acceded to release Elvie, my younger sister


and I to my mother to live with her husband, two other sisters, Hermie and Sally and Mario. My stepfather, Mario’s father is a former councilor, vice mayor and mayor of the city.

Mario is my only brother and we shared the same room till I got married and moved out of the house. We share a lot when we were growing; run around the house, the yard and the roof, at one time he fell from the garage roof as we were playing soldiery. He got a scar to mark such adventure together. He most often would beat me in chess, and other card games. I beat him in billiard, basketball and other games that I can make manage to daya.


After, I came to know the Lord when I was in college, he too followed Christ. We pray together evenings in our room. We share family burdens, soon we saw, our mother coming to Christ, my sister, and even my stepfather. We share books, debated on many things under the sun. He study his Bible seriously as he serve the Lord and the church w/ full dedication. He graduated at MIT took the board w/ good grades. He took his work seriously and climbed the corporate ladder very quickly.

Sayang, at age 55, Mario can still do a lot of things. There were many dreams, many concerns he wish to pursue not only for himself and family but for other. In the mind of a four years old, His Lolo Mario is gone, evaporated, disappear. But Renee has other word for evaporation as she saw


and feel the alcohol on her hands being spirited away; she said “magic.” If we will join her world of fantasy, there is no loss in the death of a Christian, but merely a transformation, or a translation from this world of fast fleeting time-bound change, decay to a new world of incorruptible and eternal joy in the presence of God.

I pray that the magic will not disappear in our lives, touch by Mario. Two years is not sayang. It is not lost. To me it seems magic, in the parlance of a child. It is actually a miracle. It is beyond comprehension! What we have is that we all are a part of this miracle. We have witness the seemingly lifeless form of a man gasping for dear breath. We have seen the concrete form of a hope so frail, yet it cannot be killed. We have seen the


gallantry and courage of a wife and children hanging on for what ever thin threads that remain for the survival of their love one. It is a picture of “ the song in Joseph movie produced by Dreamworks “though hope is frailed, it cannot be killed” We have in past two years saw the courage of a wife, a son, 3 daughters valiantly hanging on to the faith of the Lord Jesus who said I will be with you.

We are part of the larger Christian community that prays and support in many creative forms a brother. It was no sayang  that the multi-faceted face of love and grace shows itself in these two years. Mario is gone, evaporated, but the magic stays, the miracle of a life touch by God, will continue to touch us and remind us that the darkest of nights cannot dispel


hope, faith, and love. That there is magic in sufferings and sacrifices. That indeed, Christ will never leave us nor forsake us- not in any circumstances. That like Mildred Kreager, 1961, said, “I stand breathless before each new day, glad for the increasing realizations of the unfailing grace of God.”

 Eulogy by Rey Halili in the wake of his half brother, Mario Milan, who had a stroke and was in semi comatose, he only regain consciousness after 2 

years in the presence of his Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.


reyhalili wrote on May 23, '07

Like what we tell our kids, there are only two things we can give them, roots and wings. Roots that established their values and beliefs, examples and training on the basic things of life, and wings that give them the freedom to surge and fly into their vision, dreams and aspiration. Praise the Lord, He is our helper in leaving a legacy for our youth and supporting their dreams.

reyhalili wrote on May 15, '07

Those who are too afraid or timid about the ups and downs in the roller coaster ride, won't get in and ultimately missed the thrill of trusting, and understanding faith.


Your Children & Grandchildren




As we appropriate God's all-encompassing blessings and promises into our own lives and learn to claim them for ourselves, it is now our responsibility to pass them on to our children and grandchildren.

If you are a parent or grandparent and a member of the family of God through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ, you have spiritual authority over your household. You have authority and power to speak blessings into the lives of your children and grandchildren.


Your words of blessing are energized by the power of God when you speak them.

When you speak what God wills you to speak, your children's and grandchildren's lives begin to change. Their lives begin to conform to your words, so be careful how you bless them and always be positive.

Remember, once the blessings are spoken, they cannot be stopped or thwarted by man or by the powers of darkness. (See the story of Jacob and Esau in Genesis 27.)

Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself provides the best example of how to bless our children. When several parents brought their children to Jesus for Him to "touch them," He "took them up in His arms, put His hands upon them, and blessed them" (Mark 10:13,16).32

The New Testament speaks much of the "laying on of hands" when a special gift or anointing is being given to someone. I believe it is important, whenever possible, h) touch your child with gentleness and tenderness as you impart your words of blessing.

Sample Blessing for Parents and Grandparents

"The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you,and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His countenance upon you and give you peace."You have been chosen to be His own possession. He is God, the faithful One, who keep His covenant and His loving kindness toa thousand generations of those who love Him an obey His commandments. The Lord will keep His covenant of love with you for you are holy to the Lord your God.


Let all these blessings that you speak by faith in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ rest cn the heads of your beloved children and grandchildren now and for the rest of their lives. Numbers 6:24-26 • Deuteronomy 7:6-9 Our Heavenly Father has provided a marvelous inheritance for His children. He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness: physical, spiritual, material, and personal. Nothing has been omitted to help us have everything we need for a truly good life. He even promises to share with us His own glory and goodness. (See 2 Peter 1:3,4.)

