The Future of Crowd funding



Welcome to the Future of Real Estate with the Global Wealth Group

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Welcome to the Future of Real Estate with the Global Wealth Group

1. 20th century1. Compete2. Win at all costs3. Make my money upfront4. Interests are not aligned5. Sell you things6. Hidden fees7. Lack of trust8. Lack of transparency9. Unsustainable based on nature!10. Greed

What has changed?

2. 21st century1. Based on natures laws2. Mutual gain3. Interests are aligned4. Earn on the backend5. Partnership6. Complete financial understanding7. Trust8. Transparency9. Social Collaboration

What has changed?

1998 - Dissertation

"to take an old industry, steeped in tradition and run by many smaller, disparate and often inefficient operators, and to redefine it through the use of web technology to

increase global reach, partnerships & efficiencies of scale, so as to provide a ‘one stop’ enhanced and

personalised service to our clients!"

Wealth Migrate

1. Concept formed in Global Financial Crisis in London2. Met Hennie Bezuidenhoudt – Billionaire

International Investor in 20093. Created company in 20104. Story

1. Laws of Nature2. Michael Drew – Pendulum

1. 40 year cycle3. Henry Ford

Wealth Migrate

1. Vision is “To revolutionise and improve the property industry, (like Google did for the internet), and to create massive wealth for all involved by 2015!”

2. Mission is, ““Providing a global property solution, taking advantage of local markets through best of breed partners, and based on a Global IT Platform, providing transparency and efficiency of property markets! This makes international property accessible to all, while creating massive wealth. Doing to property what Henry Ford did to cars!”

Wealth Migrate

Wealth Migrate – Stage 1

1. Started in Australia1. Partnered with Aus company with licenses

(traditional model) – sophisticated investors2. 2010 = $4 million3. 2013 = $40 million4. Over 2000 investors5. Listed the company

2. Then USA1. Started in 2012 with $3 million2. Invested $29 million, achieved IRR of 41,41% in 2013

Wealth Migrate – Stage 2

1. 5 years of research – legalities of different jurisdictions

2. 2 things changed1. Exchange control in South Africa loosened2. Crowd Funding - “Crowd Funding represents a

breakthrough in how business and local projects are funded and disrupts centuries-old financial flows.” 2013CF The Crowd Funding Industry Report.

3. Now built the Global Real Estate Market Place

Joseph Barisonzi

Why is this different?

Economic leakage

Wealth Migrate Model

• No Fees• Only performance fees, after target return is paid!

SEC Compliance

SEC Certificate
