Prior 2012 Mexican Presidential Election


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prior  2012  México    Presidential  Election  


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communication,  strategy  &  leadership  architects    

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 Today's  Mexican  presidential  election  results  will  be  depicted  on:    -­‐   Such   along   pre-­‐campaign,   especially   at  PAN   headquarters,   where   the   division   and  internal  conflicts  between  party  families  has  been  a  permanent  sign:  artificial  electoral  coalitions   with   leftist   movements   and   PRI-­‐against;   the   clash   between   the   different  primary   candidates;   the   power   struggle   between   candidates   and   the   outgoing  president;  a  former  president  exiting  the  party  only  a  few  weeks  before  the  election...      

                                                                                                 Josefina   Vazquez   Mota   after   passing   the   barriers   and   jumping   successfully   the  interests   of   her   own   party   has   come   with   little   energy   to   the   final   steps   of   the  campaign.  Her  smile,  being  contagious  in  the  first  stages  of  the  campaign,  months  ago,  has  faded,  like  the  golden  light  of  the  candidate.    The   Women,   the   underdog   candidate's   positioning,   the   challenger   attitude   of   the  establishment,   the   woman   who   wanted   to   represent   the   Mother   acting   role   of   all  Mexican,  have  been  reduced  to  a  bitterness  face.        


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communication,  strategy  &  leadership  architects    

www.ingenia-­‐                            @ingenia_pro    

-­‐  PRI,  in  its  most  monarchy  and  institutional  aspect  than  revolutionary,  has  aligned  the  territorial  establishment  and  the  economic  power,  and  has  customized  Peña  Nieto  as  the  figure  of   the  natural  heir  of   the  movement  as  the  best  opportunity   for  returning  back  to  the  presidency  of  the  country,  as  they  had  steadily  been  from  1929  to  2000.      

                                                                                 They  raised  apparatchik  muscle,  the   influence  of   institutional  and  territorial  states  as  the  economic  power  needed  to  provide  more  kind  of  a  national  disembarking  salvation  sense  than  an  election  one.    When  they  thought  they  would  win  the  elections  easily  and  without  sweating  the  shirt,  in  the  end  they  have  sensed  a  too  long  campaign.  They  were  asking  the  referee  for  no  more  extra-­‐time.                                                                                


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communication,  strategy  &  leadership  architects    

www.ingenia-­‐                            @ingenia_pro    

-­‐  The  leftish  coalition  led  by  the  PRD  with  an  orphaned  leadership  -­‐  a  kind  of  messianic  and   philosopher   AMLO   who   is   most   comfortable   with   the   conspiracy   theory   -­‐   has  failed  to  present  and  build  a  new  leadership  and  a  positive  message   in  regard  of  the  different  social  groups  who  pretends  to  stand  by  as  a  spokesman.        

                                                       The   success   of   this  movement   is   the   charismatic   figures   surrounding   the   candidate,  representing   the   University   &   Culture   Thinking   sectors.   These   popular   figures   have  executed   their   mission   perfectly:   they   were   the   campaign   gregarious   and   push   the  voice  and  soul  of  the  movement  anywhere.      The   university   students  movement   #yosoy132   has   caught   "off   guard"   the   campaign  and  has  become  the  catalyst  for  the  last  few  weeks  of  the  election,  benchmarking  the  candidates  agenda.    AMLO   is   the   candidate   with   a   weaker   preparation   and   performance   in   the   two  presidential  debates:  monologue;  attacking  opponents  based  strategy;  few  new  ideas  and   proposals;   monothemed   -­‐the   conspiracy   theory;   while   a   devastating   failure   to  deliver  a  clear  message  strategy,  a  core  value  orphan  mission  and  an  important  lack  of  training.    This  reality  won't  hurt  politically  AMLO,  but  will  prevent  him  from  reaching  clearly  and  convincingly   voters   who   are   likeable   to   hear   from   him  with   another   attitude   and   a  positive  approach  campaign.    


