50 Must Know Statistics for B2B Lead Generation

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Must-Know Statistics to Improve B2B Lead Generation Strategies


Website, Search and Email Marketing

Websites and landing pages require optimization to

look good, while also making it easier for users to

digest the content. Optimization also helps faciliate

the regular indexing performed by search engines.

On-page SEO factors include keyword optimization,

inbound and outbound link building, developing

content and social sharing amongst others.

Email marketing has been effectively used in a wide

array of circumstances for over a decade. In this time,

best practices have evolved to cater to a wider

audience with more discerning tastes. Due to the

intrusive nature of email, marketers need to develop

techniques that reduce the annoyance factor by

providing something of value in return to the receiver.

To find out more about email marketing, click here.

Strategic landing pages are used by 68% of B2B businesses to acquire leads. - Marketo

49% of B2B buyers prefer using consumer websites for work-related purchases and expect to be given the same array of omnichannel buying options they have as consumers. - The Future of Commerce

93% of the B2B buying process begin with an online search. - Pinpoint Market Research and Anderson Jones PR

Before finalizing a product purchase,

94% of B2B buyers research online. - Marketing Profs

76% of B2B buyers use three or more marketing channels when researching a potential purchase. - Blue Nile Research

The three most commonly used B2B lead generation strategies are:

email marketing (78%), event marketing (73%), & content marketing (67%).

- Demand Metric Research Corporaton

Email ranks as the third most influential information source for B2B audiences, behind colleague recommendations and industry-specifi intermediaries. - BaseOne via Imagination

59% of B2B marketers

say email is the most effective channel for generating revenue.

- BtoB magazine

It is expected that by 2017, the number of emails sent

daily will reach approximately

297 billion. - The Wonder of Tech

Content Marketing

Content Marketing is a concept that has been in use

since before the Internet. The notion of content

marketing is to generally tell a story to the reader,

and companies know that it is a strong promotional


The content marketing process has evolved over the

years, but since the dawn of the Internet, sharing of

content has become an increasingly common

practice in people’s everyday lives, and distribution

techniques have progressed as well.

These days, content marketing involves creating and

distributing valuable information to a pre-determined

target audience to earn their attention and ultimately

drive profitable customer action. The goal is to foster

strong relationships between brands and their clients,

encourage awareness, trust, credibility, loyalty and in

best cases, advocacy.

Content marketing is now an essential part of any

effective inbound marketing strategy because it is a

far more cost-effective way to engage with customers

and generate sales leads. To find out more about

which content types will work best for your audience,

click here.

85% of B2B marketers say lead generation is their most important content marketing goal in 2016. - Content Marketing Institute

Content marketing is used for lead generation by

83% of B2B marketers. - Content Marketing Institute

Through the success of content marketing, 49% of B2B marketers

follow up with quality sales lead for further assessment.

- Content Marketing Institute

70% of B2B marketers claim that videos are more effective than other content when it comes to converting users to qualified leads. - Vidyard

Brand awareness was the primary objective of content marketing for 84% of B2B marketers. - OpenView

Social Media

Social media refers to the various types of media

shared via a social platform. Originally meant for

communities to use to connect with and share with

one another, social media usage has grown to the

point where the vast majority of Internet users

access social media portals. This phenomenon

provides an excellent opportunity for brands to

engage with and learn about their prospects.

Social media marketing can help increase website

traffic, leads and conversions, raise brand

awareness, create brand identity and association,

and improve interaction with the main audiences.

A strategic social media marketing plan involves

defining social objectives and goals, determining

your target audience, what platforms they are using,

improving your social media accounts, developing

relevant content and evaluating your posts and


LinkedIn has proven to be the most effective social

media platform for targeting B2B buyers. If you’d like

to find out more about LinkedIn marketing and how

to effectively implement it in your business, click


When making a purchase, 75% of B2B buyers use social media for their decision-making. - International Data Corporation

49% of B2B marketers, find social media to be the most difficult

marketing activity to implement. - eMarketer

43% of B2B marketers have acquired customers through Facebook. - HubSpot

Social Media lead conversion rates are13% higher than the average lead conversion rate. - Hubspot via Struto.co

62% of B2B users stated that LinkedIn is the most effective social media platform for their business. - Content Marketing Institute

Lead generation from LinkedIn was successful for 65% of B2B companies. - LinkedIn

Focusing more on LinkedIn has been considered a priority by 77% of B2B marketers.

- Social Media Examiner

Twitter is the top social platform for B2B mentions, with 73% of B2B brand mentions. - Brandwatch

Mobile Marketing

As the technology of mobile devices has evolved

over the years, so has the behavior of people that use

them. Mobile device usage has experienced a steady

increase since the origins of the first smartphones

and has reached a point where an estimated 60% of

all Internet traffic now comes from mobile devices.

It is no longer a question for marketers whether or

not to leverage mobile usage, but HOW to leverage

mobile usage behavior.

The numbers are in, and more people are using their

phones, tablets, media players, and other mobile

devices to go online than ever before — accounting for

about 50% more traffic than traditional computer users.

