El ultimo de my ancestors




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I am going to write about my grandmother who came from Poland to Argentina and about my grandfather

Rudolf, he was from Croatia and he came to Argentina too

My grandmother's name was

Julia Samusiwicz. She was 78

years-old when she died. She had one brother and two sisters , she was from


She lived in a town called Cracovia but at the age of six

she moved to "Pinsk Baranovicha"

When she was 13 years- old the German army led her to work

for them and she never saw her family again

With the time she was forced to leave her homeland on a ship of the Red Cross and she came to Argentina in 1948 after the second world war

In that ship she met the

person that was going to be her

husband, Rudolf . He was 46 years-old and

he had two sisters and one brother

My grandfather lived in a town call Osikej, he was from Croatia and he

was forced to leave his hometown as my

grandmother did

After all they had suffered they arrived in Argentina

and they married, but the begginings in Argentina

weren´t easy my grandfather worked as an engineer and my

grandmother couldn´t work because she was pregnant

Their children are Lidia, Alicia, Viviana and Maria Rosa, who is my mother, four daughters and one son, Carlos. This is Rudolf and Julia’s family