MH 370 the story untold


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UNTOLDMade By : Jenith Patel

STARTING OF THE STORY• Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370/MAS370) was a

scheduled international passenger flight that disappeared on Saturday, 8 March 2014, while flying from Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Malaysia, to Beijing Capital International Airport, China.

• Flight 370 last made voice contact with air traffic control at 01:19 MYT (17:19 UTC, 7 March) when it was over the South China Sea, less than an hour after takeoff, and the aircraft disappeared from air traffic controllers' radar screens at 01:21 MYT (17:21 UTC).


• Malaysian military radar continued to track Flight 370 as it deviated from its planned flight path and crossed the Malay Peninsula; Flight 370 left the range of Malaysian military radar at 02:15 MYT while over the Andaman Sea, 200 nautical miles (370 km; 230 mi) northwest of Penang in northwestern Malaysia.

•  Neither the crew nor the aircraft's communication systems relayed a distress signal, indications of bad weather, or technical problems before the aircraft vanished. The aircraft, a Boeing 777-200ER, was carrying 12 Malaysian crew members and 227 passengers from 15 nations.

INTRODUCTION• Various unofficial theories have been proposed to explain

the cause of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 (MH370) in March 2014. The disappearance remains unexplained and is under investigation. Many critics and experts have questioned several aspects of the Malaysian government's statements.

As long as the flight remains under investigation, alternative theories of varying credibility are expected. Although Najib Razak,Malaysia's Prime Minister, has stated publicly that the aircraft's flight ended somewhere in the Indian Ocean, no explanation for why this occurred has yet emerged.In light of this, many explanations for its disappearance have been proposed.Some of these alternative theories have been described as conspiracy theories.

Internet sites like claim that the official statement that the plane crashed into the Indian Ocean makes no sense.[9] They note that a Boeing 777 does not have the structural integrity to survive crashing into the ocean, and that it would be like hitting a cement wall at terminal velocity. If Flight 370 hit the ocean, they say, it would have been broken into tens of thousands of pieces, many of which float on water (such as the seat cushions) and would be witnessed washing up on regional shores or easily spotted by search teams

HIJACKING• The possibility of a simple hijacking has been brought up

by various news outlets, including ABC News and the Los Angeles Times. Speculation has mounted about the possibility that hijackers took the plane to a remote island, although no group has stepped forward to confirm that it was them; however, unofficial researchers have identified more than 600 possible runways at which the plane was capable of landing. No confirmation has been received from Malaysian officials.


• Shortly after the aircraft disappeared, some news agencies reported that it may have been an act of terrorism,[20] possibly a Jihad attack.[21][22][23][24]

 Between 9 and 14 March 2014, media mogul Rupert Murdoch tweeted that Flight 370's disappearance "confirms jihadists turning to make trouble for China [sic]." He later suggested the flight might have been hidden in northern Pakistan, "like Bin Laden". These remarks have not been confirmed, and were characterized as conspiracy theories by Shiv Malik in The Guardian.[25]The following month, the Russian newspaper Moskovskij Komsomolets endorsed a similar theory, claiming that "unknown terrorists" had hijacked the plane, flown it toAfghanistan, and then held the crew and passengers hostage

CONTD……A story circulated on Reddit that MH370 had sufficient

fuel to be hijacked to North Korea as was done in 1969 with Korean Air Lines YS-11

Giving a new twist to the MH370 missing story, a former French airline boss has claimed that the Malaysia Airlines flight was shot down by the US military near a U.S. military base on the remote island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.


• Some have speculated that the passengers are still alive but cannot answer their cellphones—sometimes known as the "phantom cellphone theory". This was based on early reports that family members of Flight 370 passengers heard the passengers' phones ring after the plane disappeared.[38] This, however, has been rejected by Jeff Kagan, a wireless analyst, who in an email to NBC News explained that the network may still produce "ringbacks" as it searches for a connection, even if the cellphone has been destroyed.

CONTD….• Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah had made no commitments

for culture events, family or friend meetings or other private or work commitments whatsoever, for the time after the plane disappearance. All other crew members had such plans. The Mirror reported that the captain had trained landing on an Indian Ocean island with short runway, using a flight simulator in his home computer.[41]

 This was disproved by the final report about the analysis of this flight simulator made by FBI, which qualified The Mirror article of being "unsubstantiated and unsourced


• A book Goodnight Malaysian 370 was published by New Zealanders Geoff Taylor and Ewan Wilson blaming a deliberate act of the pilot for the aircraft disappearance but admitted they were not able to "provide any conclusive evidence to support his theory" nor any motive


• On 17 July 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot down over Ukraine. Because it, like Flight 370, was also a Boeing 777, some conspiracy theorists have suggested that the plane that crashed in Ukraine was actually Flight 370. This is based in part on photographs of the crash scene, which conspiracy theorists claim show that the plane that crashed in Ukraine had structural differences from MH17. Experts have dismissed this theory and argued that it is merely coincidental that both planes involved belonged to the same airline

When AirAsia Flight 8501 disappeared on December 28, 2014, various similarities with MH370 were noted, including that both airlines were Malaysian-owned, and that both planes lost contact with air traffic control. There was also a reported conspiracy theory involving an alleged prediction on December 15, 2014 (and possibly repeated on December 16 and 17), by a user nicknamed 'Landlord' of the Chinese website Tianya Club, warning Chinese people to stay away from AirAsia as it would be attacked, as MH370 and MH17 allegedly had been (according to Landlord), as part of a conspiracy by a "black hand" or "despicable international bully" to harm Malaysian-owned airlines. Other online posters suggested that Landlord was either a Chinese intelligence official or a hacker who had come across secret information. Some skeptics suggested Landlord's posts or posting dates may have been retrospectively changed to create the false or exagerated impression of a successful prediction
