How to prepare and deliver compelling & memorable presentations



The process for developing compelling and memorable business presentations to any audience in any sector. Follow these steps to ensure you put the time and effort into the appropriate part of the process at the correct time. You always start with the end in mind, and only ever think about what the audience needs from the presentation and what actions you want them to take as a result of seeing and hearing your presentation. Use as few support materials as you can get away with but as many as you need to compliment your key messages. Avoid detail "Less is More" and give them pointers throughout so they know what to expect in terms of key messages, time etc. Contact me on 01963 240555 to discuss having this workshop run in your business

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Preparing compelling


Key areas to cover

•  Purpose of the workshop

•  Understand your experience

•  Presenting as a critical skill within the workplace

•  The importance of being “One Team”

•  The key stages in preparing a presentation

•  Verbal and non-verbal communication

•  What makes for effective communication

•  Summary


Purpose of the workshop

1.  Outline critical success factors

2.  Highlight key stages of the process

3.  Change your perspective


Your experience of presenting


What is it about good presenters that make them so?

How do you feel about having to do it?

What (if any) are your biggest fears or concerns about g? presentin

What is your experience of presenting in front of an audience?

Why is being an effective communicator so important?


Influence and leadership

Gives you confidence

Creates a positive perception of ability

Applicable for every aspect of life

The importance of being One Team


Appear balanced & objective

Enables individual progression

Strength in depth Clearly defined responsibilities

Key stages in developing a compelling presentation

•  Where to start?

•  Structure

•  Evidences and proofs

•  Benefits – for the client

•  Write detailed content

•  Support materials

•  Plan for the Q&A

•  Practice, practice, practice

•  On the day

Address their most pressing needs…from their perspective


•  Address their biggest issues related to the project

•  Key win themes

•  What do you want them to? •  Feel •  Understand •  Remember •  Do

Key stages in developing a compelling presentation

•  Where to start?

•  Structure

•  Evidences and proofs

•  Benefits – for the client

•  Write detailed content

•  Support materials

•  Plan for the Q&A

•  Practice, practice, practice

•  On the day

Weave your key messages throughout


 A  pre-­‐set    agenda?  

 Sells  your  solu3ons  best  

Storyboard  your  ideas  

Key stages in developing a compelling presentation

•  Where to start?

•  Structure

•  Evidences and proofs

•  Benefits – for the client

•  Write detailed content

•  Support materials

•  Plan for the Q&A

•  Practice, practice, practice

•  On the day

Only people provide these


•  Yours is the right solution

•  Provides client confidence

•  Competitive advantage

•  Unique to you

Key stages in developing a compelling presentation

•  Where to start?

•  Structure

•  Evidences and proofs

•  Benefits – for the client

•  Write detailed content

•  Support materials

•  Plan for the Q&A

•  Practice, practice, practice

•  On the day

They only care about what they get as result of what you do!


•  Answer the “so what?” question

•  Tangible & relevant

•  Based on “real” needs

•  “which  means  that”  

•  “the  benefit  to  you  is..”  


Key stages in developing a compelling presentation

•  Where to start?

•  Structure

•  Evidences and proofs

•  Benefits – for the client

•  Write detailed content

•  Support materials

•  Plan for the Q&A

•  Practice, practice, practice

•  On the day

Only tell them what is directly relevant


•  Bullet points or long-hand

•  Key messages only

•  Think benefits

•  Less is more

Key stages in developing a compelling presentation

•  Where to start?

•  Structure

•  Evidences and proofs

•  Benefits – for the client

•  Write detailed content

•  Support materials

•  Plan for the Q&A

•  Practice, practice, practice

•  On the day

As much as you need but as little as you can get away with


•  Visuals?

•  Minimal text

•  Support the presenter

•  Don’t distract audience

•  Not the whole message

Key stages in developing a compelling presentation

•  Where to start?

•  Structure

•  Evidences and proofs

•  Benefits – for the client

•  Write detailed content

•  Support materials

•  Plan for the Q&A

•  Practice, practice, practice

•  On the day

Expect the unexpected


•  Assign roles

•  Anticipate questions

•  Prepare model answers

•  Develop ‘Active Listening’ skills


Key stages in developing a compelling presentation

•  Where to start?

•  Structure

•  Evidences and proofs

•  Benefits – for the client

•  Write detailed content

•  Support materials

•  Plan for the Q&A

•  Practice, practice, practice

•  On the day

“The harder I practice the luckier I become”


•  Familiarity increases confidence

•  Focus on delivery •  Passion •  Pace •  Pauses

•  Behave as one


Key stages in developing a compelling presentation

•  Where to start?

•  Structure

•  Evidences and proofs

•  Benefits – for the client

•  Write detailed content

•  Support materials

•  Plan for the Q&A

•  Practice, practice, practice

•  On the day

Get yourself in the right place to do your best


•  Stand tall

•  Breathe slowly

•  Command the space

•  Smile

•  Wait

•  Speak

Verbal communications


Short  sentences  

Avoid  jargon  

Write  as  you  speak  


Non-verbal communications


Non-­‐  verbal  







What makes for effective communication?

•  Starting with the end in mind

•  Clients perspective

•  Less is more

•  Repeat key messages

•  Give them benefits

•  Be yourself


When communicating always…

•  Make it personal

•  Believe

•  Know the audience

•  Engage them

•  Make it easy for them



Don’t “we” on your audience

Just remember…

•  You meant to say that

•  People forget detail

•  It’s only ever about them

•  Their perception is their reality

•  Actively listen to the audience the whole time


Preparing compelling

