Energize Your Morning


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Energize Your Body

Stand up straight, give yourself a good shake, and take three long breaths

Get your body going with a little exercise. You don’t have to turn into a jogger or walker, but even a few exercises will do wonders for your day.

Try a five-minute workout and see how great it can be.

Energize Your Body

Open your blinds and get some natural light to help yourself wake up

Eat a good breakfast, that includes your protein and some fruit

Take your vitamins, B vitamins help with digest your food and keep you energized throughout the day

Energize Your Mind

Listen to a playlist that pumps you up while you get ready for the day or drive to work

Read over your goals! Keep them on your nightstand, pasted on your mirror or fridge, etc. If you prefer reading your goals at work or school, make it a priority to read them first thing

Map out your day! Plan ahead

Ignore email, messages, and social updates first thing in the morning. Hold off on these until you have your day in order

Take note of things you are grateful for and write them down

Successful People’s Routines

Steve Jobs spent each morning re-evaluating his work and desires.

He said, “For the past 33 years I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”

Successful People’s Routines

David Karp, the CEO of Tumblr, doesn’t check his email until he gets into the office.

He said, “Reading e-mails at home never feels good or productive. If something urgently needs my attention, someone will call or text me.”