Lecture 5 viet nam


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  • 1. VIET NAM people, poison, power

2. why are AMERICANS compensated for war injuries, but not VIET NAMESE 3. Overview of WAR 1 4. CHEMICAL warfare 2 5. Law as VIOLENCE 3 6. What Viet Nam MEANS TO ME 7. What Viet Nam MEANS TO MANY 8. The American War 1 9. 1956 SETTLEMENT 10. why did they go? DOMINOES AND PATRONS 11. 1921Marseilles Ho Chi Minh 12. Vo Nguyen GIAP 13. Ngo Dinh Diem The South: French Catholic Diem, Buddhist majority, ARVN, US 14. LAW 10-59 15. Resistance 16. Escalation 1965-1972 17. asymmetrical war? 18. caught in the middle 19. Strategic Hamlets 20. The only thing they told us about the Viet Cong was they were gooks. They were to be killed. Nobody sits around and gives you their historical and cultural background. They're the enemy That's what we got in practice... Vietnam veteran on basic training. 21. HCM Trail 22. Punji sticks, prostitution and corruption 23. MORALE locally and at home 24. Tunnels 25. Phu Bang, NVA officer 26. Viet Namization 27. Le Duc Tho 28. unbearable GRIEF 29. peace and reconciliation? 30. Chemical warfare 2 31. Agent Orange 32. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E v2dEqrN4i0 33. 1962 - 1971 34. defoliate forested & rural land, cover denial aerial operation S. Viet Nam force urbanization for free fire zones contaminate and/or destroy food chain for VC dioxin pesticide from Monsanto and Dow Chemical example of eco-war as legitimate 35. 2 million 20 million 500,000Gallons of Agent Orange sprayed Kilos of pure dioxin dropped 4.8 million Cancers or other illnesses victims Years of exposure to Agent Orange 400,000 children born with defects in AO areas Number of Vietnamese exposed Number killed or maimed 366 10 1 millionth of 1 gram/kilo To cause birth defects and reproductive failure 36. I get headaches so strong that it brings tears to my eyes, and sometimes I just cry and can't do anything else Ha Van Mang, 65 37. Da Nang AFB 38. Thai Binh province VETERANS disabled children and grandchildren BORN TO 39. C10,000 disabled/mutagenic children born to veterans in Thai Binh province 40. Years for mangroves to recover merchantable timber lost (SVN) non-merchantable timber destroyed e.g. mangrove swamps percentage of inland forest canopy destroyed10 100 Brown 2011: 4-5 3 8.5 millionm 5,500,000- 11,150,000 3 m 41. 7 companies paid U.S. veterans 1984 42. $180 million 43. perception of law as just and equally accessible 44. but nothing for VIET NAMESE 45. case CLOSED 46. US Supreme Court rules in favour of further challenges 2003 47. Canadians & S. Koreans awarded compensation 2006 48. H.R. 2519 Victims of Agent Orange Relief Act 2013 49. civil compensation (domestic) violation of laws of war (international) vs 50. The government has already paid 20 to 25 billion dollars to the people who did the spraying How can you then deny compensation to those who were sprayed? Jonathan Moore, lawyer representing the Vietnamese plaintiffs. 51. conclusion 52. Law protecting state and corporate interests? 53. Power dictates justice