#newCommunication  #newLeadership  #newPolitics  



communication,  strategy  &  leadership  architects    

www.ingenia-­‐                            @ingenia_pro    

 -­‐  Gabriel  Quadri,  who  led  the  PANAL  coalition,  has  been  the  most  pleasant  surprise  of  this   election:   a   public   speech,   positive,   fresh,   innovative,   honest,  wanting   to   escape  from  the  litany  of  accusations  and  allegations  that  have  fallen  in  the  other  candidates.      

                                                               Ideas,  strength  and  training  are  the  keys  that  explain  this  phenomenon.  He  is  not  going  to  win,  but  will  succeed  on  the  building  the  base  of  his  political  future.    He  was   the   best   candidate   in   the   debates:   consistent,   credible,   close   to   the   people,  with  very  clear  messages.  It  was  not  an  easy  task  to  attract  the  attention  of  the  other  candidates  and  citizens  and  his  role  has  been  exemplary  and  worthy.    Congratulations  to  the  team  who  worked  with  the  candidate  and  did  an  excellent  job!      -­‐  Polls:  although  Mexico  has  very  solvent  companies  and  professionals,  the  sector  has  not  yet  found  a  way  to  make  surveys  a  serious,  credible  and  rigorous  tool  to  size  public  opinion.    With   the   real  difficulties  of  how  to  save   the  "no   truth"  political  answers  of   citizens   -­‐  also   increasing   in   Europe-­‐,   adding   the   measure   of   the   indigenous   and   the   poorest  communities.  The  vote  is  usually  "conducted"  in  these  areas,  and  trying  to  control  or  estimate  this  phenomenon  is  almost  impossible.    As  in  Spain,  the  polls  want  to  influence  public  opinion  and  momentum  than  measure  it.  


#newCommunication  #newLeadership  #newPolitics  



communication,  strategy  &  leadership  architects    

www.ingenia-­‐                            @ingenia_pro    

-­‐   #FinalCoda:   Even   we   have   faced   a   long   election   time:   the   campaign   has   left  unanswered  the  key  challenges  Mexico  faces  as  a  society  and  as  a  State:       ·∙  Poverty:  over  55  million  people  excluded.  The  figure  continues  to  rise  freely.  It     has  not  been  objective   in  discussions.  There  have  been  no   firm  commitments     due  to  food  and  water  access,  illiteracy...       ·∙  Violence:  sociologist  Manuel  Castells  warned  about  the  proliferation  of  Failing     States   -­‐   states  where  under   the   same  borders,   two  power   structures   coexist:     one  stemming  from  the   institutional  architecture  of  democracy  and  the  other     one  stemming  from  undemocratic  and  linked  to  illegal  activities.         Las  Vegas,   some   Japan   cities,   Italy,   Russia,   Colombia   and  other   former   Soviet     republics   are   part   of   this   list.   Unfortunately,   Mexico   also   is   in   this   list.   The       narco  reaches  where  the  Mexican  state  structures  are  more  fragile.       Which  response  should  give  the  Mexican  State  to  this  reality:  live  and  socialize     it   or   fight   it?   The   Mexican   campaign   has   not   thought   about   it.  More   than     60,000  deaths  since  2006  and  a  major  source  of  instability  required  so.         ·∙  Corruption:  Mexico  is  the  most  corrupt  OECD  state.      Other  issues  have  been  orphaned  in  the  campaign:       ·∙  The  absence  of   a   public  media   to  help  shape  public  opinion  guaranteeing  a     certain  plurality  and  neutral  information  and  access;       ·∙  The  economic  model  of  sustainable  growth  and  the  environment;       ·∙  The  relationship  with  the  United  States  ...  among  others.        It  seems  that  the  questions  of  children  will  remain  orphans  are  unanswered:      


#newCommunication  #newLeadership  #newPolitics  



communication,  strategy  &  leadership  architects    

www.ingenia-­‐                            @ingenia_pro  


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