Things To Consider When Choosing A Safe Perfume During Pregnancy



If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, you will surely want to make wise and careful choices about diet, exercise and personal care products. It may not have occurred to you that perfume might have a negative impact on your health during pregnancy.

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If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, you will surely want to make wise and careful choices about diet, exercise and personal care products. It may not have occurred to you that perfume might have a negative impact on your health during pregnancy.

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During pregnancy a woman's sense of smell becomes sharper. For this reason many women cannot tolerate wearing perfume during pregnancy. Both good and bad smells take on deeper tones and may overwhelm a pregnant woman.

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Many women report having headaches caused by their favorite scent. When you are pregnant, it's smart to listen to your body. If something strikes you as being unpleasant, there is probably a reason for that response. You should heed it.

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Many studies have found that the artificial ingredients used in commercial perfumes and colognes can cause birth defects. This is especially true for male fetuses. For this reason, most obstetricians advise their patients to eliminate it entirely during the first trimester of pregnancy. More info on:

After the first trimester, most women report preferring lighter more flower scents or citrus scents during the second trimester of pregnancy. It seems that more clean and natural smells are better received than heavier, musky scents. More info on:

If this is the case for you, it may be a good idea to explore the world of aromatherapy. There are a number of light, pleasant essential oils that can be worn as scent or enjoyed in the bath or with a vaporizer.

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While you are pregnant you will probably also want to use a good moisturizing lotion or oil to help prevent stretch marks. You can use this type of moisturizer throughout your pregnancy without harming the fetus as long as it consists of benign, natural ingredients.

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For the most part, perfumes are safe for pregnant women; however, it's always smart to be cautious about what you eat, what you do and the products you choose. This is especially true between the eighth and twelfth week of pregnancy.

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If you must use a perfume during this time, try scenting your clothing before putting it on rather than spraying your perfume directly on your skin. By listening to your body, exercising caution and avoiding potentially hazardous ingredients, you can safely continue to enjoy perfume during your pregnancy.

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