Top Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Single Story Home in Carlsbad CA


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Top Spring Cleaning Tips

for Your Single Story Home in

Carlsbad CA

Flowers are just about ready to bloom and grace the entire neighborhood in beautiful colors. But is your single story home in Carlsbad CA ready for the beauty of spring? Don’t get left behind and start your spring cleaning planning today!

Compared to spring cleaning multi-level homes, most homeowners of one story homes find it surprising that a smaller home also poses quite a bit of a challenge to get spotless. To help, here are some top spring cleaning tips you can follow:

Plan where to begin.What room of the home do you and your family usually

stay in the longest, apart from your own bedrooms? Do

you constantly hang out in the kitchen or do you always

have friends over at the living room? You don’t want to

start cleaning out the entire house one morning and

come afternoon, you haven’t even finished cleaning a

spot in the home. Plan accordingly and know which

rooms to prioritize and work from there.

Clean from top to bottom.One of the mistakes homeowners usually make when spring cleaning is sweeping the floors and vacuuming all the rugs first then taking on the windows and shelves. Keep in mind that whatever dust and dirt that you clean from the tops of your shelves or from the ceiling and windows, all of these go down to your floors. If you start cleaning from bottom to top, you’ll end up cleaning all the floors and rugs again. So when you decide on what room you’ll begin to spring clean, start from the top first.

Don’t be afraid to purge home items.

One of the things that spring cleaning single story

homes for sale in Carlsbad does is it allows

homeowners to take out all the unnecessary items that

are lying all over their home. From the clothes you

haven’t used in over a year that are still taking up

space in your closet to the stacks of microwaveable

containers in your kitchen cabinets, start creating piles

of “Keep, Donate, and Throw.”

Keep all the items that you have used in the past 3-6 months, donate all the still usable items that you no longer have use for or haven’t used in over 6 months, and throw away broken items.

Invest in good cleaning supplies.

Just because you have to get down and dirty doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your hands or your health. Make sure that you have the proper cleaning equipment such as quality rubber or vinyl gloves and a face mask to help you prevent inhaling any dirt or dust. Also, another thing you need to invest in are good cleaning supplies that do the dirty work for you. Make sure you have the right cleansers, brooms, sponges, vacuum, scrub brush, and more.

Having quality cleaning supplies ensures that you not only get a clean home but also you wouldn’t have to keep purchasing new ones every time you clean your home.

For even more helpful tips for cleaning, organizing, or decorating your homes for sale in Carlsbad CA, visit our blog at If you’re thinking of buying or selling homes in Carlsbad CA, feel free to check out all the available homes for sale in the area, too!

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