So, if you are NOT currently making the most of this

phenomenon and your website is NOT mobile-friendly,

your business is probably missing out on the extra

traffic and potential sales leads from users that could

be discouraged by the lack of compatibility.

If you would like to learn a little more about mobile

marketing, click here.

Only 45% of businesses are conducting mobile marketing with mobile websites (70%), mobile applications (55%), and QR codes (49%) as the most usual tactics. - StrongView

About 50% of B2B vendors sell through mobile (including stores and applications). - MarketingCharts

Mobile apps play a significant role in content marketing according to 83% of B2B marketers. - e-Strategy Trends

Half of B2B buyers are using smartphones for business purchases — with 40% of these purchases directly influenced by such devices. Conversely, the allocation for mobile in digital marketing only amounts to 3%. - Webbiquity

Demand Generation | Lead Generation

A lead is a person that your company is in contact with who is

interested in purchasing your product or services. Marketers

are always accountable for generating these leads to drive

the sales funnel and increase customer databases. There are

two different techniques that marketers use to accomplish

their lead generation requirements: Inbound and Outbound,

with the most effective lead generation campaigns making

use of both.

Inbound lead generation help potential customers find your

company when they are searching for relevant solutions to a

problem they may be facing. These activities include website

SEO, business blogging, and social media promotion, which

tend to be more cost-effective but much harder to implement,

maintain, and measure.

Outbound lead generation helps a company find users

and deliver information to them. These outbound

activities involve email marketing, paid advertising,

content syndication, direct mailing, event marketing,

or cold calling. Whereas outbound lead generation

tends to be more costly than inbound, it is usually

much easier to implement, maintain, and measure.

The most effective lead generation techniques tend to

have the highest conversion rates and lowest cost per

lead (CPL). To find out more about lead generation,

click here.

37% of marketers state that the budget constraints hinder

them from conducting an efficient marketing automation strategy.

- Pepper Global

68% of B2B companies are still struggling with

lead generation. - CSO Insights via Lattice Engines

Expertise in lead nurturing results in a 50% increase in sales-ready leads, along with a 33% decrease in its cost. - Forrester Research via Hubspot

Lead generation strategies were only successful for

13% of business for accomplishing their main objectives.

- Ascend2 Lead Generation Benchmark Report via idio

Outbound leads cost 39% more than inbound leads. - HubSpot

61% of B2B marketers find generating high-quality leads as their biggest challenge. - B2B Technology Marketing Company

a CRM system is believed by 84% of companies to be beneficial in determining

the quality of leads. - Demand Metric Research Corporation

via Direct Marketing News

High-quality lead generation is the top challenge for 61% of B2B marketers. - B2B Technology Marketing Community

58% of B2B marketers said they will increase their lead generation budget in 2015. - B2B Technology Marketing Community

Only 5-10% of qualified leads successfully convert for marketers. - B2B Technology Marketing Community


25% of marketers don’t have any idea of their conversion rates. - B2B Technology Marketing Community

The average cost of a B2B sales lead varies by industry. Healthcare leads are most expensive ($60) followed by business/finance ($43). At the low end are leads for marketing products/services ($32) and technology ($31). - Madison Logic via Marketing Insider

Verifying business leads before passing it to the sales team is conducted by only 56% of B2B companies. - MarketingSherpa via Hubspot

With 61% of B2B marketers immediately forwarding leads to sales, qualified leads only amount to 27%. - MarketingSherpa via Hubspot

More than 79% of marketing leads don’t convert into sales with the lack of lead

nurturing as the leading cause. - MarketingSherpa via Hubspot

Increasing the quality of leads is the top priority for a majority (68%) of B2B professionals, followed by increasing lead volume (55%).

- B2B Technology Marketing Community

Lead generation outsourcing is 43% more efficient than generating leads in-house

because of their expertise. - Fearless Competitor

Only 57% of B2B firms consider converting leads into paying customers as their top priority when devising their marketing campaigns.

- MarketingSherpa via HubSpot

Customer Experience

Customer experience refers to the collection of

interactions that a customer has with a particular

brand over the duration of their relationship. These

experiences include initial attraction, awareness,

discovery, cultivation, advocacy, and purchase of a

product or use of a service.

Addressing the customer experience involves

maximizing the satisfaction levels at each point of

contact with the brand to promote a better overall

brand experience and create a competitive


Generally speaking, the way to improve satisfaction levels

depends highly on a company’s particular brand image,

common practices, and delivery of products and services.

In order to define areas needing improvement, intensive

customer research has to be carried out.

The most successful companies address customer

experience by listening to their consumers, researching

product/service differences, and demonstrating the value

of their offerings.

To find out more about how to tap into the Buyer’s

Journey, click here.

B2B marketers believe customer experience,

personalization, and big data hold the most promise over the next five years.

22% of B2B marketers named customer experience as the greatest opportunity.

- Econsultancy and Adobe

83% of CMOs stated that their organizational culture is crucial in the team’s productivity and quality of services they deliver.

- Spencer Stuart

Approximately 90% of B2B companies are likely to switch partners even with

just one single bad experience.

- CMO.com by Adobe

Only 45% of B2B marketers are confident that they have good,

if not high, levels of customer centricity.

- FierceCMO

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