Lot Availability: Top 5 Builder Benefits


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Lot Availability: Top 5 Builder Benefits

Improve your buyer’s search, increase your discoverability

Zillow and Trulia search results show buyers a map view of all the available lots in your communities.

1Showcased lots to attract

home shoppers.

Email notifications and refreshed sort order let buyers see the availability status of your inventory in real time.

2Real-time updates that

engage buyers.

Listing more homes increases discoverability—an average 60% increase in page views on each.

3Increased listing traffic to generate

more leads.

Home shoppers want to see everything available. More inventory gives them a greater selection to explore.

4Vivid details that draw in

more buyers.

Sharing all stages of your community lets buyers consider their options and purchasing timeline.

5Insights into the process that help you

provide a better search experience.

Is Lot Availability right for you?Learn more about Zillow Group’s pilot program for select builders.

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