Open civilization



Civilization is opening up

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THE OPEN CIVILIZATIONThe opening of the human imagination

The Open Civilization

The open civilization is emerging from a long gestation

The past 500 years have changed the human condition

Our life patterns and expectations have changed dramatically

The Open Civilization

The shackles of tradition have been severed

Boundaries are disappearing

Limitless opportunities abound

And we are just waking up to our human potential!

Open Society

People are free to choose… Their governments Their religions Their marriage

partners An education and an

occupation To own property To visit almost any

country To move almost


Open Society

Slavery is disappearing

Poverty, pestilence and starvation are being reduced

Democracy has grown around the globe

Literacy and education are spreading everywhere

Open Communication

Open access to the internet One to one

communication One to many Many to one Mass to mass Text Voice, sound Image, video

Open Concept Architecture

Minimizing restrictions in the design and use of space

Let the imagination prevail

Open Concept Architecture

Free style Irregular Non-linear Organic

Open SpaceUsing space creatively forCollaboration, Public Engagement, Consultation

Open Learning

Free course curricula from many universities and colleges

Without credit Download and take

your time

Open Credentialing

Acceptance of education and occupational credentials based on global standards

Standardized testing

Professional association membership standards

Open Access

For the mobility impaired

Open Skies

International agreement on liberalization of rules and regulations for air transportation

A free market for the international aviation industry

Open Source Software

Free and open access to computer program source code

Minimal restrictions on use

Pay if you want E.g. Linux

operating system…

Open Data

Free access to online data sets

Usually collected by government agencies Industry Finance Demographics Trends Opinion polls

Open Migration

People are migrating between nations with relative ease

National economies are specializing and drawing specialized talent from across the globe

Open Dialog

We use our freedom of speech Though leaders Critics Activists Political pundits Commentators The opposite-

editors page (op/ed)

Open Government

Open access to government information

Citizens access government officials Free elections Public participation Civil disobedience Petitions Referenda

Open Competition

Minimal regulation of market competition

Good corporate citizens are self-regulating Innovation Productivity Market share Investment capital Talent

Open Markets

Open access to enter or exit the marketplace

Global supply chains

Global and Transnational corporations

Global finance and foreign investment

Open Science

You are free to undertake any legal exploration you can finance Multiple dimensions ‘God’ particles Crypto zoology Astro (exo)biology Noetic science

Open Innovation

Create transformative, platform, game-changing technologies Bio-mimicry Nanotechnology Synthetic biology Quantum computing Complex adaptive

systems Alternative energy Asteroid mining

Open ‘Crowd’ Source Financing

Crowd sourcing for small business, artists, producers, writers…

Access the public for financing of private and public initiatives

To do anything you can imagine!

Open Imagination

Now the imagination has been opened

May it never close! There are

boundaries, but we don’t yet know where they are, how secure they are, how they can be changed…

Spirit of Openness

There is a spirit of openness… Discovery of unknown

potential Reinventing ourselves

and our humanity Emergence of new

layers of meaning Liberation of creative

energy Freedom of expression

Hope! Joy! Enthusiasm!

The Open Civilization Let’s keep it open. It’s ours to imagine. We can make anything

happen. Let’s find the edges.
