Importance of HRM for an organization


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HRM is a product of the human relations movement of the early 20th century, when researchers began documenting ways of creating business value through the strategic management of the workforce.

HRM developed in response to the substantial increase in competitive pressures American business organizations began experiencing by the late 1970s as a result of such factors as globalization, deregulation, and rapid technological change.

Industrial Welfare

Recruitment and Selection

Acquisition of other Personnel Activities

Industrial Relations


It's believed that the first personnel management department began at the National Cash Register Co. in the early 1900s, according to an HR Magazine article. After several strikes and employee lockouts, NCR leader John H. Patterson organized a personnel department to handle grievances, discharges, and safety, as well as training for supervisors on new laws and practices






Training and Development

Employee Satisfaction

Reasons for Training:

• Turnover

• New technology

• Cost control

• Role & career flexibility

• Orientation

• New appraisal techniques

• Skill & labor shortage

• Globalization & speed of change

• Product & service quality

The Training & Development Process

•– Determine your company’s T&D needs

• _ Decide what are your desired results.

•– Set out clear Training objectives

•_ List clear summaries of your objectives.

•– Choose optimal T&D methods

•_ Know your training options and select the right ones.

•– Implement programs

•_ Set up and execute your training programs.

•– Evaluate programs

Addressing Weaknesses

Improving Performance

Fostering Growth

Enhancing Satisfaction

Reducing Turnover

Productivity is increased

Employee confidence is built, developing key performers, team organization & morale.

Employees are kept current on developing information, further contributing to improved customer service.

Companies can receive a fresh professional perspective.

Job satisfaction, employee motivation, and morale are increased, reducing employee turnover.

Processes gain efficiency

Grievance may be any genuine or imaginary feeling of dissatisfaction or injustice which an employee experiences about his job and it’s nature, about the management policies and procedures. It must be expressed by the employee and brought to the notice of the management and the organization.

Improper working conditions such as strict production standards, unsafe workplace, bad relation with managers, etc.

Irrational management policies such as overtime, transfers, demotions, inappropriate salary structure, etc.

Violation of organizational rules and practices

Quick action

Acknowledging grievance

Gathering facts

Examining the causes of grievance

Execution and review

When companies have unhappy, unmotivated employees, productivity and work relationships may suffer as a result.

For this reason, companies often spend a great deal of energy trying to find out how to best motivate their employees.

Likely motivating tools of employee:

Tool Types



Life Enhancement

Bottom Line
