Microtubules Structure and Function

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A microscopic tubular structure present in numbers in the cytoplasm of cells, sometimes aggregating to form more complex structures.

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Essence Perry and Emily Agreda B-2/4

Microtubules Structure

Microtubules are essentially thick protein tubes. Microtubules are bulky, strong spirals of thousands of subunits. Those subunits are made of the protein called tubulin.


Microtubules Function


Microtubules are the movers and shakers of the cell interior. Microtubules are threadlike, intracellular structures that are responsible for various movements in all eukaryotic cells. Microtubules are involved in nucleic and cell division, organization of intracellular structure, and transport, as well cell motility.

Microtubules Continued...

❖ Constructed from globular proteins called tubulins, which are found only in eukaryotic cells

❖ Assist in the movement of vesicles from the cell bodies of neurons to the axonal tips and back to the cell bodies.

❖ Participate in the formation of the spindle during cell division (mitosis)

❖ Dynamics can also be altered by drugs: Docetaxel blocks the production of tubulin. (Main protein in microtubules)

❖ Microtubules are hollow ❖ Plural of Microtubules is Microtubuli