(Taken from The Larry Lea "Could You Not Tarry One Hour" Prayer Diary.) Courtesy of Ted Amper



Remembering the past in all its glories strengthens us each day, as we struggle to fight the idols of our hearts, and enthrone Christ as we reach out for the hopes of our tomorrow.


‘Let's start from the very beginning’

We, nowadays are often advised to “start with the end in mind.” Let our purpose drives us and directs our battles. I am delighted to hear my 3 year old “apo”, Renee Dominique, sings Julie Andrews' Broadway musical, “Let us start from the very beginning. A very good place to start, when you sing you begin with Do, Re, Mi. . .” I would likewise like to begin for a change with our passion as the starting point of casting our vision.

Vision, after all is a product of our spiritual passion. Our inner drive that makes us to dream dreams and create “miracles” not otherwise possible. Think of the many beautiful and creative invention and achievements of man. Think and


reflect again on the nature of your organization. Your vision and mission statement. The missing ingredient towards attainment in all your quest could be the absence of a spiritual passion.

Passionate spirituality is where it all starts. However, in the heat of the noon tide heat and the weariness and attrition of the day-to-day struggle, the flame of passionate spirituality can be diminished or extinguished. The discipline of passionate spirituality need to be more than intentional - though that is an excellent place to start.

Our passion triggers the many good things in us. It helps us to face ourselves, our identity, the inner prompting and aspirations and at the same time recognize


our realities and urgent priorities. For a restart, I have come across a prescription

Recapturing Our Spiritual Passion

1. Renew spiritual and emotional reserves, through observing Sabbath times and personal retreats - half-day or longer on a regular basis.

2. Make intentional decisions which reflect the Lordship of Christ. Choose God’s priorities in your time schedule. Learn to say “no.”

3. Cultivate spouse and family relationships. Enlarge your circle of people caring for others.

4. Maintain physical health through diet, rest and exercise.

5. Respond in immediate obedience to the prompting of the Spirit - however small.

6. Develop mentoring relationships. Pray for and find a spiritual mentor to meet with on


a regular basis. Or enter into an accountability relationship or group.

7. Nurture the fruit of the Spirit despite your circumstances.

8. Discover and use the gifts God has given you.


ANNIE, wrote:

This Mothers' Day, I told the Lord how bored I am at this phase of my life. The next day, I received a call from Ding, my son-in-law, that I was chosen from amongs many to model for a health company brouchure. It is not a big thing maybe to others, but for me, I felt the Lord is telling me that, He is


not done with me yet. There are more exciting things for a wife, a mother, and a granny in stored for me yet. I felt that the Lord kissed me and said, "Happy Mothers' Day, Annie, I never forget." (See other photos in that section)

. . . ganito ang sabi Yahweh:

“huwag kang matatakot, ililigtas kita,

Tinawag kita sa iyong pangalan.

Ikaw ay akin. Pag ikaw ay daraan,

Sa karagatan, sasamahan kita;

Hindi ka madadaig ng mga suliranin.

Dumaan ka man sa apoy, Di ka maaano.

Hindi ka maibubuwal Ng mabibigat na pagsubok.


Sapagkat akong si Yahweh and iyong Diyos. . ."

Isaias 43:1-3ª

"Kayo’y inaruga ko mula sa inyong pagsilang.

Ako and inyong Diyos. Iingatan ko kayo

Hanggang sa pumuti and inyong buhok

At kayo’y tumanda.

Isaias 46:3b-4a


Lord, Thou knows better than I know myself that I'm growing older and will someday be old. Keep me from the fateful habit of thinking that I must say something on every subject and on every question, and release me from the craving to straighten out everybody's affairs. Make me thoughtful but not moody, helpful but not bossy.


Thou knows, Lord» that with my vast store of wisdom it seems a pity not to use it all, but Thou knows too. Lord, that at the end of life I may want a few friends around. Keep my mind free from the recitals of endless details and give me wings to get to the point. Seal my lips on my own aches and pains. They are increasing and love of rehearsing them is becoming sweeter as the years go by.

Thou knows that I dare not ask for grace enough to enjoy tales of others' pains, but help me to endure them with patience. I dare not ask for improved memory, but for a growing humility and a lessening cocksure-ness when my memory seems to clash with the memories of others.


Teach me, too. Lord, the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be wrong. Keep me reasonably sweet. ... Thou knows that a sour old person is one of the crowning works of the devil. Give me the ability to see good things in unexpected places and talent in unexpected people and give me. Lord, the grace to tell them so. Amen.

Adapted Author Unknown


Miraculous Interventions

▪ Lora, our second child when, she was about 7 years old, was fond of fantasizing. She would gather small chairs, lined up in our sala and start teaching them as if they were in a class room. One time she got into our car alone, sat in the driver's seat as if ready to travel. Accidentally, she released the hand brakes, then the car started to back out of the open garage door in our Antipolo house. As it glide into the rolling subdivision street, its rear tires hit the gutter embankment that caused


the car to surged downhill forward to the open secondary road .

