5 tips for improving email marketing for realtors


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Email marketing maximizes ROI for real estate agents

Realtors are in many ways, small business

owners, independently responsible for their own

time, efforts, and budgets.

Are we bashing real estate agents still

prospecting using direct mail – YES! Snail mail is

for hand written Thank You cards after a

successful close

The expected return on every dollar you spend

should be your primary focus when determining

how to allocate your marketing budget.

Unlike snail mail, email can provide you valuable

insights and actionable data.

Email marketing provides the following, valuable,


Who Cares? Email allows you to see

exactly who is opening (and clicking) on

your emails.

What’s Interesting? By understanding

what people are clicking, you can make

adjustments in your marketing to improve

relevancy (and know who to call first).

How Much Money Am I Making? Email

allows you to track every dollar, to every

lead, to every deal.




“Effective marketing begins by

understanding if your marketing

is effective”

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Create Content That Empowers People

Potential clients don’t want to be marketed to,

they want to be informed. With comfort comes

confidence, and the better you prepare clients

the more comfortable (confident) they will feel

working with you.

Before you hit send be sure to ask yourself a

couple basic questions:

How Will This Information Help THEM?

Everyone already knows Realtors facilitate

buying and selling homes. They don’t need

you reminding them, they need information

that will help them through the home

buying/selling process.

Is This Information Relevant? Use email to

establish yourself as a real estate expert,

rather than a peddler of miscellaneous

information. Provide valuable information

such as answers to questions like, “how to

prepare a home to sell” or “what to look for

when buying a home.”

Do I Sound Consultative or Salesy?

Determine how clients perceive you by

avoiding typical salespeak. As a consumer I

don’t want a saleswoman, I want an

experienced industry consultant.




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Make Sure You’re Delivering the Correct

Message to the Right People

Database segmentation does not have to be

daunting. A little preparation ahead of time can

save you hundreds and make you thousands of

dollars in the long run.

Segmenting your database enables you to

ensure you’re hitting your audience with relevant

messaging. For example, if immediately after

selling my home I received an email from you on

“Prepping Your Home to Sell” I would assume

you’re not aware of my needs, thus not an agent

I want to work with.

Your marketing efforts can just as easily turn

someone off from ever working with you.

Segment your email list into logical buckets and

develop relevant content for each of those

buckets. Examples of segments include: buyers,

sellers, residents of 98004 zip code, women,

people with 6 digits on their right hand,

prospects, clients, et cetera.

It’s easy to get carried away, so start with the

basics. Is this person looking to buy or sell? Start

creating emails for those two segments and

you’ll instantly be ahead of most competition.

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If You’re Creating Compelling Content, There

Are Plenty of Others That May Benefit From

Your Expertise

Leveraging social media is becoming more

important every day. As more and more people

turn to social media platforms for their

information it’s becoming imperative to integrate

social into your marketing strategy.

That being said you may be wondering where to

begin. Here are three things you can do

immediately to elevate your social game.

Let Peeps Know You’re Social – Include

links to your social profiles and encourage

people to friend or follow you to receive

your updates in more ways.

Post Your Email Content To Social Sites

– Repurposing information is a brilliant

method for saving time.

Using social platforms to post your content

serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it gets

your content to the public. Secondly, it lets

people know you provide informative

content they may subscribe to.

Build Your Email List – Solicit email

subscription signups from your social





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According to the 2013 Digital Marketer Report, 44% of total

email opens occur on mobile devices

When writing keep in mind many will read your email on their

phones; engagement on phones is higher than desktops.

Brevity & Clarity – No one appreciates a verbose email

when reading on their phone. Keep your emails short and

to the point.

Mobile Friendly Design – Create emails no greater than

580px wide. Easy rule of thumb is 22px for headlines and

14px for sub copy; separate calls-to-action by at least 40px

so people aren’t accidently clicking on the wrong link.

Mobile Friendly Landing Pages – Ideally email is used to

drive a user back to your site or a landing page. It does

you no good when you have a great mobile-optimized

email that directs users back to a non-optimized landing


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Who’s Clicking on What When Where?

Understanding who’s opening your

emails, what device they’re on, and what

they are clicking on is marketing gold!

If I send an email to my client database

with a link to an article on my blog called,

“Tips for Selling Your Home” what can I

assume about everyone clicking on the


You bet I’m sending each of those people

a personal follow up email, or phone call,

to see if I can provide any additional


Use the behavioral insights provided by

your emails to direct where you spend

your resources, time and energy.

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