Materilas Studio

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  1. 1. DHSSHULTSLISTEMES7 pS BIOV/ F? , safe _ a f t-n /x Materials StudieV+R Solve key materials and chemical research problemsDEXPERIENCE
  2. 2. 7HB. Materials Studio5 XH Elj-T-ln $| l -T-LEEEI monitoring simulation l-ll-lli.OI ll ^ll7l ill l Computing ollkl.lllol EET-l E-E-7l -f--EI l ll.El.IH Illl -E-OFEI 7l| '._l lll 54 ' llol 7llEll-lll. mmm : kru n In;flll 'In Ina,VAK:vlbunlfu-. I -FZEI EJ, li70ll E l I-lloli l-El EEE -UHI E-L.?- ? l l l7l|55. (Quantitatve structure-Property Relationshim lj Elcf ? KH-g- 8l| _|| ;|. _[ mla l /k. -_xk. -1""''_"'` "I" 'l i ""~L ' thst . i' Y* LLk.Q* kg; we'tss; t. .~I~ $|0|III| X| *lll Materials Studio llhjt.
  3. 3. Reflex /Reflex Plus /QPHReflexE powder diffraction EllolEl-? El -l Olll Efll-ll. ? JE mll lHlol X-rau,lQl XlQI owder diffraction pattern A| -E1|0|{j IH,Reflex QPH $| -0|powder diffraction ll| o|El 7|'= ,'_l2 lil Q2|l ^ ? l-l El. X-Cell powder diffraction II-| |O| El l-l, ^%%-'F%lE 9 -l lll l-lll- , Iltklllw Et'Jacobeuro: soit-on'NWO: maneurenlamm.-lnvairaigu is m] lndlgaJ lExt:Dlerwze abservee mammaPolgmorph PredictorPolgmorph predictorf:EM-Z ? El THE ll : NowI ltz!-lolumorph Oll* -T- l l Ecll-lll- a l '-|El.'M A 1 A.v ' l Al MC-SA ).( CI storing A' e A= A ,('S .Foreach A x l : mne voup A: _ B _:_ -b A ' '7' 71 Analysis ' ' *r llllsl colorma"oal i A" m d MlIIlYHlZllOH l UUSH 5 El 5.1 4.. . m A=En gtrryillres EE comm" E _ l "ka-Q A'Rank E with other E Cluslenng i A:E' _ E by Lama,E .space E-s A,i* -' Energy to9'"P5dj . ,}< Anaryse EM E 'x,K,A_ E_
  4. 4. L A VA _, ,~_ - __, . .l' ~m , all net'.I l`Nuwe . lnulhlsftcnu h.Enlil-NI j: MesoDgn QSHR /QSFiR Plus MesoDyn _Tl-_-Xl ---ll- El -E-, %_X1| QSFIR(Quantitative Structure-Flctivitg Relationshim -lsl- IlI ? J ^| ?_l0l|l H -Cull cll TJtlE/ Kl' 7ll ll W.Wil lgll 7lll-lll.o| |_| |;.l: | _ _ Materials Studio9| QSHRE FFIST Descriptor,VHMP descriptor EL' i' , 'f 'lfl descriptorl --l * XlI--llll,QSFlR 7ilrDPD & MesociteMesociteE lOl QQ nanometer01|k|micrometer01| Ol iH I l -T-* -T- Sll-lll.Olll l -i-Pl $| H coarse-grained simulation K| -?_; J| -_Ti_ 91251, l,iEolXll,l- 'i' controlled release ? g Cill Llg-E-OFQI E-_rLOlI ELEII ll-lll- SgnthiaSgnthia E Quantitative Structure-Propertg Relationship (QSPR Ol-lol l-'-Hpoli/ meril - ltlli-lil.E-LXM HHl7il -*l Oil* 4*- ? Vil H-l-lil.f' iuamuuunmnuunnunmw
  5. 5. BlendsBlends -', =- A| -O|2| mxing free energy 7-'i| J_K_l'iO| , phase diagramll- nteraction parameter Ollll,ll- X-HOH 99% ? FE : R755 R93 993* -T- ? E l Pll-lll. 'itmin: DmuGmMIIImbon/ hvlhmtrrlhm n. - u- Inn hvi mu n6101, Henry gr-Ll- sorption isotherms Sal ^ $^l5l7l -IH 939 7l5 895%GULPGulp Olkll.Eiiil JEII'.nanotubeoll 0|7|*iXH9| 71|{~_lO|7|-g$| -_T'_ forcefieldl* 5? ? l lC-*l 559 '-|El. |7.1|7