▪ Ofcourse, she was already frantic and shouting. Me and my wife and two daughters were shocked the car is gaining speed downhill heading towards the main subdivision street, which leads to the highway. To day, I still shudder at the thought of what could’ve have happen once the speeding car reach the Sumulong highway unstopped.

▪ But who will stop it, Lora cannot even reached the brakes if a seven years old kid knows what brakes are for. I jumped our low fence and run after the speeding car as it swayed left to right in the street. So far, no cars have


appeared, and before it got to the main avenue, with many speeding cars in both directions, the Lord intervened. Lora must have caused the car to sway hard to the right, and due to its gathered speed, climb the sidewalk embankment and hit earth mound in the vacant lot where its engine stopped.

▪ A miracle the Lord directed. ▪ ▪ A second one happened in the

same place several months after. She got into the driver's seat alone, the hand brake was disengaged, the van started to move. She sensed this and shouted, "Papa, Papa." I got out of the house run, and jumped inside the


moving van, whose sliding door was ripped off and was out for repair of its big dent. I frantically reached out and pulled from the back the hand break which arrested the van's descent. If it is true that lightning can strike twice, but the Lord's constant deliverance is always at hand for His children.

▪ ▪ Many years after that Lora, became our

best driver in the family. Still moving very fast, driving like a taxi driver. BUT learned well not to disengage breaks, unless ready na and how to steer in the ways of the Lord.

▪ Quadruple Bypass▪


▪ 3 years ago, my wife, Annie, was in constant pain. She has to be operated on her Gall Bladder the following week. But before that time comes, I was rushed to the Phil Heart Center for a stubborn blood pressure that won't go down. Annie's BP was higher than usual, so both of us underwent an Angiogram procedure. The result for me was not that bad. However, 4 spots in her major blood vessels were 90-95 % clogged. Immediate surgery is required. We were unprepared emotionally and financially. We were also drained physically and spiritually. Our family were hanging by the thread not knowing what to do. Prayer is the only one that sustained us. Annie underwent an emergency quadruple bypass. She survived the


quadruple bypass, and the family needs were miraculously met.


Can A Congenital Defect Be Healed?▪ My eldest daughter, Abigail, as a child

was diagnosed as having a congenital hole in her heart. We were asked to submit her for a surgical heart operation. But our faith prompt us to trust God alone for healing. We asked the Lord, Jehovah Rophe to come and take charge. We abandoned the surgical and other medical intervention. She enrolled in the Children's choir - before long she was singing high soprano and wrestling in school as her PE class - all impossible in a child with such heart condition. Later, she then decided to take music and wind up as an operatic singer, a voice coach and a choir director. Now she is happily married


with a 13 year old daughter and a miracle 4 year old boy.

▪ Very clearly when things are impossible, turn to the Lord in prayer, God fills our heart with Himself and covers holes in our life with securities and joy.


▪ It was in 1994, a bright light is all I can remember and later learned that I was engaged in a would have been fatal car accident with my sisters. I was between life and death. The car was totally damaged and I was badly hurt and had to undergo therapy for several months, for I cannot walk without a cane. God was there during the accident. He saved me and healed me.

▪ FROM ABIGAIL:▪ I never imagined surpassing my teenage

years. At 30, God gave me a Godly,


musically gifted man, Ding Pionso, a professional singer to marry in January 3, 1998. Expecting a child is a joy to a mother’s heart. They say that, “Natural birth is a delight and a great relief to a husband’s pocket.” My life was in danger and I almost lost it. After that unending labor, a natural birth is out of the question. Finally I gave birth to a baby girl named Reneé Dominique (Reborn of the Lord) through a caesarian section. Again, it was a new life for me. God is in control.


Miracles are really all around us. In "minor" or "major" events in our daily life. To Christians, miracle is a normal occurrence,


but we need to expect it. That seems to be the norm, it would be 'a miracle' if no miracle happens to a child of God. We need to put that proper perspective and conscious practice. I must confess that I failed to be consistently claiming miracles in our midst thus, I don't see it more often than I should.

▪ Some miracles I have lately. Our cat beaten to a pulp by several dogs in the neigborhood. It was given up for dead. We prayed for it and witness it limped its way to full health. My printer that won't run w/ wrong ink specs. After many tries and when finally I need it crucial to meeting a deadline, I prayed and it works. My funding proposal submission that I will never be able to finished with only a day to go before deadline. I prayed for extension, not at


all possible, it was granted when I prayed - to my surprise. (FUNNY) Like the Christians in the upper room praying for the release of Peter from prison and when he appeared on the door, a free man, they can't believe, and won't even open the door for him to get inside. Many, many more must be happening in our lives, but we attribute it to chance, luck or coincidence.

▪ Would things change if we acknowledge the Lord's presence in our impossibilities and say a simple sincere and direct prayer for His intervention. I hope I can consistently recognize miracles appearing impossibilities in my here and now.

