2014 Clarissa Rayward & Anne-Marie Rice We Both Want The Juice


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Clarissa Rayward • Director Brisbane Family Law Centre

• Accredited Family Law Specialist

• Mediator & Collaborative Family Lawyer

• Also known as “The Happy Family Lawyer”

Anne-Marie Rice • Director Rice Naughton Family Law

• Accredited Family Law Specialist

• Mediator & Collaborative Family Lawyer

Is there really a place for interest based/

facilitative mediation in a legal world that is focused on a client’s

rights and entitlements?

4 parts to our discussion-

1. What is the current practice of mediation in family law matters?

2. Should we as legal practitioners shift to interest based or facilitative mediation models?

3. Do we have the skills necessary to make this shift?

4. What advantages might there be for families if we did?

What is the current ‘style’ of mediation used in many family law disputes

In a Court system that is focused on the ‘tangible’- those things that are ‘provable, realizable and evidentiary’- is there a place in negotiations for the intangible?

Is it time for lawyers to get comfortable with the ‘uncomfortable’- the intangible/ the immeasurable?

What is the juice?

Is it ‘different’ for lawyers and clients?

What are the advantages for practitioners and clients of working in an ‘interest based’ system

Can we all have the juice?

