Media convergence magazines




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Media Convergence

“The twenty-first century is when everything changes…”


The occurrence of two or more things coming together.

The exam board requires that you be familiar with… Issues raised by media ownership in contemporary

media practice; The importance of cross-media convergence and

synergy, in production, distribution and marketing; The importance of technological convergence for

institutions and audiences;

Cross-media convergence Refers to two distinct concepts

Convergence of text and narrative across multiple media platforms to create Intermedial texts.

Convergence of industries. Businesses that once concentrated on only one media platform now concentrate on several.

Cross-media convergenceIntermedial texts

Cross-media convergenceMultiple media platforms

Cross-media convergenceIndustrial convergence Through merger and acquisition

Cross-media convergenceIndustrial convergence Through merger and acquisition

Cross-media convergenceIndustrial convergence Through diversification

Cross-media convergenceIndustrial convergence Through diversification

Synergy Where different entities cooperate

advantageously for a final outcome. The cooperative action of two or more

activities, resulting in a different or greater outcome than that of the individual activities.

Synergies between institutions are a long-established pattern in the media.

Now, thanks to convergence, synergy within institutions is also commonplace.


The integration of products or institutions for mutual benefit. Can be external or internal

Disney DVD Bethesda Softworks Disney records

Technological convergence

Once there were only Newspapers. Advertising Wax cylinders (then records, then CDs, then MP3s) Magazines Radio Cinema Television Videogames The Internet EACH CONSUMED ON A SEPARATE DEVICE.

Convergence and Synergy

Over Christmas, you were asked to choose a magazine that interests you and... Identify the core audience as defined by the publisher (look for

pages on the corporate publisher website for ‘advertise with us’ for details.)

Study the magazine and identify the ways in which the publisher attempts to meet its audience’s needs and expectations (through advertising, editorial content, design, language style etc.)

Extend this study to the magazine’s online presence. How does the magazine’s website ‘partner’ the printed magazine? What additional features are available online – for example additional articles, video clips etc? How is it funded?

Convergence and Synergy

For Friday’s lesson, review your notes. Identify examples of Cross-media convergence Synergy

Print off at least one example of each and bring them to class for ‘show and tell’.

You will be grouped by publisher, so make sure your research is secure!