YOUNG GLORY - 3th part. Creative part of the new type of game



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This is fucking awesome. Game.

So HI, Akira! Hope you enjoy my work! If you have some question – it’s always welcome. At the end of presentation my mail.

you me

Thx 4 Fallout NV, but not for Fallout 3!

Target Audience

• The Main part is past-hardcore gamers,

who doesn’t have much time to get good skills and stuff.

• The Second part is mobile gamers who tired of old systems of lvl upping theirs characters, they want to play cool RPG and have a PVP.

Description A Type of game is MMORPG. Like Ultima Online. But the main different is in a system of growing skills and getting a resources. Growing of skill going by common actions in real or internet life. You can add a jawbone or fuelband to more actions. For example there are some things after achieve them you should get some rewards like: •Download 1 GB traffic – 1000 gold •Walk 1 km – 1000 logs •Swim 1 km – 100 bars of gold •Text 10 sms – 100 bars of iron •Talk 10 minutes - +0,1% of magic •Type 1000 buttons - +0,1% swordsmanship •Post in FB - +0,1% fencing •Invite friend - +1 scroll of magic And more fun actions. Solve – Problem when gamers don’t have time to level up their characters. Opportunity – Ultima Online is the first MMORPG. It’s a great game with history, this title give us a big buzz in gamers community. Life style – Game can become a part of live and help people do more common things with pleasure because they achieve some stuff for that.


But with an in app purchase. We must connect as much gamers as we can. Become a part of their lifes.



Mobile ofc it’s a mostly growing category. Penetration of smartphones is amazing. It’s always with you and you can play forever.

best ad’s is no ad’s

Let’s do people all work by PR a game. Let them use a power of the WOM. From the beginning 10.000 most actionable gamers take a personal face of character.

Go live, go play