Who would be the audience for your media product


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Who would be the audience for your media product?

The magazine is aimed at both males and females who enjoy indie music. The main target audience for my magazine are of the lifestyle type generation x, these are the kind of people who don’t know what they want in life and tend not to care most of the time. I find that these type of people are more easier to please because they have this don’t care attitude within them these people are however main stream and tend to follow the crowd, the age range for my target audience are 18-28, I feel this isn’t too young or old making the magazine easier to target at them, this is around the age that they attend festivals and are familiar with social networking, this doesn’t really apply to the older audiences as they are really interested in new coming artists. Individuals from this age group may be students or have part time/full time jobs so I made the price of magazine a suitable amount that the target audience are able to afford. The percentage of females who read the magazine are higher than males because I think most of the artists from this genre are males and females enjoy listening to their music because

I think that the average Fame and Fortune readers are average students who achieve top grades and are popular amongst their friends where ever they are and they enjoy a cosy night at home watching TV shows or the latest movies on Netflix. The readers of fame and fortune enjoy listening to music on a daily basis and their whole lives revolve around it, as my target audience are fans of festivals and gigs, this magazine will fill their needs because they include many articles of festivals and the readers are able to win tickets making the audience want to buy the magazine. Fame and Fortune readers also are very familiar with social networking this is how they follow their favourite bands and artists very move and get to know the artists on a personal level as well as just listening to their music on their ipods, social networking such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are very popular amongst my target audience, this is how they pass time when they are bored, they go social networking and get the latest on people and artists around the world. They don’t only use social networking to keep up to date with artist and bands but also to get the latest on the latest trends.

I believe I have achieved getting the attention of my target audience because I have fulfilled their needs and wants with the layout and overall look of the magazine. My model has also contributed to this, her overall look and what she was wearing appealed to my specific target audience, my other models did the same thing the way they were posing and standing suggested they were from my chosen genre of music.

The psychographics of my magazine will apply to those who listen to indie pop music on a daily basis and those who keep up to date with all the bands, and those who read the magazine and are inspired by the artists and idolise them. They will purchase the hard copy of the magazine from local newsagents of local store such a Sainsbury’s